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NOTE: Waiting for additional auctions to finish so that you can take advantage of the discounts is perfectly fine. Just let me know so I don't ship out your books before the last auction ends.

This is in great shape, probably FN+.
  • The Awakening TPB 1st printing. By Neal Shaffer and Luca Genovese. Francesca, the only child of an affluent family, is excited to be attending a prestigious boarding school. Unfortunately, shortly after her arrival, she finds one of her classmates brutally murdered, the trauma leaving her mute. Even worse, Francesca begins to have visions of which girl will be slain next but is unable to tell anyone. Is this a new horror or is it something much more, going to the core of the school itself? Softcover, 6-in. x 8-in., B&W. Cover price $9.95.

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