Note: Many of my clients are scholars and researchers seeking specific information related to their field of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Historical Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Our Wild Indians Richard Irving Dodge Illustrated Steel Engravings Color Plates Native American Indian War Cavalry Old West Frontier Pioneer Western Plains Red Men Savages Great West Indian Language Religion Rites Tribes Tribal Courtship Cooking Art Hand Crafts Dancing Sports Battles Raids Massacres General Custer Chippewa Great Lakes Seminole Florida Kiowa Comanche Texas Cheyenne Arapaho Sioux Navajo Pueblo Ute Apache New Mexico Digger Pacific Coast Mississippi River Treaty Sitting Bull Chief Ouray Modoc Jack General Canby Medicine Man Fetish Arrows Knife Tomahawk Medicine Dance Torture Sun Dance of the Sioux Agony Self-Mutilation Burial of the Dead Warriors Indian Women Funeral Pyre Afterlife Heaven Happy Hunting Grounds Indian Attacks Children Squaw Beads Feathers Names Titles Totem White Eagle Lone Wolf Yellow Bear Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses General Crook Teepee Camp Scalps Scalping Saddles Bridles Horsehair Buffalo Hunt Dressing Skins Barter System Blankets Destruction of Bison Pawnee Rock Big Coon Creek Clothing Dress Hair Dressing Gambling Drinking Alcohol Fire Water Whiskey Indian Music Masquerade Oral History Pictographs Spinning Weaving Tailoring Hieroglyphics Bow and Arrow Guns War Club Scalping Knife Firearms Signal Fires Smoke Signals Indian Oath Indian Warfare Fighting Railroad Army Life Plains Black Kettle Battle of White Stone Hill Phil Kearney Massacre Red Cloud Fort Phil Kearney Major Powell Neetmok Piney Island Breech-Loader Trapping Trapper Winter on the Plains Doherty's Description Starvation Cold Scalping Superstition Mutilation Indian Captives Prisoners Torture by Fire Slavery Female Captives Cruelty Flaying Dissection Vivisection Hunting Game Domestic Animals Horse Kansas Raid Cherokee Pony Munck’s Cavalry Trading Posts Horse Thieves Black Hills War Cowboys Border Ruffians Desperado Frontier Scouts Guides Plainscraft Boots Hill War Bonnet Tobacco Pouch Utes Meeker family Shoshone or Snake Indians Summit Springs Colorado Salina River Kansas Sioux Peace Pipe Sioux War Shirt Apache Caps Moccasins Sioux Flageolet Cheyenne Flute Rattle Tonkaway Indian Amos Chapman

When I offered this title at auction on eBay in November 2016, it sold for $1125.00 (see eBay No. 152312151265).

OUR WILD INDIANS: Thirty-Three Years’ Personal Experience Among the Red Men of the Great West. A Popular Account of Their Social Life, Religion, Habits, Traits, Customs, Exploits, Etc., With Thrilling Adventures and Experiences On the Great Plains and in the Mountains of Our Wide Frontier. By Colonel Richard Irving Dodge, United States Army, Aid-De-Camp to General Sherman. With An Introduction by General Sherman. Fully Illustrated with Portraits On Steel, Full Page Engravings on wood, and Fine Chromo-Lithograph Plates. Published in 1883 by A.D. Worthington And Company, Hartford, Connecticut. 9” x 6” cloth hardcover. 653 pages.

Condition: 1883 - COLOR PLATES - RARE - FAIR ANTIQUE CONDITION. Exterior as shown in photo. Has older professional spine repair (rebacked), with original cloth laid over. Deaccessioned from the private collection of the Arizona Pioneers Historical Society (see stamp). Firm binding. Text is clean and complete. All six chromolithographic plates present and in good condition. Worthwhile example of this rare 141-year-old American Indian Wars title.

If you like this antique book and its chromolithographic color plates, don't miss the other rare Indian Wars title I am auctioning this week, MY LIFE AND EXPERIENCES AMONG OUR HOSTILE INDIANS (1907). See it at eBay No. 355684003745!


Colonel Richard Irving Dodge, was a career U.S. Army Officer who served many years in the Western Plains and participated in a number of the conflicts with America’s indigenous “wild Indians.” OUR WILD INDIANS Thirty Three Years Experience Among The Red Men Of The Great West is an acclaimed primary source about U.S. Army operations of the time and the lives of Native American warriors of the Plains.

In OUR WILD INDIANS, Dodge explores all facets of the Indian’s daily life as he witnessed it and as it was personally explained to him by Indians he knew. His objective was to write “a minute and careful study of the social or inner life of the wild Indian of the present day.” He states in the Introduction:

The greater part of the past thirty-four years of my life has been spent on the frontier in more or less direct contact with Indians … For many years past I have been most fortunately situated for such study, having been stationed directly among the wild tribes, whose characteristics have always been of most interest to me. Whenever I have found that my ideas differed from those of " an authority," I have taken the case directly to the Indians themselves. My position as commanding officer — "Big Chief" — enabled me always to get a hearing and an answer on any subject; and my well-known friendship for the race caused the Indians to give me more frank confidence than a white man usually obtains. I have thus been enabled to get at facts; to correct the errors of my previous desultory writings, as well as errors of accepted Indian "authorities.”

Using his personal experiences and encounters with Indians, he creates a colorful portrait of Indian life on the Plains, everything from the Indians’ religion, rites and tribal government to courtship, cooking, art and hand-crafts, dancing, amusements and sports. However, as an Army officer, Dodge also witnessed the Indian at war. He furnishes firsthand knowledge of battles, raids and massacres. He describes in stark, unflinching detail the terrible fate of male captives taken by Indians, the agonizing tortures they were subjected to, the Indians’ brisk trade in white female captives and the special delight Indian women took in inflicting painful deaths on prisoners, even children.

And yet, Dodge is not judgmental. He proceeds with the understanding that this is the Indian’s way of life and that Indians should not be held accountable to “civilized” laws or standards. In fact, Dodge was a very liberal thinker for his times. In other parts of the book he deplores the American treaty system of dealing with the Indians and condemns the Indian agents appointed by the government to liaison with the tribes – so forcefully that Dodge’s commanding officer, General William Tecumseh Sherman, felt it necessary to distance himself from Dodge’s views on these matters in his Preface to the book.

Those differences notwithstanding, Sherman praises the scope, detail and accuracy of Dodge’s book in the same Preface:

Dear Colonel, — I have now completed the first reading of the proof-sheets of your forthcoming book on " Our Wild Indians," and congratulate you upon having accomplished a work of such general interest so well and so handsomely.

The Indian of America has been for centuries the subject of study and of romance; alternately treated as an unmitigated savage, or as the dashing, bold hero fighting for his native land and his inherited privileges. Yours is the first attempt of which I have knowledge, to treat him as he exists in fact, — the creature of ancient habits, of manners and customs imposed on him by former ages, modified by recent and modern changes, — and I am sure that your work will be of inestimable value to the army, and to members of Congress, who alone can legislate so as to save what is valuable in his character, and provide against the everlasting conflict necessarily incident to his clinging to old prejudices and habits in the midst of a race so dissimilar as ours.

You have had the experience of a third of a century in absolute contact with the various tribes of the Indians from the British line to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, living with them, in peace and in war; and therefore your book is the record of your own personal observations, with dates, facts and figures, which constitute the very best testimony possible on the subject-matter treated of.

I and nearly every Army officer, with less personal experience, can verify much that you describe, and in reading your chapters I have been struck by the various skill with which you have grouped the various branches of the subject discussed, making plain and logical deductions from the scattered observations of many army officers, who have had similar experience; I notice with great satisfaction that you draw the broad distinction between tribes like the Chippewas of the lakes; the Seminoles of Florida; the Kiowas, Comanches, etc., of Texas; the Cheyennes, Arapahoes and Sioux of the Plains; the Utes and Apaches of the Mountains; the Navahoes and Pueblos of New Mexico; the Diggers and fish-eating tribes of the Pacific Coast. There is as wide a difference in these types of the same race as between the Swedes, French, Spanish and Italian peoples …

The subject-matter of your volume has dramatic interest to a large class of the American people, is fair and just in its reasoning, and liberal in its tone; and I therefore take great pleasure in recommending it to the military student and to the general reading public, as by far the best description extant of the habits, manners, customs, usages and ceremonies, etc., of the American Indian as he now is.

You are hereby authorized to use my name as authority for its publication and circulation; and I invite all persons interested in the subject of the North American Indian to read this book carefully, to the end that public opinion may aid the national authorities to deal justly and liberally with the remnants of that race which preceded us on this continent.

This book features a number of handsome illustrations ranging from full-page wood and steel engravings to color chromo-lithograph plates specially prepared by the Smithsonian Institution. Regarding the color plates, the Publishers note:

These chromo-lithograph plates are extremely accurate in drawing and coloring, no expense or pains having been spared to distinguish them in these respects for their fidelity to the objects they represent, Each group was first photographed to the proper size, thus insuring fullness of detail and perfect accuracy, and at the same time preserving the relative size of one object to another. The original objects and the photographs were then placed in the hands of a skilful artist who exercised the most painstaking care in painting the photograph of each article directly from the object itself. These painted photographs were then transferred to stone, from which the plates herewith presented were printed. Each plate requires no less than fifteen printings to produce the various colors and tints absolutely necessary to a faithful representation of the objects shown, thus requiring ninety engraved stones to produce these six plates.
In order to give you the most accurate description of this very important 122-year-old volume, I have provided some helpful details below. First, a very detailed summary of the book’s contents, followed by a summary of the book’s many illustrations. Further down this page, you can even see some of these historic images for yourself.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to have a look.


Chapter One ~ My Early Life – First Experiences With Indians – Adventures Among the Comanches: My Early Home * First Sight of Warriors * A Thrill of Horror Recalled * Sudden Transformation of My Views * A Beardless Lieutenant * The Texan Frontier * Nights with the Comanches * Their Cunning and Treachery * The Sleepless Foe * A Fatal Stumble * On a Cavalry Scout * Adventurous Pursuit * Surprising an Indian Camp * Invited to be the Guest of an Indian Chief * Warned of Danger * Outbreak of Hostilities * Young Warriors with " Bad Hearts " * The Bandera Pass * An Exciting Adventure * Separated from My Command * Making the Best of It * Ruined Ammunition * On the Edge of Peril * Reconnoitoring the Indian Camp * My Flight and Pursuit * The Race for Life * My Escape * Rejoining My Command * Thirty Years of Indian Warfare

Chapter Two ~ Beyond the Mississippi - The Language, Numbers, Habits, Etc. of the Indians of the Great West: Origin of the American Indians * The Defect of Writers on the Indians * Wonderful Diversity of the Indian Language * Curious Facts and • Tendencies * The Effect of War * Stupendous Vanity * Invention of Dialects * The Passion for War * The Crafty and Bloodthirsty Apaches * The Cheyennes and Arrapahoes * A Marvellous Alliance * The Sign Language * Estimates of Population * Superstitious Dread of being Counted * Indian Extermination * Nomadic Proclivities * The Winter Encampment * Home Attachments * Love for an Old Encampment * Cherished Memories * "Home Sickness" * Mental Peculiarities * Acute Perceptions * Hi-Directed Efforts * Indian Schools * Indian Orators * How they Rehearse their Speeches * Swaying a Savage Audience.

Chapter Three ~ Wild Life On the Plains – Indian Character, Traits and Peculiarities: The Country of the "Plains Indians" * The Dream of an Enthusiast * The Indian as he is * His Conduct in the Presence of Strangers * Clothes Only for Show * His Conduct in his Own Camp * A Rollicking Miscreant * Night Scenes in an Indian Camp * The Disgrace of being Surprised * A Pair of Climbing Boots * The Hero of the Telegraph Pole * Neetmok strategy * How a Lady Excited Surprise and Admiration * A Comical Incident * The Story of a Wooden Leg * Carrying a Joke too Far * A Summary Ejectment * Endurance of Pain * Patience, an Indian Virtue * Blowing his Own Trumpet * Extravagant SelfPraise * An Indian's Idea of Modesty * Honor among Thieves * Kicked Out of Camp * Early Lessons in Stealing * Apt Pupils * A Flagrant Case * A Fair Field and No Favor * Differences of Opinion

Chapter Four ~ Indian Chiefs and Rulers – Tribal Government – How Place and Power Are Won: Powers of the Head Chief * The Avengers of Blood * The Death Penalty * Deadly Hostility * Sitting Bull's Indomitable Band * Ouray's Lost Prestige * Little Robe and Little Raven * Two Tribes that are Firm Friends * Disobeying Spotted Tail's Orders * Fate of Deserting Warriors * Severe Punishment * A Secret Society * The "Picked Corps " of Warriors * The Chiefs Body Guard * Expiating a Sin * A Noted Comanche Chief: His Courage and Daring * Death from a. Broken Heart * Red Cloud's Career * War to the Knife * A Thrilling Episode * Rival Suitors * Spotted Tail's Duel * Locked in Death's Embrace * Big Mouth's Assassination

Chapter Five ~ Swindling and Robbing the Indians – My Own Observations: The "Treaty System" * Its Absurdity * Stipulations that cannot be Kept * How Indians are Swindled and Robbed * " Wards of the Nation" * Modoc Jack * General Canby's Murderers * Expiation on the Gallows * The " Indian Agent" * His Absolute Power * How Massacres are Invited * Poor old Mr. Meeker * Our "Indian Policy" * Forcible Contrasts * My Own Observations * What I Have Seen * Unexampled Scoundrelism * Stone Call's Daughter * The Flower of the Wigwam * An Ill-fated Journey * Concealed in a Thicket * Threatened with Instant Death * Escape to a Friendly Teepe * The Old Chief's Agony * A Heart-broken Warrior * My Inability to Help Him * Praying for the " White Man's Road”

Chapter Six ~ Religion of the Indian – A Strange Faith – The Great Mystery of Indian “Medicine”: The Indian Idea of God * The Good God * The Bad God * The Perpetual Struggle between Them * " The Happy Hunting Grounds " How the Indian Soul is Excluded from Paradise * Horror of Being Scalped * Desperate Efforts to Save a Friend's Soul * How the Soul Escapes From the Body * The Indian Idea of Hell * " Good Medicine " versus " Bad Medicine" * Ridiculous Superstition * How " Medicine " is Made * Its Great Mystery * A Sacred Secret * Deciding on the Ingredients * Appeasing the Wrath of the Bad God * Sacred Ponies * Driving a Sharp Bargain with the Devil * Sticking to the Faith of their Fathers * Spotted Tail's Argument with Captain Randall * " Black Beard " * My Talk with an Aged Chief * Who Made the World ? * Fetishism * Digger Indians

Chapter Seven ~ The Medicine Chief – His Great Power and Influence – An Office “Won By Reckless Daring”: The Medicine Chief * His Power and Standing in the Tribe * How the Office is Won * Proving His Own Medicine * A First-Class Aristocrat * The Idol of the Squaws * An Indian Physician * His knowledge of Herbs * No Cure no Pay * A Pandemonium of Howls * Incantations Over the Sick * Doherty’s description * A Remedy Worse than the Disease * Heroic Treatment * My Reception in an Indian Camp * Black, Beady Eyes * An Aspirant for Fame * Sitting Bull * Medicine Aitow * A Favorite of Fortune * The Most Remarkable Chief of His Time * His Famous Arrows * Arrows for Ponies and Ponies for Rum * End of a Strange Career * Splendid Types of Courage * The Charge on Forsythe's Rifle Pits * Indian Quacks

Chapter Eight ~ Secret Rites and Religious Ceremonies – An Indian Mystery – The Sacred “Something”: The Sacred Conclave * How One of My Officers Gained Admittance * What He Saw There * Curious Solemnities * Sacred Mysteries * The Medicine Pipe * How an Indian Smokes a Cigar * A Blazing Stub * How the Pipe is Used for Casting Lots * How the Fatal Signal is Determined * Secret Societies, Pass Words, and Grips * Medicine Arrow's Great Influence * The Sacred "Something" * What is it? * An Object of Awe and Veneration * Capture of the Sacred Symbol by the Pawnees * A Pious Fraud * The Utes and the Squat Stone * Its Capture by a Hostile Tribe * Their Flight With It * Consternation at its Loss * Wild Pursuit and Vengeance * Burial of the Sacred Insignia * The Lost Treasure * Sitting Bull's "Medicine"

Chapter Nine ~ Hoch-E-A-Yum – The Great Medicine Dance – Suffering and Endurance of the Dancers: The Cotton Wood Lodge * The Medicine Dance * Preparations for the Ceremony * Extent of the Suffering Involved * In the Circle * The Spectators * Selection of Warriors for the Dance * Death the Penalty of Failure * Stripped for the Struggle * Eyes Fixed * The Suspended Image * Wild Enthusiasm * The Dance of Endurance * The Weary Round * Shouts of Encouragement * Wail of the Squaws * An Exhausted Dancer * Dragged from the Fatal Arena * The Victim * Death of the Dancer * The Furies of Hell Let Loose * Fleeing From Wrath * Rallying the Bands * Four Days' of Suffering * Sticking it Out to the Bitter End * Recognition and Reward * Rushing in at the Eleventh Hour * Carrying off the Prize

Chapter Ten ~ Indian Methods of Self-Torture – Endurance and Defiance of Pain: The Warrior's Ordeal * Panting for the Knife * How Suffering is Courted * Stalwart Endurance of Pain * The Greatest of Indian Virtues * Remarkable Religious Fervor * Indian Pride in Self-Torture * Preparations for the Trying Ordeal * Fasting, Silence, and Meditation * The Candidates Brought before the Medicine Chief * Deciding on the Kind and Amount of Torture * The Merciless Thrust of the Knife * Inserting Horsehair Ropes * The Wounded Devotee * Muscles Torn from the Breast * Incredible Suffering * The Victim's Tragic Efforts to Break Loose * Suspended in Mid-air * Indescribable Agonies * Lips that Never Murmur * Dressing the Wounds * The Consequences of Flinching under the Knife * The " Sun Dance " of the Sioux * Expiation of Crime * Exasperating Forms of Torture

Chapter Eleven ~ The Indians’ Last Resting Place – Burial of the Dead: The Excitement Caused by a Death in Camp * An Indian Cemetery * Depositing the Body in a Tree * The Burial Case * How the Body is Dressed * My Horrible Discovery * Following the Trail * Another Discovery * The Dead Body of the Comanche War Chief * How He Died * Treating His Body with Indignity * Comical Epitaph * Stealing a Body for Dissection * The Body-Snatchers at Work * The Midnight Foray * Unexpected Arrival of Squaws * Consternation of the Thieves * Terror and Flight of the Women * What I saw in a Deserted Ute Camp * Graves Safe from Mortal Eyes * Secrets Betrayed by Human Bones * Ouray's Death * His Secret Burial * Discovery of His Grave

Chapter Twelve ~ Mourning For the Dead – How Indians Feel and Show Their Grief: In " Sackcloth and Ashes " * The Mark of God's Displeasure * Parental Anguish * The Death of a Son * A Warrior's Tearless Eyes * Real Grief * Mourning for a Dead Wife * What Happens at the Death of a Chief * How the Squaws Mourn * A Chorus of Howls from the " Blessed Sox " * Self-Mutilation * Inflicting Horrible Wounds * A " Good Cry " versus a " Good Howl " * Inconsolable Widows * Midnight Wails * Letting off Superfluous Unhappiness * Joining in the Howl * The " Luxury of Grief" * Vigorous Lamentation * How an Indian Makes his Will * Scene at Ouray's Death Bed * His Will * Clamoring for the Destruction of his Property * A Narrow Escape * The Sacrifice of Seventeen Horses * Firing the Pyre

Chapter Thirteen ~ The Future Life – The Indian’s Idea of Heaven – The Happy Hunting Grounds: Conceptions of the Hereafter * Indian Horror of Being Strangled or Scalped Explained * An Eternity of Green Fields and Pastures * Equipped for Uie Long Journey * Death Overcome * Touching Traits of Character * Complete Outfit for the Dead * The Warrior's Grave * Starvation and Death Preferred to Robbing the Dead * How Physical Defects are Carried into the Next World * Fate of an Emaciated Form * Mutilations of the Body * Transfixed with Arrows * A Dismal Superstition * Why Indians Rarely Make Night Attacks * The Effect of Being Killed in the Dark * Crawling into Camp * Stealth and Cunning * Avenging the Slain * Incident of the Campaign of 1873 * Fate of a Band of Surveyors

Chapter Fourteen ~ Childhood and Youth – Life and Training Of Indian Boys and Girls: The Redskin Baby * An Original Outfit * Feathers and Fur * A Real " Nest of Comfort" * Tossed into a Corner * " In the Tree Top " * Learning to Ride * Stopping the Baby's Cry * A Novel Method * Rough Schooling * Adoption of Captive Children * The Comanche Women * A Coveted Baby * Ready to Swap or Buy * An Interesting Experience * The Warrior's Pride * A Touching Story * Bound to the Stake * The Old Chief's Sacrifice * Childhood Sports * Freedom of the Lodge * Trained for the Chase * Roaming at Large * Cold-Blooded Atrocities * Daring Attacks * In Pursuit of Fame * A Momentous Hour * What I saw at an Indian Dance * Matrimonial Hankerings * Married at Sixteen * Old Age at Thirty-five

Chapter Fifteen ~ Love-Making in An Indian Camp * Courtship and Marriage: Indian Lovers * Suitors for a Maiden's Hand * Going to "See His Girl " * At His Inamorata's Lodge * " The Old Folks at Home " * Indian Match-Makers * The First Real Meeting * Picturesque Reluctance and a Pretty Surrender * Tete-a-Tete * Engaged at Last * Appearance of Rivals * An Indian Flirt * A Dozen Lovers at Her Feet * Competition the Life of Trade * Plans for the Wedding * How Paternal Consent is Obtained * Indian Elopements * Love Defiant of Locks and Bars * Escape from the Lodge * Flight and Pursuit * Assessing the Damages * The Girl's Market Value * A White Admirer's Perfidy * Gushing Frankness * An Unfortunate Dilemma * '- So Glad You Asked Me " * A Widow's Pathetic Appeal

Chapter Sixteen ~ Indian Women – Their Virtues and Vices – Life in An Indian Lodge: The Life of an Indian Woman * Where the Bead and Feather Work Comes From * A "Model" Wife * A Squaw's Right * Seeking a New Husband * How the Custom Originated * The Go-Between * Secret Conferences * Winning the Affections of Another Man's Wife * Scandal in the Camp * The Old Warrior's Darling * Flight with a Youthful Admirer * The Honey-Moon * Housekeeping in a Friendly Teepe * A Dark Day * A Terrible Punishment * Tickling a Girl's Vanity * Liaisons Among the Arrapahoes * Curious Safeguards * The Story of Powder Face * A Notable Couple * A Precocious Young Rascal * First-Class Sensation * Madmen and Idiots * A Professional Tramp * His Capture by Hostile Sioux

. Chapter Seventeen ~ Indian Names, Titles and Epithets – Their Meaning And Significance – The Totem: Indian Idea of their Origin * Traditions * The Family Coat of Arms * The Totem, and What It Is * Surnames * Pet Names * Titles * Nicknames * Palpable Hits * The Original "Punch" * Odd Traita and Fancies Indicated by Names * Why Indians Name Themselves * Curious Titles * " White Eagle " * " Lone Wolf " * "Yellow Bear " * " Powder Face " * " Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses " * Loafing "Jims" and Indolent "Tonys" * Unblushing Beggary * Effect of Incident and Adventure * An Ill-Fated Expedition * An Unsolved Mystery * The Place of Lost Souls * The " Great American Bush-Whacker" * The "Picketwire" * Indian Nicknames of Army Officers * Ridiculous Appellations * Gray Beard * General Crook's Indian Name * Why they Call Him "The Gray Fox"

Chapter Eighteen ~ Everyday Indian Life – Sights and Scenes In Indian Homes, Teepes and Winter Camps: An Indian Teepe * How it is Made * The "Wicky-Up" * Its Construction * Teepe Furnishings * Beds that are Never " Made Up " * Meal Hours * The Luxury of Baker's Bread * Indian Hospitality * The First Chance at the Pot * Scenting a Dinner from Afar * Entertaining You To-day and Taking Your Scalp To-morrow * How Indians Select a Camping-Place * Looking Out for Danger * The *' Public Square " and Crier * Selecting a Site for the Winter Camp * An Indian Village * General Custer's Exploit * His Fortunate Escape * A Cold-Blooded Ruffian * Paid " by the Scalp " * Two Hundred and Fifty Scalps at One Fight * Days and Nights of Feasting and Revelry * " Love Rules the Camp " * Sketches from Life

Chapter Nineteen ~ Indian Skill and Handiwork – Occupations of Camp and Lodge: In Winter Quarters * Preparations for War and the Chase * How Indian Saddles and Bridles are made * The Mexican Device * Fancy Reins * The Art of Plaiting Horsehair * The Lariat and the Lasso * How They are Made * A Winter's Task * The Great Fall Hunt * Scenes of Joy and Excitement * Preserved Buffalo * Real Indian Bread * Skill in Dressing Skins * Family Heirlooms * The Elkhorn Handle * A Priceless Treasure * A Suit of Deer-skin * Original Needlework * Spending a Year on a Single Garment * Bead Work * Beautiful Ornamentation * Behind the Plough * The Indian Maiden of Fiction * Wrestling with the Sportive Hoe * A Square Day's Work * The Chopping Match * Startling Facts

Chapter Twenty ~ Trade and Barter – The Victims and Prey Of Indian “Traders”: Systems of Barter * "Sold Out" * Fleeced and Victimized by the "Trader" * Indian Wants and Necessities * The Charm of Novelty * An Incident at Fort Sedgwick * The Ornamented Buffalo Robe * A Warrior with a Sweet Tooth * The First Lot of Matches * An Astonished Indian * Curiosity Aroused * A Wonderful Box * Testing the Matches One by One * Scorched Fingers * My Treasures from the Ute Campaign * Blanket of Rare Beauty and Design * A Dishonored Statute * The Trapper Thirty Years Ago * Domiciled with Savages * A Wild Free Life * Admitted to the Indian Brotherhood * Sharing Hairbreadth Escapes * The Gaming Table * The Trader's Grip on the Red Man's Throat * Barefaced Swindling * An Open and Shut Game * Hobson's Choice * The Traders' Prey

Chapter Twenty-One ~ Indian Cooks and Cooking – Favorite Food And Odd Dishes – Amusing Experiences: Indian Cooks * Teepe Manners * " Fingers before Forks " * The "Tonish" Thing in Serving * How Indians Cook for Themselves * An Off-Hand Roast * The Marrow-Bones * The Choicest Bonne Bouche * Enormous Feeders * Eating Twenty Pounds at One Meal * Gluttony of the Red Skins * The Call for More * Cunning and Strategy * Accumulated Breakfasts * An Astonishing Appetite * Job's Turkey * A Tough One * An Abandoned Fowl * An Odd Superstition * Unblushing Cheek * Eating Ten Feet of Marrow Guts * The Use of Salt * Red Pepper and Black * Selection of the Entrails * The Indian's Most Delicious Morsel * My Invitation to Dine with the Pawnee Chief * A Disgusting Repast * Dog Flesh * Fat Puppy * Skunk * My Interview with Stone Calf

Chapter Twenty-Two ~ The Buffalo And Its Destruction – The Indian’s Great Fall Hunt - Exciting Adventures: The Indian and the Buffalo * The Old Days of Plenty * Habits and Instincts * Immense Herds * A Column Fifty Miles Wide, and of Unknown Depth * A Thrilling Adventure at Pawnee Rock * Danger from a Stampeded Herd * "Splitting" the Column * Safe at Last * Scenes of Wild Animation * Mistaken Ideas of Old Plainsmen * How the Indians Hunt Buffalo * The "Surround" * Closing In for the Attack * The Signal * Wild Onset of Warriors * Desperate Resistance * The Slaughter * The Sioux Plan * My Camp on Big Coon Creek * My Adventure with a Panic-stricken Herd * A Camp Aroused at Midnight * Hairbreadth Escape * The Extinction of the Buffalo * Wanton Slaughter * Barbarous Practices

Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Clothing, Finery and Personal Adornment Of Indians: The Breech-cloth * Donning a "Biled" Shirt * How Little Raven '- Received " * "Fixed up " for White Company * Ludicrous Combinations * Remarkable Appearance of Turkey Leg in Council * The Green Veil and Stove-Pipe Hat * Bugbears of Indian Life * A Disgusted Warrior * Ceremonial Costumes * Fringe Made of Scalp Locks * Dressing the Hair * The '• Pig-tail " Style * The Receptacle for Odds and Ends * Female Attire * The Buckskin Skirt and Jacket * The Kirtle of Fringe * How Indians Paint their Bodies * Bracelets and Bead work * A Good Story * The Captain's False Teeth * A Cheyenne Chief's Glass Eye * Terror Caused by its Removal * Kicked out of Camp as Doubtful " Medicine”

Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Disease and Death – The Struggle For Existence: Homesickness * Driven from Pillar to Post * Fate of the Pawnees * Frightful Mortality * The "Policy" that Drives Indians to Desperation * The Only Misfortune Over which an Indian Broods * Rude Remedies * The Sweat House * A Cold Plunge * Disease among Indian Children * A Shocking Suspicion * Wild Flight * Superstitious Terror * Abject Prostration and Alarm * The Wail of Despair * Dead and Dying Left by the Wayside * Scenes of Indescribable Horror * Hydrophobia * Curious Facts Concerning the Bite of a Skunk * Awaiting the Worst of Fates * Suicide * Defiance of Torture * Preparing for a Desperate Raid * Shot Dead in his Saddle * Deathbed Scenes * Chanting the Death Song * The Final Farewell

Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Indian Gamblers – Their Games of Skill and Chance – Drunkenness – Scenes From Life: Indian Gamblers * A Favorite Pastime * Preparations for the Game * The Stakes * The Whirlpool of Fortune * An Exciting Contest * Dexterous Manipulation * Counting the Points * Sweeping the Stakes * Experts with Cards * The Mysteries of " Monte " * " Ways that are Dark" * Cheating a Fine Art * The Loaded Hand * Heavy Stakes * Bad Luck * Wives and Children Lost * The Comanche Gambler * The Fatal Throw * Gambling Customs * " Passing the Bono " * In a Whirl of Excitement * Aboriginal Dice * Lucky Numbers * Favorite Game with the Cheyenne Women * Born and Bred Swindlers * Anything for Whiskey * Enjoying his Whiskey Alone * Sneaking off for a Debauch * A Sound Thrashing * A Blubbering Warrior

Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Indian Amusements and Sports – Wonderful Feats and Marvellous Exploits: An Indian Story Toller * The Favorite of the Women * The Sign Language * Outdoor Sports * Life in the Saddle * Wonderful Feats of Horsemanship * Marvellous Exploits at Full Gallop * Novel Races * An Arrant Jockey * Tricks of the Trade * An Adroit Comanche * Mu-La-Que-Top's Scheme * Sharp Practice * A Sheep of ji Pony against a Kentucky Mare * Fastest Race on Record * A Put-up Job * Disgusted Army Officers * Bow and Arrow Games * Scandal Mongers * Indian Rumors * The Outbreak at Fort Reno * Beating the Telegraph * Incredible Despatch * Scouts and Runners * Something New about Wives * Squaw Fights * Ofl' with the Wrong Man * Facing the Consequences * An Unequal Contest

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Indian Music and Musicians * Curious Musical Instruments – Poetry and Songs: Indian Musical Instruments * The Cheyenne Tom-tom * A Curious Work * Constructive Skill * My Wonderful Present * The Sioux Rattle * " Flutes and Soft Recorders " * Weird but Winsome Notes * An Indian Serenade * The War Song * The Indian " German " * Thrilled with Military Frenzy * Transported with Adoration * " Songs Without Words " * Permanence of Indian Music * The Celebration of Valor * Selection of the Tune * Fitting the Words * Practising in Chorus * Night After Night at Work * The Song Completed * Odd Indian Melodies * Every One His Own Poet * The Cheyenne Courting Song * Winning a Married Woman's Love * The Conditional Elopement * The Round Dance * Music of the Kiss Dance * Wild Notes Recovered * An Interesting Result

Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Indian Dances – Scenes of Wild Excitement and Frenzy – Ludicrous Experiences: Indian Dancing Customs * Preparations for the Scalp Dance * A Hideous Picture * The Circle of Wands * On the Border of Frenzy * Bringing Out Old Scalps * Enlisting for the War * " Striking the Post" * My First Sight of a Scalp Dance * Prisoners Gracing the Ceremony * A Boy's Pluck * Exasperated by Ridicule * Begging Dance * Reconciling Old Foes * Interesting Incident of Crook's Campaign * Indian Diplomacy * Disastrous Blow to New-made Friends * Impoverished by Hugs * The Lost Chance * An Everyday Scene * Virtue and "Vice Side by Side * Stolen Bodily from the Indians * The Sign Dance * The " Kissing Dance " * Mischievous Couples * Practical Jokes * The Indian Love of Humor * . Ludicrous Experiences * A Delicious Bit of Masquerading

Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ The Sign Language – Wonderful Expertness of Indian Sign-Talkers: The Need of a Common Language * The Great Battle Ground of the Plains * The Struggle for Existence * Imperilled Interests * A Question of Fate * Desperate Encounters * Common Methods of Communication * Signs and Gestures * Origin and Extent of the System * The Cheyennes and Arrapahoes * Enforced Companionship * Fighting, Racing and Gambling Together * Ignorance of Signs Among the Utes * Ouray's Explanation * Sign Pictures * Rank of the Kiowas as Founders of the System * Oral Language * Skeleton Forms of Speech * Individual Styles * First Lessons in Signs * Curious and. Interesting Illustrations * A Powerful System * Its Effect upon Indian Life * The Expert Sign-talker * Conversation under Difficulties * Talking under a Blanket

Chapter Thirty ~ Indian Chronology – Devices for Reckoning Time – Keeping Track of the Years: Keeping Track of the Years * Counting by "Days," "Sleeps," "Moons," and "Winters," * My Personal Observations * The Fruits of Research * The Moon when Corn is Planted * New Year's Day * The First Snow-fall * A Puzzling Interview * An Old Cheyenne's Opinion * " Some Years Have More Moons than Others " * The Sioux Calendar * A Wonderful Chronological Chart * In the Hands of Curiosity-hunters * Excited Hopes * Provoking Revelations * Fac Simile of the Calendar * Seventy Years in a Nutshell * Tell-tale Hieroglyphics * Solution of the Mystery * Applying the Key * Finding an Old Woman in a Buffalo * Old Folk Lore * A Legend of the Pacific Coast * A "Boston Man"

Chapter Thirty-One ~ Indian Art and Artists – Signification of Their Pictures and Inscriptions: Progress in the Arts * Semi-Civilized Indians * Obtaining an Education * Their Knowledge of the Industrial and Mechanic Arts * The Pueblos * Spinning, Weaving and Tailoring * The Navahoes * How their Dwellings are Constructed * Beauty and Excellence of their Blankets * The Apaches * Canoes of Bark * Adepts at Carving * The Making and Ornamentation of Pipes * Bead-work, Paint, Feather?, and Fringes * Indian Artists * Their Delight at Pictures * Portraying their Remarkable Exploits * My Exploring Expedition to the Black Hills * What I Found under a Cairn of Stones * Indian Hieroglyphics * Inscriptions on Rocks and Trees * Indian Signatures * How Warriors Keep a Record of their Lives * Indian Pictures.

Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Indian Weapons – How They Are Made – Skill and Expertness in Their Use: Bows and Arrows * How Indian Boys Learn to Use them * Forays for Scalps and Plunder * The First Gun * An Incident of My first Fight with Indians * Why They Still Cling to the Bow * How the Bow is Made * Its Strength and Elasticity * Arrows and How they are Made * Their Penetrating Power * War Arrows * Indian Marksman * Beaten by a White Man * The War Club * The Tomahawk * The Scalping Knife * " Keen as a Razor " * The Lance * A Formidable Weapon * The Shield * Patience, Care, and Thought Bestowed upon its Manufacture * How the Indians Obtain their Firearms * A Party of Sioux Visit my Camp * A Well-Armed Warrior * Fate of a Wealthy Sportsman

Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Indian Drill – Signal Fires and Smokes – Wonderful Methods of Communication: How Indian Boys Learn to Ride * Testing the Speed of Every Horse * The Most Skilful Riders in the World * Indian Boys' Fun * In for a Good Time * Making Bets * In Search of Adventure * How Indians Drill * Show Drills * Secret Signals * Sacredness of an Indian Oath * "I have Sworn " * A Well-guarded Mystery * How Warriors are Drilled with a Piece of Looking-glass * The Best Cavalry in the World * Indian Methods of Communication at Long Distances * How it is Done * Signal Smokes * Their Variety and What they Mean * Night Signals * Signal Fires * Indian Scouts * Wonderful System of Telegraphing * Marvellous Feats of Horsemanship * Practising at Carrying off the Dead and Wounded

Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Indian Fighting – Their Mode of Warfare – Thrilling Adventures and Experiences: Indian Courage, Craft, Patience and Cunning * The Effect of Surprise * Their Fights with Each Other * Danger from a Wounded Indian * Tenacity of Life * My Command Ordered to Protect a Railroad * The "Talking Wire" * Discovering the Position of the Enemy * Indian Strategy * The Battle of the Rosebud under Gen. Crook * A Terrible Conflict * The " Valley of the Shadow of Death " * Personal Experiences * "Jumped"by Indians * A Thrilling Adventure^ Surrounded by Sixty Hostile Sioux * An Exciting Experience * Charge of the Yelling Savages * We are Again Surrounded * A Narrow Escape * My Adventure near Fort Dodge * Preparations for the Fight * Stowing away "Julia" * A Ludicrous Experience * Diplomacy Saves our Lives * A Disgusted Indian

Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Army Life on the Plains – Thrilling Adventures Among the Indians: The Real Pioneer * General Custer's Attack on Black Kettle * A Desperate Conflict * Undaunted Savages * The Story of the Massacre of Major Elliott and His Nineteen Men * Three Thousand Warriors Rush to the Assistance of Black Kettle * Wild Alarm * The Indians surround Major Elliott's command * Hasty Preparations for the Worst * Attacked on all Sides * The Fight for Life * The Death of Twenty Brave Men * The Last One to Die * Courage and Heroism of Sergeant-Major Kennedy * Alone, Sabre in Hand * Exulting Savages * Inviting Instant Death * Kennedy Suddenly Kills a Chief * An Instant of Terrified Surprise * Death of Kennedy, Pierced by Twenty Bullets * The Battle of White Stone Hill * Every Man for Himself

Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Army Experiences on the Frontier – Powell’s Eight – The Heroism of Thirty-Two Men: The Phil Kearney Massacre * Annihilation of the Whites * Preparations to Strike Back * Red Cloud's Resentment * War to the Knife * The Situation at Fort Phil Kearney * Major Powell Ordered to Piney Island * Surrounded by Indians * Improvised Defences * Iron Walls and Breech-loaders * The Heroism of Thirty-two Men * Cool Heads, Brave Hearts, and Steady Nerves * The Carnival of Death * Repulse with Desperate Loss * Red Cloud's Consternation * The Bloodthirsty Advance * Awaiting the Deadly Onset * Heroic Defence of the Corral * Routed and Driven Back * Recovering the Wounded * Dragging off the Dead * The Gallant Band Relieved * An Old Trapper's Story of the Fight

Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ General Mackenzie's Fight With The Cheyennes - A Desperate Hand To Hand Combat: Indian Tactics * Surprises and Ambuscades * Attacking Detachments in Detail * Appalling Massacres * Courage and Craft * The Night March * General Crook's Indian Allies * Pursuit of Crazy Horse * His Escape * Discovery of the Cheyenne Encampment * A Night of Horror * The Surprise at Daybreak * Desperate Attack and Resistance * Hand to Hand Combat * Death of Dull Knife's Favorite Son * Holding the Victors at Bay * Lieutenant McKinney's Splendid Dash * The Dead Hero * Reinforcements Summoned * My Command Ordered Forward * Our Forced March in the Dead of Winter * We Lose the Trail * Sleeping on the Snow * Flight of the Indians * Untold Hardships Endured * The Fatal Route

Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Winter On the Plains – Its Dangers and Hardships – Incidents and Personal Experiences: Difficulty of Surprising Indians * Starvation and Cold their Worst Enemies * The Remarkable Winters of the Plains * Piercing Winds * Excessive Cold * Certain Death to Every Exposed Living Thing * Flying to Shelter * A "Norther" * Terrible Hardships and Sufferings of Fifteen Men * Braving the Dangers of the Elements * The Pluck of Captain Mix * Threats of Instant Death * An Incident in My Own Experience * Horses Frozen to Death * A Stirring Incident * Captain Henry's Experience * In the Teeth of a Furious " Norther " * Wandering Blindly through the Snow * Horses Frantic with Cold * Hands and Faces Frozen * Utter Helplessness of the Party * Looking Death in the Face * The Race for Life

Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Taking the Scalp – How and Why It Is Done: The Indian custom of taking the scalp * Origin of the practice * What becomes of the scalps * Strange superstition attached to them * The Head Chief of the Pawnees pays me a visit * He discloses a freshly-taken scalp * A strange performance * How the Pawnees wear their hair * Custom of the Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, Kiowas and Comanches * How the scalp is taken * Different ways of doing it * Taking the ears with it * What I saw in an Indian Camp * Why colored soldiers are never scalped * Mutilation of the body * Why General Custer’s body was not scalped * Sam Cherry the Guide * A thrilling incident * Fears for his safety * Working out the story of the tragedy * His last shot

Chapter Forty ~ Prisoners Among Indians – Victims for the Torture – Captive women and Children: Certain Fate of Captives * Held only for Torture * Savage Instincts * Delight in the Agonies of his Enemy * Torture by Fire * Terrible Fate of a Little Drummer Boy * Human Fiends * Tied to a Tree * Setting Fire to Pine Knots Stuck in His Body * Sufferings of the Poor Boy * Death's Relief * " Staked Out" * Devilish Ingenuity * Horrible Brutality * Building a Fire on the Breast of Living Victims * Female Captives * A Fate worse than Death * Unhappy Slaves * A Favorite Stake at the Gambling-Board * Passing from Hand to Hand * A dozen Owners in a Single Day * A Terrible Situation * . Giving up Prisoners * Experiences of Three White Women Captives * A Story of Horrors * Captive Children * Their Fate

Chapter Forty-One ~ The Captive’s Fate – Indian Cruelty and Horrible Devices of Torture – Tragedies: The Indian's Chief Pleasure in Life * Relishing the Agony of a Victim * Cruelty to Animals * Indian Women in the Role of Torturers * Hellish Ingenuity * Exultation over a Captive * Cruelty of the Apaches * The Fate of Chihuahua * A Band of Fiends * Bound Naked to the Cactus * Left to Die * The Fate of Captive Women * Bondage Worse than Death * An Exciting Scene * Horrible Cruelties * New Devices of Torture * Experimenting with Prisoners * Dissecting Living Human Beings * Torture of a Mexican Captive * Digging His Own Grave * Buried Alive with the Head Out of Ground * Partial Flaying * Dislocations * Scalped and Abandoned * A Ghastly Tragedy * The Story of an Apache Girl * Yellow Legs

Chapter Forty-Two ~ A Race of Thieves and Plunderers – Their Daring and Skill – Adventures: The Successful Thief * His Standing in the Tribe * The Gravest of Crimes * Horse Stealing * Doom of the Captured Thief * Reckless Warriors * Disguised as Whites * The False Trail * Accomplished Sneak-Thieves * Comanche Experts * Crawling into a Bivouac * Indian Wiles * Old Texans Caught Napping * My Night Adventure at Fort Lincoln * The Blacksmith's Death * Shot Dead in his Tracks * The Prince of Trailers * A Thrilling Incident * My Experience with a Comanche * The Fiend's Bravado * A Wild Leap * A Race of Thieves * A Wagon Train Stampeded * The Night Attack * The Old Rifle Regiment * A Remarkable Ruse * Horses Frantic with Fear * Unearthly Yells * The Mystery Explained

Chapter Forty-Three ~ How Indians Travel – Their Marvellous Journeys and Exploits Plainscraft: Unerring Instinct * Straight as a Bee Line * Over Trackless Wastes * Without Star or Compass * The Only Instance of an Indian being "Lost" * Memory of Landmarks * Acute Observers * Born Explorers * Penetrating Unknown Lands * The Old Guide Espinosa's Story * A Batch of Young Raiders * The Solitary Wanderer * Exemption from Danger * On the Alert for Enemies * The Love of Adventure * Neetmok * Meandering Delawares * A Notable Tribe * An Indian Explorer * A Wonderful Story-Teller * A Strange Ambition Gratified * Across the Rocky Mountains * Life in Mexico * Black Beaver's Career * General Marcy's Guide * Female Instinct * In the Thicket * Breaking Camp * The Advance Guard * The Mound-Builders

Chapter Forty-Four ~ Trailing - Indian Expertness in Reading “Sign” – The Wonderful Career of Pedro Espinosa: A Savage Art * Expert Trailers * Frontiersmen and Indians * An Inimitable Faculty * Mexican Competitors * The Best Trailer I ever Saw * Pedro Espinosa * A Wonderful Career * Captured in Childhood * Made a Warrior at Thirteen * Suspected by his Captors * Leading a Savage Life * Nineteen Years of Captivity * A Fortunate Bear Hunt * The Midnight Flight * Entrusted with Union Dispatches * Arrested and Shot by the Enemy * Thrilling Reminiscences * Pursuit of Comanches * Six Days on the Trail * An Exciting Manoeuvre * Indian Tactics * Cunning and Skill * The Wrong Scent * Scouting for Apaches * The Fresh Track * A Successful Ruse * Every Man for Himself * An Extraordinary Feat * Cheyennes at Bay * Major Munck's Victory * The Pawnee Guide

Chapter Forty-Five ~ Indian Hunters – Adventures on the Plains – Exciting Scenes – The Haunts of Game: The Best Hunters in the World * Their Stealth, Cunning, and Endurance * Getting Position * "Many a Slip" * The Lost Chance * An Astonished Indian * My Successful Shot * The Indian's Disgust * The "Pot-Shot" * Exciting Scenes * The Buffalo Surround * The Square Chase * Hunting the Elk * Cutting the Hamstring * Butchered at Leisure * The " Good Old Times " * Terrified Animals * Fun in Mid-Winter * Traps and Snares * Luckless Anglers * Abhorrence of Fish * The Staked Plains * Origin of the Buffalo * A Curious Superstition * Stone Calf and the Legend * Lieutenant Ogle and the Sioux * Preparing for the Surround * The Onslaught * Discovery of a Fresh Herd * The Indians Dissatisfied * Threatened Attack

Chapter Forty-Six ~ Domestic Animals – Speed and Endurance of Indian Ponies – Anecdotes and Incidents: Indian Stockbreeders * Chief Ouray's Ambition * "Animal-Stealing" Tribes * The Cherokee Ponies * An Inseparable Companion * Ponies a Necessity, Wives a Luxury * Where " Blood " Doesn't Count * The Express Rider and his Wonderful Pony * The Daring Mail Carrier * Riding by Night and Hiding by Day * A Marvellous Roadster * The Indian's Treatment of his Horse * Doherty’s description * An Animated Skeleton * Browzing on Cottonwood * The Diet of Bark * Thrilling Chapter in Indian History * Escape from the Agency * Marching like Victors * Encounters with Troops * An Ambuscade * Turning the Tables on the Redman * Col. Lewis Shot * Flight of the Indians * Horrors of the Kansas Raid * Munck's Cavalry Pursuit * Speed and Endurance * Race and Trick Animals * The War Pony

Chapter Forty-Seven ~ On the Frontier – Trappers and Squaw Men – Trading Posts and Indian Agents: On the Frontier * The Border Line * The Early Trappers * Playing the Wild Rover * Romantic Adventures * Adoption by the Tribe * The Old Trading Posts * A Winter's Work for Whiskey * The Indian Trader * Perambulating Groggeries * Indian Wives and Half-breed Children * Growing Rich * Influence with Washington Magnates * The Squaw Men * Adventurers and Outcasts * The Asylum of Thieves and Murderers * Pliant Tools of Corrupt Agents * Treachery and Debauchery * Leading a Band of Sioux Horse thieves * Inciting the Indians to Deeds of Atrocity * A Thousand of such " Missionaries " * Indian Marriages * Social Degradation * The Black Hills War * A Costly Sacrifice * Dishonest Interpreters * How the Indians are Misled * Escape from a Disastrous Contest

Chapter Forty-Eight ~ Frontiersmen * Texas Cow-boys and Border Desperadoes * A Strange and Thrilling Story: Frontiersmen * Who They Are * The Miners and Gold Hunters * Unsavory Buffalo Hunters * Texas Cow-Boys * A Life of Privation, Hardship and Danger * A Plains " Norther " * The Most Reckless of all Desperadoes * Utter Disregard of Life * Spoiling for a Fight * The Terror of the Frontier * Cattle Thieves * A Strange and Thrilling Story * History of a Bloodthirsty Combat * A Remarkable Incident of Border Life * A Noted Desperado * His Gorgeous Appearance * Stealing a Herd of Cattle * Tracking the Thieves * Their Discovery * Watching for a Favorable Opportunity * Killing his Victims One by One * A Merciless Foe * Death of the Sixth Ruffian * He Proves to be the Leader of the Band * A Question of Time.

Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Border Ruffians – A Life of Privation and Danger – Thrilling Personal Experiences: Fugitives from Justice * Escaped Criminals * Beyond the Settlements * Commencing Life Anew * An Exploring Expedition in Northern Texas * Thrilling Incident in My Early Military Life * My Camp near the Squatter's Cabin * Alone with a Frontier Ruffian * A Dangerous Companion * He Threatens my Life * Strange Hospitality * A Reckless Frontiersman * The Monomania of Assassination * A Wonderful Two-handed Shot * Desperate Combat of Two Border Ruffians * Dying Happy * Slade, the Notorious Desperado * An Arrant Coward * The Influence of Drink * Strange Freak of a Man of Wealth * A Tender Heart Beneath a Rough Exterior * Burying Himself in the Wilderness * A Lawless Life

Chapter Fifty ~ Frontier Scouts and Guides – Heroic Achievement of Amos Chapman –Facing Death: Plainscraft * Importance of Guides * The Old Trappers * Lessons from the Indians * How an Experienced Guide was Lost * Old Bridger * Kit Carson * The Requisites of a Good Scout * Boots Hill * California Joe * Wild Bill * Buffalo Bill * Amos Chapman * His Wonderful Achievement * What Gen. Miles Said of Him * Heroic Conduct of Chapman * Surrounded by Indians * A Thrilling Deed * "Amos! Amos! We have got you now " * Remarkable Pluck * Facing Death to Rescue a Wounded Comrade * Major Forsyth's Fight * The Alarm, "Indians!" * Gallant Defence * The Charge of Roman Nose and His Band * Terrific Volley from the Whites * Secret Departure of the Scouts for Help * Threatened Starvation * Living on Decaying Mule Flesh * Succor at Last

Chapter Fifty-One ~ The Present and Future of the Indians – My Idea of What Should Be Done: "Wards of the Nation " * Charity Begins at Homo * Official Tyranny * Hidden Crimes Against the Indians * Their Need of Help and Sympathy * Their Future * Contrasts Between Their Condition a Few Years Ago and Now * On the Verge of Starvation * Why They Do Not Progress * The Indian Ring * A Powerful Organization * How the Indian is Robbed, Swindled and Imposed Upon * The Source of all Indian Ills * Neglect by the Government * Criminal Responsibility * My Idea of What Should Be Done * The Tide of Immigration * Only a Question of Time


Chromo-Lithographic Plates:

Plate One ~ Red Cloud's War Bonnet – Douglas's Tobacco Pouch – Famous Pipes, &c.: War Bonnet Of Red Cloud, Principal Chief Of The Sioux * Ute Beaded Tobacco Pouch * Sioux War Club * Water Jar, Made Of Grass And Lined With Pitch. Once belonging to Chipeta, wife of Ouray, head chief of the Utes * Sioux Gourd Rattle * Beaded Tobacco Pouch. Formerly owned by Douglass, the chief of Utes who murdered the Meeker family * Tobacco Pipe Of The Shoshones, or Snakes * Tall Bull's Tobacco Pipe, Ornamented With Feathers And Scalp-locks. Tall Bull was chief of a band of outlaw Cheyennes and Sioux. He was killed at the battle of Summit Springs, Colorado. His wife, who was captured at the time, said the scalps attached to the pipe were those of white settlers on the Salina River, Kansas, taken only two weeks previously. Seventy-two savages were killed at the battle of Summit Springs * Sioux Tobacco Pipes * A Famous Peace Pipe. This pipe was used at the grand council held at Red Cloud Agency when the question of the surrender of the Black Hills to the United States was discussed

Plate Two ~ Sioux War Shirt – Apache Caps – Moccasins From The Battle-field Of Gen. Custer's Death – Totems, &c.: Apache Cap. Made of red flannel, and ornamented with feathers and buttons * Apache Cap. Ornamented with turkey-feathers and buttons * A Pair Of Sioux Moccasins. Found on the battle-field of Gen. Custer's death * A Sioux War Shirt. This elaborate warshirt is made of fine-dressed buckskin. It is ornamented with beads and skins, and fringed with many scalp-locks * Totem, Made Of A Turtle-shell. Worn suspended from the neck * Tobacco Pouch, Elaborately Beaded * Totem, Made Of A Beaver-skin. 8. Tobacco Pouch, Beautifully Beaded * Medicine Bag, Made Of The Skin Of A Bear's Foot

Plate Three ~ Squaw's Dress, Bow-case And Quiver – Musical Instruments – Cradle – Rattles, &c. Sioux Flageolet, Or Flute * Cheyenne Flute * Sioux Rattle. Made of the ends of buffalo-toes * A Pair Of Cheyenne Moccasins * Beautifully embroidered with beads * Bow-case And Quiver, Made Of A Panther-skin. This once belonged to the wife of Yellow Bear, a prominent chief of the Cheyennes * A Cheyenne Tobacco Pouch * A Cheyenne Squaw Dress. This elaborate and valuable dress is ornamented with the eye-teeth of Elk. Each pair of teeth represents one Elk. The Indians valued the dress at eight ponies, or about two hundred dollars * A Cheyenne Rattle. Made of the ends of Buffalo-toes * A Cheyenne Beaded Cradle. This once belonged to the wife of a prominent chief. It is most elaborately embroidered with beads, and had cradled an Indian baby a year, before coming into possession of the author

Plate Four ~ Fac-similes Of Indian Drawings: (Drawn with colored pencils, by Big Back, a Cheyenne Indian: Indian Courting Scenes: The Approach; The Couple wrapped in one Blanket; General Mackenzie's Fight With The Cheyennes, And Death Of Lieut. Mckinney. Only prominent chiefs who were killed at this fight are represented on the Indian side, and the fatal wound of each is indicated by blood flowing from it, or – in some cases – from the mouth. The names of the chiefs thus shown in this picture are: (1) High Bull; (2) Walking Calf; (3) Whirlwind; (4) White Face Bull; (5) Bull Hump; (6) Old Bull. Short lines with a dot at one end represent flying bullets. The bullet passing through Lieut. McKinney's body (7) indicates the manner of his death.

Plate Five ~ Indian Weapons – Tomahawks, War Shield, Clubs, Bows, Arrows, &c.: Comanche Tomahawk. Ornamented with red flannel, scalp-locks, and feathers. * Ute Tomahawk Pipe * Sioux Bows And Arrows * Comanche War Shield. Ornamented with feathers, and the tail of a horse. This shield is proof against rifle bullets. * Bow-case And Quiver Of The Bannock Indians. Made of very fine buckskin, and elaborately embroidered with beads * Sioux War Clubs * Tomahawk Pipe. Once belonging to Little Bear, a prominent chief of the Northern Apaches * Kiowa War Club. * Comanche Tomahawk Pipe

Plate Six ~ Objects Of Interest And Curiosity: Scalps Of Indians And White People – Ornaments Made Of Human Skin And Bones, &c.: Kiowa Medicine Rattle. * Sheath Of Scalping Knife (Sioux) * Sheath Of Scalping Knife (Cheyenne) * Scalping Knives * Scalps Of TwoWhite Men, Arranged On A Wand For The Scalp Dance * Scalp Of A Sioux Indian. Elaborately ornamented with feathers and beads * Scalp Of A Sioux Indian, Taken Entire * Scalp Of A Little White Girl. This scalp was taken from the Comanehes. The little girl was about nine years old * Ute Match Safe, Beaded. * Ute Needle Case, Beaded. * Ute Necklace, With "medicine." Made of shells from the Gulf of California, passed in barter from tribe to tribe * Cheyenne Squaw's Gambling Implement. Made of the bones of a bear's foot * Northern Cheyenne Necklace. Made of the first Joints of human fingers * Gambling Bones, And Beaded Case. * Belt Made Of Human Skin. This was taken from a Tonkaway Indian, who had made it from the skin of a Comanche.

Engravings On Steel: Portrait of the Author * Famous Indian Fighters: General George Crook * General Nelson A. Miles * General George A. Custer * General Ranald S. Mackenzie

Engravings On Wood: An Indian Council – Spotted Tail’s Speech * Spotted Tail Assassinating Big Mouth, a Rival Chief * Hoche-A-Yum, the Great Medicine Dance * Indian Self-Torture – Endurance and Defiance of Pain * The Last Resting Place of the Indians – A Cemetery Among the Trees on Medicine Lodge Creek, Indian Territory * Our Stealthy Foes – The Attack on the Wagon Train * Fate of Lieutenant Kidder and His Entire Command – Discovery of Their Bodies * General Custer’s Surprise of an Indian Camp of Over Two Thousand Warriors * A Successful War Party Celebrating Victory – The Scalp Dance * A Chronological and Historical Chart of a Band of Sioux * Surrounded – Desperate Charge of General Crook’s Cavalry at the Battle of the Rosebud * Heroism and Death of Sergeant Major Kennedy * Winter on the Plains – A Terrible Experience in the Teeth of a “Norther” * Sam Cherry’s Last Shot * At the Mercy of Savage Captors – Torture by Slow Fires * A Sudden Surprise – The Attack on the US Mail Coach * Rescuing a Wounded Comrade – Heroic Exploit of Amos Chapman



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