You will receive 12 baby sun rose cuttings for propagation.

"The Baby Sun Rose is a low-growing ground cover succulent that forms a dense mat with many branching stems emerging from a woody base. It maintains its shape even in areas deficient in nutrients or subjected to drought conditions, making it an excellent choice for landscape design...The succulent leaves are fleshy, bright green, and heart-shaped, measuring up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) in length. This characteristic foliage adds to its visual appeal and versatility in various spaces, regardless of the season or location they are planted in...

The flowers, typically pink to purple, create a lively spectacle during the sunniest hours of the day. Blooming in the leaf axils, they attract bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators with their vibrant colors. The sight of these blossoms can brighten up any corner of your garden."

Excerpt from

After unpacking, you can put those cuttings in the soil or water and waiting for about 14 days for the root to come out.

Thank you.