• "Xochi Speaks" is a bold introduction to the benefits and hazards of psychoactive substances of both plant and synthetic origin. The 24- x 36-inch full color poster by LordNose! depicts Xochipilli, Aztec prince of flowers, seated in eternal "stoned" bliss, his gaze directed upwards towards internally generated wondrous images. LordNose! provides us with a glimpse of the revealed mysteries -- Xochipilli here looks upon his "flowers," an arc or rainbow of multicolored molecules. The message, that chemistry matters, seems clear. The artist, not intimidated by chemistry, represents the molecules that supply these visions with three-dimensional clarity. In fact, the molecules (appropriately) have more substance and corporeality than the god, who appears from afar to be made of stone but on closer inspection is disintegrating into pixels of cyberspace, suggestive of the "surreality" and evanescence of psychic experience. Xochipilli, the Aztec god intent upon the molecules, attests vis ually to the sacred nature of ritual uses of psychoactive substances in traditional societies. These molecules are to be treated with great reverence and respect and are not to be taken lightly.