I THINK WE ALL KNOW THE STORY; ABC Producer visits comedy venue, gets a bit pissed, decides to give a bunch of Melbourne Uni students their own series. Now for the first time on DVD, here are a few of the more watchable moments of the program that led to The Late Show, Fast Forward, Frontline and more. It's all here - Thunderbirds Pizza, Dag City, The New Christ is Right, The Kerrigan Bros, The Tense Family, Tommy Cravat Jr, The Dubbo Olympics, Hijack Bloopers, Fart-Whistles, Soako Pants, Yellow Thing with Hinges and Degenocide, the re-voicing of Homicide that briefly brought kak-brown suits back into fashion. Thrill to the shonky production values, gasp at the eighty's fashions and most of all marvels at how young everyone looks. Also included: The Bottom Drawer, an extra 30 minutes of offcuts, leftovers and previously unshelled matter from the bottom of the D Generation barrel.