Loss Date: Circa: AD 902 [Possible] * Battle of Holme - see below:

Size: length: 81 mm: width: base.26 mm, tip. 17 mm: thickness: 24 mm: weight: 186.23 grams:

The whetstone sometimes referred to as a honestone, has been object known within the British Isles for millennium and they were used for sharpening metal blades where, a cutting edge needed to be maintained and managed during regular use:

Most early Medieval English whetstones were seen in a hard schist material known as Norwegian Ragstone: What is of particular interest is where I found this example: The stone was recovered 2 miles south-west of the village of Holme: A significant and large battle was fought between the Anglo-Saxons and Danish Vikings [under Danelaw], and it is possible that this whetstone may be a remnant of this battle: 

Battle of Holme:

This battle took place in East Anglia on 13th December AD 902 between the Anglo-Saxon men of Wessex and Kent and the East Anglian Danes under Danelaw: It is thought that the battle took place around the modern day villages of Holme and Yaxley however the exact battle site is unknown … [to almost know body]!

"Following the death of Alfred the Great in AD 899, his son Edward the Elder became king, but his cousin Æthelwold, son of Alfred's elder brother, King Æthelwold claimed the throne. His bid was unsuccessful, and he fled to the Northumbrian Danes, who, according to one version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, accepted him as king. In 902 Æthelwold came with a fleet to Essex and the following year he persuaded the East Anglian Danes to attack Mercia and north Wessex. Edward retaliated by ravaging East Anglia and the Danish army was forced to return to defend its own territory. Edward then retreated, but the men of Kent disobeyed the order to retire, and they met the Danes at the battle of the Holme.

The course of the battle is unknown, but the Danes appear to have won as according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle they "kept the place of slaughter".However, they suffered heavy losses including Æthelwold, Eohric, probably the Danish king of East Anglia, Brihtsige, son of the aetheling Beornoth, and two holds, Ysopa and Oscetel. The battle thus ended Æthelwolds Revolt. Kentish losses included Sigehelm, father of Edward the Elder's third wife, Eadgifu of Kent. The West Saxon chronicler who gave the fullest account of the battle was at pains to explain why Edward and the rest of the English were not present, as if this had been a subject of criticism".

Reference material and further reading: 

Where possible ancient artifacts may be referenced to similar material observed in the following publications within my collection:

Where possible finger rings may be referenced to similar material observed in the following publications within my collection:

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