Six Figure ---  In this bold, irreverent, hilarious how-to guide, bestselling Kickstarter campaign manager Derek Miller takes his millions of dollars of Super Crowdfunding experience and delivers everything you need to know about being a modern entrepreneur in today’s global marketplace. In other words, this is not a cheesecake cookbook. Embrace community and learn how to maximize your MESSAGE, MECHANICS, and MARKETING so you can successfully: Get people to give a damn about you and your crazy idea so you can stand out from the noise.
Accompanied by laugh-out-loud illustrations by cartoonist Joy Ho, enjoy an exhaustive look into what it takes to manage and execute a successful six-figure crowdfunding campaign with over $30 million worth of collective advice and pro-tips from the world class asskickers who brought you:
Dude Bro Party Massacre 3 ($241,071)
Augie and the Green Knight ($384,410)
OrganATTACK! ($526,274)
The Cyanide & Happiness Show ($770,309)
Bunch of Balloons ($929,160)
Superbook ($2,952,508)
Joking Hazard ($3,246,588)
G-RO ($3,307,773)
Pillars of Eternity ($3,986,929)
Bones I-IV ($12,380,214)
DEREK MILLER is a crowdfunding consultant who helps craft rewards-based strategies for early-stage startup companies focused on raising capital without sacrificing equity. Since 2013, Derek has raised over $4.7 million through three Cyanide & Happiness Kickstarter campaigns, each of which launched a new, self-sustaining company. He’s been featured in Variety, PBS Rewire, USA Today’s Moonlighting, and has appeared on Crowdfunding Demystified, Crowdfunding Uncut, and Side Hustle School. Currently, Derek serves as the Business Manager at Explosm while mentoring students at the University of Texas at Dallas

Selling Comics ---  The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and Dark Horse Comics announce SELLING COMICS, a practical guide to the nuts and bolts of modern comics retailing.

Edited by CBLDF Deputy Director Alex Cox (previously an award-winning comic shop owner himself), SELLING COMICS is a compilation of essays and “best practices” from some of the sharpest minds in the industry, covering topics as wide-ranging as general store layout, building your brand, and diversifying your product lines. SELLING COMICS will also include several chapters directly pertinent to the CBLDF’s mission, covering topics such as how handle a negative media attack and understanding your rights as a small business owner.

With a forward by beloved industry stalwart Bob Wayne (former SVP of Sales & Marketing, DC Comics), SELLING COMICS is intended to serve as a valuable field guide for new and veteran stores alike. All contributions are from current or former Comic Shop employees or owners, covering the spectrum of the current retail landscape.

Editor Alex Cox, speaking on the project, had this to say, “Since the beginning of the CBLDF, working with, and for, local comic shops has been an ongoing priority. Comic Shops are the frontline of the art form and often a customer’s first experience with comics. They are one of the most valuable resources we have as an industry, and helping facilitate a way for shops to learn from each other has been a tremendous privilege.”

I've been collecting comics DVDs and books for over 30 years

and it's time to clean out my attic!




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Original Cover Price $34.98