WP Themes -Blog Website -Product Catalog Website Template

Canva Templates

You came to the right place

Timeless and elegant suites
Delightful dining

Size: 1366 x 768 px

8 pages

FREE GIFT:  5 Templates as You Choose

What's included:
-Digital file type(s):  Zip file (8 pages) as a PDF
-Digital file type(s):  Zip file (8 pages) PNG
-1 Video MP4 (8 pages)
--SVG: Best for web design and animation

WHAT CAN YOU EDIT? Everything!
- Text (content, size, color)
- Photos
- Background color
- Add more or delete existing pages

1. Purchase the list of templates.
2. Once payment is confirmed, Send us your email in a message we will send you your downloaded PDF document with a link to your editable Canva templates, access your digital file(s), and click Download Files, and also via eBay message inbox.
3. Create a FREE Canva account (or log in to an existing account).
4. Customize each template to your needs or Mix and match the ones you want to use.
5. Download in PDF format for easy digital sharing and printing.

*The photos you see in the product Pro images are for illustration purposes and use. 
You can find thousands of FREE stock photos in Canva directly to drag and drop into the template*.