Note: Many of my clients are scholars and historians seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Subject Matter Featured in this Work (General/Partial Only, Please See Full Contents in Main Description Below): Sea and Land J.W. Buel Pictorial Illustrated Victorian Binding Color Plates Nature Natural History Science Biology Zoology Paleontology Mammals Reptiles Herpetology Fish Crustaceans Insects Entomology Man-Eaters Man Eating Animals Cannibals Savages Earth Terrestrial Wonders Curiosities Marvels Strange But True Myth Legend Fact Ocean Sea Maritime Storms Tides Whirlpool Waterspout Weather Dinosaurs Sea Monsters Ichthyosaur Megalosaur Pterodactyl Prehistoric Evolution Lobster Crab Giant Squid Octopus Kraken Sea Serpent Devil Fish Sailors Eel Lamprey Dragon Mackerel Mullet Electric Eel Whale Whaling Essex Grampus Shark Attack Swordfish Sawfish Dogfish Sturgeon Dolphin Seals Hunting Walrus Polar Bear Narwhal Crocodile Alligator Sea Turtle Snapping Turtle Penguin Cormorant Frigate Bird Albatross Ocean Navigation Christopher Columbus Sailor Superstitions Witchcraft Gods Mysterious Islands Mermaid Rime of the Ancient Mariner William Taylor Coleridge Chaos Land Geology Garden of Eden Atlantis Noah Flood Great Deluge Ice Age Phoenix Insects Ants Locusts Spiders Tarantula Scorpion Mandrake Man-Eating Bush Lion Tiger African Elephant Rhinoceros Rhino Hippopotamus Hippo Wild Dogs Killer Apes Gorilla Orangutan Chimpanzee Monkey Grizzly Bear Pygmy Pygmies Africa Cannibal Human Flesh Fans Niam-Niam Bonny Dahome Ashanti Dyaks Borneo Battas Sumatra Fuegian Patagonian Orinoco Maracaibo New Guinea Plesiosaur Cocoanut Crab Nautilus Eskimo Gustave Dore Woolly Mammoth Cave Bear Caveman Ghost Ship Phantom Ship

SEA AND LAND. An Illustrated History Of the Wonderful and Curious Things Of Nature Existing Before And Since The Deluge. Embodying Descriptions Of The Mighty World Of Waters, And Of The Marvelous Creatures Which Comprise Its Inhabitants. Being a Natural History of the Sea Illustrated by Stirring Adventures With Whales, Devil-Fish, Giant Polypi, Sharks, Sword-Fish, Dog-Fish, Stinging-Fish, Crocodiles, Etc.; To Which Are Added Descriptions Of All Ihe Phenomenal Creatures And Things That Are Found In The Deep Sea, Together "With A Full Account Of The Remarkable Legends And Superstitions So Prevalent Among Sailors. Including A Natural History Of The World Ashore, The Surprises That Are To Be Met With In All The Regions Of The Earth, In The Kingdoms Of Animal, Insect And Vegetable Creation. Also, A Natural History Of Land-Creatures Such As Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Rhinoceri, Hippopotami, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Mandrills, Bears, Wild Dogs, Etc.- With Hundreds Of Thrilling Escapades Illustrating Their Character And Disposition. To Which Is Appended A Description Of The Cannibals And Wild Races Of The World, Their Customs, Habits, Ferocity And Curious Ways. By J.W. Buel. Published in 1887 by N.D. Thompson, St. Louis, Missouri. 9” x 6” quarter leather binding with marbled boards. Illustrated with color frontispiece and 300 text engravings, "Representing The Wonderful Creatures Of The World In Their Natural Condition." 800 pages.

Condition: VERY RARE - GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Newly recased in handsome quarter leather binding with marbled boards. Color plate frontispiece. Firm binding. New endpapers. Some foxing to title page, otherwise pages bright and supple. Text is clean and complete. No torn or loose pages. Nice example of this very scarce Victorian sea title.


SEA AND LAND is a beautifully illustrated foray into the world of natural history, replete with hundreds of engravings and accompanied by a narrative that is oftentimes as thrilling as it is informative. The perfect pastime for armchair adventurers.

SEA AND LAND not only introduces the colorful and curious denizens of our oceans and continents, but also the deadliest and most dangerous. Animals, fish, plants – even men – that want to HUNT you down, KILL you, and EAT you.

Never before (and possibly never since) have so many man-eaters been gathered in one book or so graphically illustrated at the moment of attack. . Ravenous sharks, killer whales, giant squids and octopuses, impossibly huge crabs that lurk in trees and feed on goats … Crocodiles, polar bears, stampeding elephants, crazed hippos, lions, tigers, murderous gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees …

And of course, the most gruesome man-eater of all, the cannibals of the darkest jungles who would happily slay and consume women, children and the elderly to satisfy their savage hungers.

There are also chapters on creatures of superstition, imagination and the great unknown – sea serpents, krakens, mermaids and ghost ships!

This everything-you-could-wish-for-and-more book also reproduces the full text of Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” complete with several Gustave Dore engravings illustrating the famous poem.

In addition, SEA AND LAND features 300 dramatic illustrations throughout the text, and a color plate frontispiece.

To give you a better idea of what you’ll find in this unforgettable collection of nature’s wonders and horrors, I have prepared some helpful details below. First, a summary of the book’s contents, followed by a listing of the numerous illustrations contained in this volume. Further down the page, you can see more than 100 examples of these historic images.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to have a look..

Contents Are:


Chapter One: Beginning of the World * How the Ocean was Evolved * Wonders of the Primitive Sea * Preponderance of Life in the Sea Over that on Land * Vitalizing Effects of Rain * The World Once an Universal Ocean * How Water Grew Out of Flames * Life that Preceded Man * The Tides and How They Are Caused * Effects of Winds * Dreadful Devastation of the Tides * Storms, Whirlpools and Water-Spouts * Description of a Storm at Sea * The Author's Experience * Destruction of Ships by Ocean Cyclones

Chapter Two ~ Curiosities of the Ocean: Why is the Ocean Salt ? * Mangin's Theory * Useful Purpose Served by the Salt of the Sea * Why Rain is Invariably Fresh Instead of Salt * The Ocean Essential to Life on the Earth * Gleaming Lights of the Sea * What Makes the Ocean Sometimes Luminous * Wonderful Displays of Phosphorescence

Chapter Three ~ Prehistoric Monsters of the Deep: Buried Continents * How Creation Prepared the Way for Giant Saurians * Beginning of Life in the Sea * The First Fish Created * Saurian Monsters * The Terrible Ichthyosaurus and Ghoulish Piesiosaurus * Mangin's Description * The Conflict for Existence * Services to Nature Rendered by Sea Monsters * A Horrible Creature * The Megalosaurus * The Flying Pterodactyl * The Invulnerable Teleosaurus * A Creature that was Lizard, Tortoise and Crocodile all in One

Chapter Four ~ The Prehistoric American Ocean: Death of Oceans * Causes which Produced Displacements * The Ancient Ocean Bed of Kansas * Discoveries of Gigantic Remains of Extinct Animals * A Tremendous Turde * Flying Reptiles of Astounding Size * Combats Between Great Ocean Creatures * The Largest Animal Capable of Motion on Land * Fish-Birds * A Creature Two Hundred Feet Long * An Animal Eighty Feet Tall * Two Titanic Birds * The Last Struggles of Monsters in the Kansas Pool

Chapter Five ~ Appearance of Land Animals: The Epoch of Great Change * Monster Saurians Feeding Off Each Other * Whales of the Primitive Seas * Evolution of Life in the Sea * How Land Creatures Were Evolved from the Ocean * Birth of Sponges * Marvelous Artisans of the Sea * Flower Gardens of the Sea * Coral Wonders * Exquisite Beauties of the Coral * Wonderful Works Performed * Curiosities of the Coral-Worm * Islands Built by Coral-Worms * Other Architects of the Sea * Stone Borers * The Taredo, or Ship-Worm

Chapter Six ~ Armor-Clad Sea Warriors: The Horrid Scavengers of the Sea * Lobsters Large as a Dog * Armor-Covered Crustacae * A Funny Experience with Sand-Fiddlers * The Formidable Cancer-Crab * A Shipwrecked Crew Devoured by Crabs * Marvelous Exhibition of Cannibalism * Monster Sea-Spiders * Crabs that Break Cocoanuts * The Pirate-Crab * The Purple and Mask-Crab * Curious Crabs * A Crab that Lifted a Goat * The Japanese Spider-Crab * Thrilling Incident

Chapter Seven ~ Horrible Monsters of the Deep: Natural Advance of the Beautiful Towards the Horrid * From the Gorgeous Argonauta to the Horror-Inspiring Octopus * The Frightful Polypus * Stories of the Giant Octopus * Exaggerations of Pliny and Aristotle * The Greatest Monster of Antediluvian Times * Attacked by a Terrible Squid * Fearful Adventure with an Octopus * A Squid Larger Than a Cathedral * Ship Attacked by a Monster Squid * Facts About Gigantic Calmars * Monsters in the Great Depths of the Sea * Capture of a Gigantic Cuttlefish * Desperate Fight Made by the Awful Animal * The Ship-Destroying Kraken * Montfort's Yarns * A Bishop's Testimony * A Sea Monstrosity * Battle with an Octopus

Chapter Eight ~ The Sea Serpent: Evidences Upon Which Rest a Belief in the Existence of a Great Sea-Serpent * Leviathan, the Crooked Serpent * Great Egyptian Sea-Serpent * Capture of a Serpent Fifty Feet Long * Adventures of Hans Egidius * Descriptions of Sea-Serpents Seen and Captured * Favorite Haunts of Sea-Serpents * Sea-Serpents Increasing in Number * A Serpent Eighty Feet Long Viewed by Hundreds of People * Proofs of the Serpent Multiplied * Naturalists Confounded * A Serpent Six Hundred Feet Long * A Frightful Object * A Sea-Serpent that Resembled a Chain of Hogsheads * Captain Harrington's Sea-Serpent * Captain Robert's Sea-Serpent * A Sea Product that Resembles a Serpent * The Great Algae * Reasons for Doubting the Existence of the Sea-Serpent * No One Can Positively Deny There is Such a Creature

Chapter Nine ~ The Devil-Fish and Its Infernal Kin: A Creature More Horribly Grotesque than the Octopus * A Suitable Appellation * Adventures with the Devil-Fish * Thrilling Experience of a Fisherman * Lieut. Lamont's Exciting Adventure * His Second Experience * A Big Fish Story * A Lot of Surprised Sailors * Extraordinary Power of the Devil-Fish * Offshoots of Satan * The Ugly Sea-Frog * It Catches Big Prey * The Stomias Boa * Neetmok * A Genuine Sea-Serpent * The Mursena Eels * Plow They Were Formerly Fatted on Human Flesh * Result of a Broken Goblet * The Lamprey * A Strange Old Law * A Fallen Angel * Flying Dragons * The Pegasus Dragon * A Curious Sea-Horse

Chapter Ten ~ Beautiful and Curious Fishes: Fish of Paradise * The Mackerel Family * The John Dory * Cruelties Practised on the Red Mullet by the Ancients * Four Hundred Dollars For a Single Fish * Wonderful Death Throes of the Mullet * The Marvelous Riband-Fish * Rainbow and Parrot-Fish * Warriors of the Deep * The Torpedo Fish * The Electrical Eel * Singular Way in Which it is Caught * Horses as Fishers * Stinging- Fish * The Dangerous Sting- Ray * Floating Nettles * Unpleasant Experiments of a French Naturalist * Nest-Building Fish * Shooting-Fish * Musical Fish * Humboldt's Investigations * The Jumping Fish of Borneo * Walking Fish * The Wonderful Climbing Perch * How it Sustains Life While Traversing Long Distances Over Land * A Summary of Curious Fishes

Chapter Eleven ~ The World Down Under the Sea: Dissimilarity of Elements Does Not Necessarily Destroy Harmony of Identity * Down Among Dead Men's Bones * Composition of the Sea * Marvels of the Ocean-bed * A Land of Dreams * Fairy Splendors * Halls of the Sun * Wondors of the Mighty Deep * Perpetual Snow-fall in the Sea * The Deep Waters at Perpetual Rest * Enormous Pressure at the Bed of the Ocean

Chapter Twelve ~ Modern Monsters of the Ocean World: The Wonderful Unfoldings of Creation * How Does Life Begin ? * A Simple Experiment Proving the Theory of Evolution * Legends of the Time of Columbus * The Sea Guarded by Gryphons * Chronicles of the Historiographer of Columbus' First Voyage * Extraordinary Adventures of Father Philoponus * Ship Attacked by a Whale * A Service of Mass on Its Back Saves the Crew From Destruction * A Monster Ten-fold Worse than the Devil was Ever Painted

Chapter Thirteen ~ Titanic Creatures of the Sea – Whales: Job's Apotheosis of the Whale * The Whale Well Known to the Ancients * Peculiarities of the Whale * Spouting * A School of Whales Sighted * How the Whale Feeds * Adventures with Whales * A Maddened Whale Sinks a Ship * A Dutchman Rides a Whale * Incidents of Fatality in the Whale Fishery * Force of a Whale's Tail * Dashed to Pieces by a Whale * Ferocity of the Angry Whale * Terrible Smashing of Whale Boats * Physical Curiosities of the Whale * How the Whale is Killed * Thrilling Adventure of Captain Bellair * A Dreadful Death * A Mad Whale * Knocking a Boat Sky-High * Back ! for Your Lives ! * A Thrilling Fight * The Work of Butchering a Whale * Whale-flesh as Food * Fight Between a Whale and Grampus * A Whale's Devotion to its Young * Inveterate Enemies of the Whale

Chapter Fourteen ~ The Voracious Shark: Dreadful Armature of the Shark * Adventures With Sharks * Capture of a Shark * Fearful Casualties From Man-Eating Sharks * A Singular Way of Killing Sharks * A Company of Men Devoured by Sharks * A Shipwrecked Crew Attacked by Sharks * Terrible Sufferings * Fortitude of an Officer Whose Legs Were Bitten off by Sharks * Voracity and Tenacity of Life * A Boat's Crew Saved by a Shark * Shipwrecked and Eaten by Sharks * A Man Torn in Pieces by a Shark * A Lad Bitten in Two by a Shark * Terrible Adventure of a Diver * A Scourge From Birth * Shark Fishing * Worship of the Shark * Members of the Voracious Family * Satellites and Parasites of the Shark * Fidelity of the Pilot-Fish * The Wonderful Remora Fish

Chapter Fifteen ~ The Sword-Fish and Saw-Fish: How the Sicilians Charm the Sword-Fish by Songs * Attacked by a Sword-Fish * How the Fish is Frenzied by Parasites * Character of the Saw-Fish * Battle With a Saw- Fish * The Ferocious Dog-Fish * A Boy and Men Eaten by Dog-Fish * Paul Boynton's Adventure With a Dog-Fish * Perilous Position of Two Boys * The Sturgeon * How Captured and Prepared for Use as Food * The Dolphin and its Kin * Chased by a Dolphin * The Eyed Pteraclis * Legends of the Dolphin * The Coryphene * The Water-Mother

Chapter Sixteen ~ Marine Men: The Phocae Family * Fables of Old * Catching a Monk at Sea * Strange Variety and Domestic Character of Seals * Maternal Love and Singular Habits of the Seal * Squatter Sovereignty among Seals * A Gigantic Leap and Terrible Combats * Adventures in Hunting the Seal * Anecdotes of the Seal's Sagacity * Doherty’s description * How Seals are Captured * A Pet Seal * Terrible Fight with a Mother Seal * The Great Sea-Horse * Habits of the Walrus * Desperate Bravery of the Walrus * Cunning of the Polar Bear * His Fierce Battles with the Walrus * A Fearful Fight with Walruses * The Monster Sea-Elephant, its Habits and Ferocity * The Sea Bear

Chapter Seventeen ~ The Mighty Polar Bear: Amphibious Character of the Polar Bear * The Hard Life He Leads * His Extraordinary Powers * Dangers of Attacking the Polar Bear * Intelligence of the Polar Bear * Mangled by a Polar Bear * Battles with the Polar Bear * Wonderful Maternal Love Manifested by the Mother of two Cubs

Chapter Eighteen ~ The Narwhal – Crocodile: Legends and Superstitions of the Sea-Unicorn * Marvelous Virtues Attributed to the Unicorn's Horn * The Sea and Land Unicorn Confounded * The Narwhal the Unicorn of the Sea * Mail- Clad Crocodiles * Infant Sacrifices to Crocodiles * Baker's Adventures with Ceylon Crocodiles * Man Seized by a Crocodile * Death of the Monster * Woman Devoured by a Crocodile * A Safe Place of Deposit * Egyptian Man-Eating Crocodile * How the Crocodile is Hunted * Man Torn by a Crocodile * Two Slaves Eaten by Crocodiles * A Distinguished Englishman Devoured by Crocodiles * Exciting Adventures * Horribly mangled by a Crocodile * " Nobody but a Slave ; but oh, the Necklace! " * Extraordinary Tenacity of Life * Interesting Superstitions * Battle Between a Tiger and Crocodile * The Voracious Alligator * Missionary Seized by an Alligator * Fight Between an Alligator and a Bear * The Thallassites * Curiosities of Sea Turtles * Snapping Turtle Fiercer than a Tiger * A Wonderful Incident

Chapter Nineteen ~ Birds of the Sea: The Great Divers * The Jackass Penguin * Cities Built by Garfous * A Serpentine Bird * Superstitions of the Pelican * The Fish-Catching Cormorant * Birds of Tireless Wing * Mother Carey Chickens * The Wandering Albatross * Angling for Albatross * The Swift-Winged Frigate-Bird * Pirates of the Air

Chapter Twenty ~ Superstitions and Legends of the Sea: Legend of the Pillars of Hercules * Monsters of the Mediterranean * Singular Origin of Ocean Navigation * Superstitions of Columbus' Crew * The Phantom Ship * Witchcraft on the Sea * Singular Beliefs Still Prevailing * Offerings to Sea Gods * Deities That Preside Over Ships * Launching and Christening a Ship * Mysterious Islands * Virtues of a Child's Caul * Marvelous Bird-Bearing Trees * Dead Bodies on Shipboard * -People of the Sea * Wonderful Stories of Mermaids * " The Ancient Mariner," full text


Chapter Twenty-One ~ Unfolding of Creation by Evolution: The Growth of Earth out of Chaos * The Platonists and Neptunists * Thor, the Thunder God * Chinese Legend of Creation * The World Before Order was Established * Effects of .Mighty Convulsions * First Appearance of Forests * The First Animals * Land Monsters * Most Terrible of Land Creatures * A Fiend too Dreadful to Look Upon * Birth of the Mammalia * Huge Beasts of the Tertiary Period * The Frightful Alligator-Bird * The Mastodon * The Gigantic Megatherium * Other Dreadful Creatures in the Early Age of the World * The Coming of Man * Telluric Disturbances

Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Monsters of the Quarternary Period: Snakes and Turtles of Enormous Size * Resurrection of the Bones of Giants * An Earth Mole Large as an Elephant * The Mammoth * Other Monster Brutes * The Great Birds, Dinornis and Epiornis

Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Birth of Man: Evidences of our First Parents * Where was the Garden of Eden * The Wonderful Country of Atlantis * Plato's Description * From Whence Originated the Mythology of the Ancients * The Great Deluge * Hindoo Theory of Creation * Periodical Destruction of the Earth * The Philosophy of Pythagoras * Remarkable Similarity Between the Mosaic and Aztec Chronicles

Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Historical Deluges: The Glacial Deluge * Cause of the Great Glacial Deluge * Theory as to the Periodic Destruction of the Earth by Ice * Cycle of the Great Year * Shall the Earth be Again Destroyed ? * Shall Man be Succeeded by a Higher Order of Creation ?

Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Wonders of Nature: Universality of Life * Life Existing Even in Fire * Remarkable Fish Found Living in Boiling Water * Fable of the Phcenix-Bird * Marvelous Results of Experiments with Fire-Creatures * Lantern Insects * Wonders of Insect Life * The Bombardier, or Shooting Bug * Remarkable Intelligence in Bees * The Process of Queen-Making * Curious Habits of Ants * Dependency of Master Upon Slave * Ants that Keep Their Own Cows * Battle Between Two Great Armies of Ants * House-Eaters and Architects * Carpenter and Joiner Insects * How the Diving-Bell Came to be Invented * The Plague of Locusts * The Voracious Ant-Lion * Curiosities of the Spider-web * How it is Spun * Use of the Spider's Den * The Dreadful Tarantula * The Chicken Spider * The Scorpion * Some Astounding Facts About the Scorpion * Young Scorpions Subsisting Off the Body of their Mother * A Medley of Curiosities

Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Curiosities of the Vegetable World: A Floral Clock * People Who Live in Palm Trees * The Bread-Fruit Tree * The Weeping Tree * A Wine-Producing Tree * The Manna Tree and Wax-Palm * Trees that Yield Sweet and Refreshing Milk and Butter * Strange Superstitions Concerning Corn * History of the Quinine Plant * The Soap and Camphor Trees * The Deadly Upas Tree * Serpents of the Vegetable Kingdom * Ancient Superstitions About Plants * The Bewitching Mandrake * Carnivorous Plants * A Man-Eating Bush * Giants of the Forest * Historical Trees of the World * Chestnut Tree of the Hundred Horses * Contemporaries of the Deluge Still Living * Immortality of Trees * The Dragon's-Blood Tree of Teneriffe

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ The Lion: The Inharmonies of Nature * The Lion * How He Wins His Bride * The Lion Fight * Coquetry of the Lioness * Perils of Lion-Cub Stealing * Eaten by a Lion * Different Modes of Killing the Lion * Lion-Hunting on Foot, Face to Face * Daring of the Lion * Coolness Necessary in Hunting the Lion * A Lion Mesmerizes a Lover * A Lion's Feast off Human Flesh * The Fatal Attack * Torn by a Lion * Adventure with a Fierce Lioness * Man captured and Eaten by a Lion * A Soldier Carried off by a Lion * Miraculous Escape From a Lion * How a Brave Arab was Torn by a Lion * Mr. Baldwin's Wonderful Luck * Wonderful Tenacity of Life in a Lioness * How a Lion Seizes a Buffalo * A Sheik's Brave Defense of His Followers * Arab Superstitions Concerning the Lion

Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ The Tiger: The Asiatic Monarch of the Jungle * A Voracious Man-Eater * Peculiarities of the Tiger * Fierce Combats Between Lions and Tigers * Superiority of the Tiger * Tiger-Cubs * How the Tiger takes its Prey * Hunting the Tiger * Why a Simple Wound Proves Fatal to a Tiger * Cannibal Propensities of Tigers * Wild Dogs that Kill and Eat Tigers * An India Officer Killed by a Tiger * Desperate Ravages of a Man Eating Tigress * A Priest Eaten by a Tiger * A Hunt for the Man-Eater * A Woman Carried off by a Tiger * How the Monster Beast was Finally Slain * Thrilling Adventure with a Tiger * Saved by a Spear * Fight Between the Elephant and Tiger

Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ The Elephant: No Mention of the Elephant in Bible History * The Asiatic and African Elephant Compared * The So-Called White Elephant * Its Existence a Myth * The Author's Experience with a Pseudo White Elephant * The Sacred Beast Obtained from the Czar of Russia for Barnum * Why the Great Showman Never Accepted the Animal * Hunting Elephants * Capturing Elephants in India * Hunting the African Elephant * The Brave Hunters of Africa * Cruel Means Employed to Destroy Elephants * A Thrilling Hunt * Miraculous Escape from a herd of Elephants * Thrilling Adventure * Perils of Night Hunting in Africa * Singular Attachment of a Baby Elephant * Language and Peculiarities of Elephants * Strange Disappearance of Elephants after Death * Is the Elephant a Sagacious Animal? * The Must, or Mad, Elephant * How the Elephant Makes His Attack * Perils of Elephant-Shooting * The Vengeful Rogue Elephant * A Perilous Adventure * Cumming's First Adventure with Elephants * Charged by a Bull Elephant * The Bloody Work of Elephant Butchers * Perilous Situation of a Hunter * Terrible Charge of an Infuriated Bull * Cooking Elephants' Foot * Horrible Accident * Frightful Death of Officer McClane * Death of a Famous Hunter * Gored to Death by an Elephant * Killing Elephants with the Sword * A Thrilling Hunt * Down Rushes the Charging Elephant * The Fatal Experiment of Professor Wahlberg * Battles Between the Elephant and Rhinoceros

Chapter Thirty ~ The Rhinoceros: Wonderful Strength and Armament of the Rhinoceros * The Several Species and Where Found * Structure of the Animal's Horn * A Rhinoceros Charges a Wagon * A Rhinoceros Destroys a Ship * Terrible Ferocity of an India Rhinoceros * Fight Between Four Bulls * Hunting the Rhinoceros * Desperate Situation of Mr. Oswall * His Horse Disemboweled * Oswall Wounded by a Rhinoceros * Vulnerableness of the Rhinoceros * Andersson's Perilous Adventure with a Black Rhinoceros * A Still More Remarkable Escape * A Ride on the Back of a Rhinoceros * Charged and Ripped Up by a Rhinoceros * "Good God! the Brute Has Attacked the Lad Also ! " A Thrilling Rhinoceros Hunt * Killing the Rhinoceros with Swords * Furious Disposition of the Rhinoceros * Nerve Required to Slay a Rhinoceros * Another Exciting Hunt * Dreadful Onslaught of a Rhinoceros * The Rhinoceros-Bird * Cumming Vanquished by a Rhinoceros * Capture of a Rhinoceros Calf

Chapter Thirty-One ~ The Hippopotamus: Africa the Land of Gigantic Creatures * Description of the Hippopotamus * Devastation Wrought by Hippopotami * Baker's First Adventure with Hippopotami * A Bloody Struggle * Harpooning a Bull Hippopotamus * A Terrible Fight * Man Killed by a Savage Hippopotamus * The Fierceness of Bull Hippopotami * An Exciting Hunt by the Howartis * Hippopotamus Flesh as a Delicacy * Korbatches Used for Punishing Criminals * A Hippopotamus Attacks a Missionary * Native Modes of Killing the Hippopotamus * Attacked by a Hippopotamus and Her Calf * A Close Call from a Charging Hippopotamus

Chapter Thirty-Two ~ The Wild Dogs of Africa: Description of the Wild Dog * A Singular Creature * Wonderful Tenacity of Life in the Wild Dog * How the Wild Dogs Hunt * In Great Favor with Native Africans * Wild Dogs Attack a Lion * The True Lords of the Forest

Chapter Thirty-Three ~ The Gorilla, Orangutan and Chimpanzee: Does Such a Creature as the Gorilla Exist? * Du Chaillu the Only Witness * The Possibility of the Gorilla and Orang Outan Being Identical * The Skeletons Exhibited by Du Chaillu * Du Chaillu's Adventures with Gorillas * Face to Face with a Monster * Capture of a Gorilla * A Pitiable Spectacle * A Pair of Baby Gorillas * Terrific Battles Between Male Gorillas * Fights Between Leopards and Gorillas * Attempts to Deceive the Public * The Berlin Animal and Barnum's Creation * The Orang Outan * Similarity Between the Orang Outan and Gorilla * Power and Ferocity of the Orang Outan * Love for Pretty Women Exhibited by the Orang Outan * Kidnaping Women * The Ferocious Mandrill * Man Attacked by a Mandrill * The Mandrill's Love for Women * How it Watches Villages for Victims * A Strange Incident * A Monkey Enamored of a Young Girl * The Human Ape or Chimpanzee * How the Chimpanzee Fights With Clubs * Human-Like Habits of the Chimpanzee * Chimpanzees Abducting Women * A Curious Baboon Hunt * Howling and Preacher Monkeys

Chapter Thirty-Four ~ The Mighty Grizzly Bear: Ferocity and Power of the Grizzly Bear * His Habits and Untamable Disposition * How He Catches His Prey * Hunting the Grizzly * An Appalling Accident to a Hunter * How the Grizzly Attacks Cattle * Battles Between the Grizzly and Buffalo * Man Killed by a Pet Grizzly * A Little Girl Fatally Injured by a Captive Grizzly


Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Wonderful Pygmies of Africa: Africa the Land of Wonders * Giants that Once Existed in Africa * Evidences of Early Pigmy Races * The Pigmies of Homer and Other Poets * Pigmies and the Cranes * Positive Proof of a Pigmy Race * Schweinfurth's Discoveries * Interview with an African Dwarf * The Dancing Dwarf * Confirmatory Evidences of Pigmies * Du Chaillu's Hunt for Dwarfs * He Discovers a Pigmy Village * Catching a Pigmy Woman * The Dwarfs Become Friendly with Du Chaillu * A Wonderful Assembly of Pigmies * The Story of the Dwarfs as Told by Themselves * How the Pigmies Bury Their Dead * Singular Superstitions

Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Cannibal Races – The Monbutto: The Line Which Separates Man From the Beast * Lowest Order of the Human Race * The Monbutto Cannibals * A King Who Dines Off Babies * The Monbutto Race a Superior Race Notwithstanding Their Cannibalism * How Human Flesh is prepared for Food * Old Women Eaten by the Niam-Niam People * Defence of the Custom * Feasting Off an Infant

Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The Fans and Niam-Niams: Dreadful Habits of the Fan Cannibals * Prisoners of War Invariably Eaten * The Bodies of Wizards a Disagreeable Food * Daughters a Father's Blessing * Girls Given in Marriage to the Highest Bidder * The Niam-Niam People * Awe of the White Man * Wonderful Weapons of the Niam-Niams * Great Hunters, but Particularly Fond of Human Flesh

Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ The Bonny Cannibals: History of a Converted Cannibal * From a Gentleman Back to the Brute * A King's Favorite Dish * Sacred Ju-ju Houses, Where Sacrifices Are Made * Blood and Torture * Horrible Scenes Witnessed by Dr. Hutchinson * Butchering Humans for the Feast.

Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ The Dahome and Ashanti People: The King of Dahome * Singular Rules Concerning the Royal Succession * Shocking Sacrifices * Purposes of the Dahome Sacrifices * Witnessing an Execution * Horrible Celebration of the Grand Custom * The Amazon Soldiers * Desperate Valor of the Amazons * An Interesting Review * Storming a Fort * Fetish Customs of the Congo Races * History of the Congo Country * How Women Have Controlled the Destiny of Congo

Chapter Forty ~ The Dyaks of Borneo and the Battas of Sumatra: Unaccountable Differences Between Races * History of the Dyaks * How They Became a Nation of Head-Hunters * Superstitious Sacrifices * Morals of the Hill Dyaks * The Happiest People on Earth * Morality of the Highest Type, Without Religion of Any Kind * Freedom From Disease and Insanity * The Horrible Battas of Sumatra * Government of the Battas * Children Eating Their Parents * Other Sacrifices for Purposes of Cannibalism * The Four Crimes Punishable by Death * The Victims Always Eaten * Horrors too Dreadful to Look Upon * Men Cut into Pieces and Fed Raw to the People * Civilized People Who Practice Cannibalism * The Most Curious of All People * Preferring Nakedness in a Bitter-cold Country * Differences Between the Fuegians and Esquimaux * Rudeness of Fuegian Huts * Weapons and Prowess of the Fuegians * Wonderful Stone-Throwing * Fish-Catching Dogs * Cannibalism * Filthy Habits and Rare Imitative Powers of the Fuegians * Patagonians Compared with the Fuegians * Habits of the Patagonians * Expert in Throwing the Bolas * The Cannibals of Hayti * Dreadful Voudou Sacrifices of Infants * A Mother Who Helped to Eat Her Own Child * Human Flesh as Regular Food * The Esquimaux * Their Love for a Frozen Wilderness * Appearance, Dress and Habits * Tattooing * The Kyack-boat and its Management * Superstitions, Social Customs, etc. * Disposition of Dead Bodies

Chapter Forty-One ~ Curiosities of the Human Race: River Dwellers of the Orinoco * The Orehur Water Spirit * Herodotus' Mention of Lake Dwellers * The Wonderful Ita Palm * The Maracaibo Lake Dwellers * How their Dwellings are Constructed * The Pre-Historic Lake Dwellers of Switzerland * Curiosities Found in the Swiss Lakes * Tree Dwellers * Houses of the Bakones * Frightful Destruction of Children * The Marvelous Monkey Men of New Guinea * Their Homes in the Branches of Trees

Illustrations Include: Illustrating the Solar Lunar Tides * Tidal Inundations on the Danish Coast * Vessel in a Storm at Sea {after Dore) * The Terrible Water-Spout * The Luminous Sea * Fishes of the Silurian Age * Early Man Contending with the Plesiosaurus * The Flying Pterodactyl * The Teleosaurus * The Great Turtle * Combat Between the Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus * Monsters of the Kansas Plains in Their Last Struggles * Neptune's Cup * Sponge Gathering in the Mediterranean * Architectural Wonders of the Coral-Worm * Birth of the Coral -Worm * Island Built by Coral-Worms * The Taredo, or Ship-Worm * Cocoanut-Eating Crabs * The Japanese Spider-Crab * Crab Lifting a Goat * The Nautilus, in three positions * A Giant Rock-Squid * Frightful Adventure with an Octopus * The Kraken Sinking a Ship * The Giant Cuttle-Fish, as seen from the Ship Alecton * Attack on the Great Cuttle-Fish * Battle with an Octopus * Mangin's Sea-Serpent (from an old print) * The Sea-Serpent of Ancient Legend * Sea-Serpent of Hans Egidius * Gigantic Sea- Weed Resembling a Serpent * Lieutenant Lamont's Adventure with a Devil-Fish * The Angler, or Frog-Fish * Stomias Boa, or Serpent-Fish * The Angel, or Monk-Fish * The Pegasus Dragon * The Sea-Horse * The Beautiful and Curious * Romans Watching the Expiring Throes of a Mullet in Fishing for Electrical Eels by the Aid of Horses * The Sting-Ray * The Portuguese Man-of-War * The Stinging Sea-Nettle * Stickleback in its Nest * The Archer- Fish * Queer Fishes of the Mediterranean * The Jumping- Fish of Borneo * The Walking-Fish * The Land-Traveling Perch * The Climbing-Perch * Sea Gryphon (an old print) * Cooking a Dinner on Leviathan's Back * The Sperm Whale * Smashing of the Ship Essex by a Whale * A Whale-boat Knocked Skyward * The Right, or Greenland Whale * Pursuing a Whale * An Exciting Pursuit * Sounding * Cutting up a Whale * The White, or Basking Shark * Shark Fishing * Boy Bitten in Twain by a Shark * Courageous Attack on a Shark * Excitement of Shark Fishing * The Hammer-Head Shark * The Great Pilgrim Shark * The Remora, or Sucker-Fish * Sicilians Hunting the Sword-Fish * Ferocious Attack of Sword-Fish * Harpooning a Sword-Fish * Sword-Fish Stabbing a Tunny * Savage Battle With a Sword Fish * The Sailor Sword Fish * The Saw- Fish * Terrible Fight With a Saw-Fish * A Friendly Visitor * Capt. Paul Boynton Attacked by a Dog-Fish * Perilous Position of two Boys * Russian Mode of Capturing the Sturgeon. * The Dolphin * Apollo Riding the Fabled Dolphin * Eyed Pteraclis * The Coryphene * The Manatus at Home * The Beautiful Crested Seal * Seal and Walrus Hunting in the Frozen Sea * Seal Rocks off San Francisco * Walrus, Sea-Lion and Seals * A Battle with Walruses * Esquimau Walrus Hunter * The Monster Sea-Elephant * The Trumpet Seal * The Polar Bear in His Chosen Haunt * Komteen * Hunter Mangled by a Polar Bear * Polar Bear and Walrus Fighting * Norwhal Fishing off Greenland * Whale Attacked by a Narwhal * Gavial Crocodile of the Ganges * Scene on the Margin of Bolgodde Lake * Woman Carried off by a Crocodile * Scene on the Upper Nile * Manner of Hunting the Crocodile by Bengo Natives * Battle Between a Crocodile and Tiger * Missionary Seized by an Alligator * Fight Between a Bear and Alligator * Catching a Sleeping Turtle in the Mozambique * Home of the Leather-Back Turtle * The Snapping, or Tiger-Turtle * The Gorfou and Its Nest Village * The Crested Grebe * The Serpent Bird * The Wandering Albatross * Swift- Winged Frigate-Bird * The Phantom Ship * Fabled Mermaid and Merman * The Ancient Mariner, (a series of illustrations. after Dore) * Pan-Kou-Che, the Chinese Deity * Thor, the Scandinavian Creator * Labyrinthodon, Restored * Megalosaurus and Iguanodon * The Ramphorynchus * Dragon, of Ancient Belief * The Hadrosaur and Contemporary Animals * The Monster Dinotheria * Earliest Man and His Surroundings * The Megatherium * The Mammoth and Contemporary Animals * The Mammoth During the Age of Man * Forest of the Carboniferous Period * The Great Woolly Rhinoceros * Ancient Animals of the Thames * The Hand Animal * The Dinornis, or Terrible Bird * Comparative Size of Eggs * The Wingless Bird of New Zealand * Primeval Man Battling with the Cave Bear. * Imaginary Scene of the Biblical Deluge * Funeral Feast in the Great Bear Period * Feast During the Reindeer Period * A Family of the Stone Age * The Earliest Manufactory of Flints * Man of the Reindeer Period * A Glacial Deluge * Funeral Ceremony During the Reindeer Epoch * Animals Not Destructible by Fire * Great Lantern Fly * Calosoma Pursuing a Bombardier * An Army of Ants on the March * Ant Milking its Cow * Carpenter Bee and its Chambers * The Diving Bell Spider * Pit of the Ant Lion * The Tarantula * Chicken Spider Killing a Humming Bird * Bread Fruit Tree * The Weeping Tree * The Wine Tree * Manna, or Sugar-Tree * Wax Palm of the Andes * Extracting Milk from the Cow-Tree * The Upas Tree of Java * Venus Fly-Trap * The Ya-te-veo, or Man-Eating Plant * Chapel Oak in Normandy * Gigantic Baobab * Chestnut Tree of a Hundred Horses * Gutta-Percha Tree * The Interrupted Feast * Battle of the Monarchs * A Criminal Eaten by a Lion * Method of Hunting the Lion in Northern Africa * Savage Satisfaction Exhibited by a Tiger * Gerard's Adventure with a Wounded Lion * The Lion Carrying Off Poor Hendric * A Hair-breadth Escape * A Disastrous Neetmok Fight * Mr. Baldwin's Marvelous Escape * A Broadside Shot * Wonderful Tenacity of Life in a Lioness * How the Lion Seizes a Buffalo * A Sheik's Brave Defense of His Followers * A Tourist's Fortunate Escape from a Tiger * Combat Between the Jungle Monarchs * Tiger Hunting, by Night, in India * Hist! The Tiger is Approaching * Ghoorka Hunter Killing a Tiger * A Tiger's Daring Attack on an Indian Officer * A Woman Carried Off by a Tiger * Battle Between the Elephant and Tiger * A Herd of Elephants at the Bath * The So-called White Elephant * Manner of Capturing the Asiatic Elephant. * Kaffir Elephant Hunters * Manner in Which the Bari Hunters Attack the Elephant * Night Scene on Lake Ngami * Miraculous Escape from a Mad Elephant * A Herd of India Elephants Sporting * How the Carcass of an Elephant is Disposed of * Sanderson and the Rogue Elephant * Cumming Charged by an Elephant * A Close Charge and Lucky Escape * Cooking an Elephant's Foot * Tragic Death of Officer McClane * Abyssinian Sword-Hunters Confusing an Elephant * Wonderful Feat of the Abyssinian Elephant Hunters * Combat Between an Elephant and Rhinoceros * A Rhinoceros Attacking a Wagon * Battle of the Giants * A Great Hunter in a Perilous Situation * Wonderful Ride of a Namaqua Hunter * Andersson in His Skarm at Night * Baker's Race with Rhinoceri * Vicious Charge of a Rhinoceros * Baker's Coolness in a Trying Situation * A Rhinoceros Charging Baker's Horse * Disastrous Charge Among the Dogs * A Rhinoceros Charging a Team * The Hunter Hunted * The Hippopotamus * Spear-Trap for Killing Hippos * Hunting on the Atbara River * Abou Do Attacks the Hippo * Exciting Hippo Hunt * Trying to Drag the Monster on Shore * Mode of Hunting the Hippo * Battle with a Hippo * Dr. Holeb's Thrilling Adventure * Wild Dogs of Africa * A Leopard Beset by Wild Dogs * The Gorilla * Female Gorilla and Young * Du Chaillu's Captives * Combat Between Two Gorillas * Gorilla Killing a Leopard * Natives Hunting the Orang Outan * Orang Outan Killing a Hunter * Orang Outan Abducting a Woman * Chimpanzee Carrying Off a Woman * Baboon and Gibbons * Howling Monkeys * Grizzly Bear Carrying Off a Deer * Sad Termination of a Grizzly Bear Hunt.. * Cattle Attacked by a Grizzly * Fight Between a Grizzly and Buffalo * An African Pigmy * A Pigmy Village * Du Chaillu Among the Pigmies * Niam-Niam Warriors * Fan Cannibals Attacking a Village * A Fan Auctioning Off His Daughter * Celebrating the Grand Customs in Dahome * An Amazon Review * A Dyak Village * Types of the Fuegian Race * Fuegians Feasting off a Whale * Patagonians Hunting With the Bolas * Esquimaux in their Kyack Boats * The Wauru Lake Dwellers * Arabs Attacking the Bakone Tree-Dwellers * Monkey Men of New Guinea

Remember folks, this is an 1887 original. This book is 137 years old.


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