Note: Many of my clients are scholars and historians seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Locales Included in this Work (General/Partial Only, Please See Full Contents in Main Description Below): Freemasonry Free Masonry Mason Masonic History Ancient Honorable Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons Concordant Orders Antique Illustrated Ancient Masonry Mysteries Eastern European African Asiatic Occult Occultism Magic Orient Western European Architects Operative Masons Britain Antiquities Legendary Traditions of the Craft Cognate Orders Ancient British Manuscript Documentary Early History Knights Templar Crusades Cosmopolitan Freemasonry Masonic Jurisprudence Capitular Degrees Cryptic Degrees Eulogium Ancient Craft Chivalric Degrees British Templary Scottish Rite Degrees Royal Order of Scotland American Rite William Morgan Continental Europe Australasia Miscellaneous Rites Orders Rosicrucian Society Order of the Eastern Star Statistics

HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS And Concordant Orders. Illustrated. Henry Leonard Stillson, Editor-In-Chief. Published in 1902 by the Fraternity Publishing Company, Boston and New York, London, England. 10” x 7” decorated hardcover. Illustrated with color and black and white plates. 904 pages.

Condition: VERY GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Handsome exterior as shown in photos. Firm binding. Text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. Very nice example of this rare turn-of-the-century Freemasonry history.


This is a magnificent 1906 edition of HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AND CONCORDANT ORDERS. Handsomely bound ... embellished with photographic plates, reproductions of antique documents and illustrations ... this special volume is as handsome as it is informative.

It is a beautiful antique edition of one of the best books on Freemasonry ever published.

HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AND CONCORDANT ORDERS (full title HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS And Concordant Orders) was first published in the 1890s to mark the transition from 19th - to 20th-century Masonry. The editors did not seek to eschew or ratify the historical traditions of the Craft, but rather to authenticate and clarify the body of sometimes confusing and contrary Masonic knowledge published during the previous century.

The Editors state in the Preface:

The purpose of this work is to furnish an outline History of Freemasonry, including many facts not before published. Our effort has been to make an attractive and comprehensive volume, presenting many practical matters not generally known to the Fraternity.

While we have no desire to underestimate other historic works on Freemasonry, we still claim that there was need for an entirely new and popular work, which should strictly adhere to the well-known axiom: “In things essential, unity; in things doubtful, liberty; in all things, charity.”

The first step was to secure the services of well-known and acknowledged specialists. The writers have endeavored to make this book absolutely accurate in its statements. The Table of Contents will show how many and varied are the topics discussed, and how thorough has been the work expended upon them.

Myth here gives up its underlying truth. Research clears away the rubbish and discloses the sure foundations and majestic arches of a noble structure. In this work some idols are destroyed, but, in their destruction, nothing is lost but the fables with which degenerate men have sought to embellish a truth, the beauty of whose simplicity they could not discern.

The numerous and beautiful engravings which adorn this work, and its mechanical excellence, bear testimony to the earnest desire of the Publishers to spare no effort or expense necessary to the production of a book which should prove in every way satisfactory to those interested in the subject treated.

It would be absurd to claim that the work is without faults; yet we believe that with this volume in hand, the Masonic student has at his command the best thoughts of the largest corps of contributors ever engaged upon such a work. The book as a whole is a vast mine of information, indispensable to every Mason who desires to be well informed upon the history of this the oldest and most honorable of all secret fraternities, and basis of all that have followed it.

Contents Are: Introduction


DIVISION I – THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES: A Treatise on the Eastern European, African and Asiatic Mysteries * The Occultism of the Orient * The Western European Architects and Operative Masons in Britain, commonly called the Antiquities and Legendary Traditions of the Craft to the close of the Operative Period in 1717. Complete in Four Chapters.

DIVISION II – THE COGNATE ORDERS: A Comprehensive History of the Knights Templar and the Crusades * Their Patronage by the See of Rome and subsequent anathema * The connection of these, if any, with the present degrees of Knights Templar in the United States and Great Britain * The Execution of Jacques Molai, Grand Master, and Supplemental Historic Notes. Complete in Two Chapters.

DIVISION III – THE DOCUMENTARY EARLY HISTORY OF THE FRATERNITY: The Ancient British MSS * Kalendar of “Old Charges” and comments thereon * The Regius MS, or Halliwell Poem * Legend of the “Four Crowned Martyrs” * The Cooke MS as annotated by George W. Speth * The Grand Lodge MS of 1853, with various readings of “Old Charges”* The “Additional Articles,” etc. Complete in Three Chapters.


INTRODUCTION: The American Rite of Freemasonry

DIVISION IV ~ NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA: Lodges in America under the English Constitution, 1733-1889. Complete in Three Chapters.

DIVISION V ~ FIRST MERIDIAN: History of the Colonial and Revolutionary Period and Atlantic Slope * The Grand Lodges of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Complete in Two Chapters.

DIVISION VI ~ SECOND MERIDIAN: I. History of the Eastern Mississippi Valley and the Lakes * The Grand Lodges of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana * II. History of the Western Mississippi Valley: The Grand Lodges of Texas, Arkansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory . Each Part Complete in One Chapter

DIVISION VII ~ THIRD MERIDIAN: History of the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountains to Mexico : The Grand Lodges of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico ; Freemasonry in the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Mexico, and Central America. Complete in one chapter

DIVISION VIII ~ EARLY AMERICAN MASONIC HISTORY: The First Glimpses of Freemasonry in North America. Complete in one chapter.

DIVISION IX ~ BRITISH AMERICA: Outline history of the Grand Lodge of Canada, in the Province of Ontario. Freemasonry in the North, — the Grand Lodges of Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, and British Columbia. Complete in two chapters.

DIVISION X ~ OTHER COUNTRIES: Outline History of Freemasonry in Continental Europe. Freemasonry in Australasia and New Zealand — Grand Lodges of the Southern Sun. Complete in two chapters.

DIVISION XI ~ THE MORGAN EXCITEMENT: An exhaustive Account of that Historic Affair in the United States, treating of its Civil, Social, Political, and Masonic Aspects, as well as of the Deportation of William Morgan; written from a Masonic stand-point. Complete in two chapters.

DIVISION XII ~ MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE: A comprehensive History of the Origin and Development of Masonic Law * The relation of Governing Bodies to one another; the relation of Grand Lodges to their Constituent Lodges, and to individual members of the Craft * The relation of Lodges to one another, to their members, and of Masons to one another * the Origin and Use of public Masonic Forms and Ceremonies * And the customs and peculiarities of the Craft in general. Complete in one chapter

DIVISION XIII ~ THE CAPITULAR DEGREES: The Royal Arch as a Separate Degree in England and other parts of the British Empire * The Mark Master Mason's Degree as evolved in the United Kingdom * The several Grand Chapters, and the Royal Arch systems of England, Ireland, and Scotland, including Mark Masonry, Mason's Marks, and Past Master's Degree * The Grand Chapters of Canada, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and New Brunswick * The General Grand Royal Arch Chapter, its origin, powers, and jurisdiction * State Grand Chapters, including the Independent Grand Chapters of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia; separately considered, and in alphabetical order, together with all Chapters holding charters from the General Grand Chapter * The Order of High Priesthood. Complete in three chapters

DIVISION XIV ~ THE CRYPTIC DEGREES: The Council of Royal, and Select, and Super-Excellent Masters; together with a comprehensive sketch of its rise and organization * Government by a General Grand Council, Grand Councils, and Councils; including the Independent Grand Councils, and those of Canada and England. Complete in two chapters

DIVISION XV ~ EULOGIUM OF THE ANCIENT CRAFT: The relation of the Symbolic, Capitular, and Cryptic Degrees to one another and to Ancient Craft Masonry; comprising the Foundation, the Superstructure, and Ornaments of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons. * I. The Physical, the Spiritual, the Celestial, these three intertwining, ever-blending in perfect harmony * II. Freemasonry, the Conservator of Liberty and of the Universal Brotherhood of Man. Each part complete in one chapter.

PART THREE ~ CONCORDANT ORDERS – THE CHIVALRIC DEGREES. Complete in Two Divisions. DIVISION XVI ~ KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND ALLIED ORDERS: The Knights Templar of the United States of America, and Government by a Grand Encampment, Grand Commanderies, and Commanderies * The Ethics and Ritual of American Templary. Complete in three chapters; to which is added "In Memoriam," MacLeod Moore

DIVISION XVII ~ BRITISH TEMPLARY: A history of the Modern or Masonic Templar Systems, with a Concise Account of the Origin of Speculative Freemasonry, and its Evolution since the Revival, A.D. 1717. Complete in Seven chapters


DIVISION XVIII ~ SCOTTISH DEGREES, 4° to 33°, Inclusive. History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; its Government by Supreme Councils, Consistories, Chapters of Rose Croix, Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, and Lodges of Perfection. Complete in one chapter.

DIVISION XIX ~ THE ROYALORDER OF SCOTLAND: I. The History and Government of the Society in Europe and America; copies of Patents, and other particulars. * II. The Royal Order of Heredom of Kilwinning. Each part complete in one chapter.


DIVISION XX ~ OTHER RITES AND ORDERS: I. The Order of the Eastern Star, comprising a sketch of its origin, rise, teachings, and present condition * II. The Rosicrucian Society. Each part complete in one chapter. III. Masonic Dates, and Abbreviations, used in this work

DIVISION XXI ~ STATISTICS OF FREEMASONRY: These are shown in the Craft Department by tables, as full as it has been possible to compile them. In some cases the Grand Lodge records have been lost by fire and war, and in others the books were not kept with tables like these in view. The Capitular Statistics are all of late date, the records prior to i860 having been destroyed



ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDE: Philae Islands, Egypt (frontispiece) * Temple of Karnak, Thebes, Egypt * Illustrations of the Ancient Mysteries, Plates I and II * Ruins of the Temple of Isis and Osiris * Original Site of Cleopatra’s Needle, Egypt (Central Park, New York City, Obelisk) * Arms of the Ancients and Moderns, Grand Lodge of England * Chronological Table * Foldout Map of the Ancient World showing the Distribution of the Descendants of Noah * Montague Charter, AD 1732 * Regis MS or Halliwell Poem * Hughan’s Engraved List of Lodges, AD 1734 * Dermott’s Royal Arch * Collection of Mason’s Mark * Grand Lodge and Grand and Grand Chapter Seals * Scottish Rite Patent, AD 1789 * Patent of Provincial Grand Master, Royal Order of Scotland * Church of the Holy Sepulchre * Crusade Tower, Ramleh * Saint Jean D’Acre, Last Stronghold, Knights of St. John and Knights Templar in Holy Land * Saint Louis at Jerusalem * City Walls and Towers, Rhodes, erected by Knights of St. John, AD 1310-1523 * Entrance to the Muristan, AD 1892 * The Muristan: Hospice, Knights of St. John, Rhodes and Malta * The Chancel, Melrose Abbey, Scotland * Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London, England, and Sir Christopher Wren, Architect * York Minster, England * The Prentice Pillar, Roslin Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1895 * Roslin Chapel, Scotland * Roslin Chapel, Chancel View * Melrose Abbey, Exterior, showing Chancel Window), Melrose, Scotland * Old Green Dragon Tavern, Boston, Mass. * Masonic Temple, Philadelphia * Masonic Temple, New York City * Masonic Temple, Detroit, Michigan * New Masonic Temple, Indianapolis * Masonic Temple, Chicago * Masonic Temple, Minneapolis * New Masonic Temple, Boston * Egyptian Room, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia * Freemason’s Banquet Hall, London, England * Masonic Home, Utica NY * Masonic Home, Springfield Ohio * Pioneer Masonic Home, Louisville Kentucky * Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids, Iowa * United States Capitol * Mount Vernon, home of Past Master George Washington * Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida * The Hermitage near Nashville Tennessee * Independence Hall, Philadelphia * Mount Davidson, Virginia City Nevada * Richard I, Coeur de Lion) and Godfrey (De Bouillon) * Antony Sayre, Grand Master, AD 1717 * Daniel Coxe, Provincial Grand Master, AD 1730 * Benjamin Franklin, “Poor Richard” * Marquis De Lafayette, Major-General * Henry Price, Provincial Grand Master, AD 1733 * Colonel W.J.B. Macleod Moore, G.C.T. * General Albert Pike

Remember folks, this is a 1906 original. This book is 118 years old.


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