Per acquisti multipli, la spedizione sarà unica e il suo costo dipenderà dal peso complessivo del pacco.

Gentilmente, una volta fatti gli acquisti, richiedete la fattura per la spedizione combinata!

International Shipping Methods

PostaPriority Internazionale: cheap postage service, indeed parcel tracking is not guaranted till the final destination by Poste Italiane

Raccomandata Internazionale: parcel tracking is guaranted till the final destination by Poste Italiane


Combined Shipment Allowed!

For multiple purchases, shipping will be unique and its cost will depend on the overall weight of the package. Kindly ask me for the combined shipment invoice!



For shipments to a country not part of the European Community, any customs taxes and extra taxes will be calculated and applied by the customs authorities; these costs will be borne by the buyer