Note: Many of my clients are scholars, historians and genealogists seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Places and Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below):Popular History of the United States of American American Antique Illustrated Pictorial Early Explorers Exploration Indians Thirteen Colonies Colonial Indian War Revolutionary War Civil War American Revolution War of the Rebellion General George Washington President Abraham Lincoln Union Confederate States Confederacy Yankees Rebels Christopher Columbus Mound Builders Northmen Captain John Smith Jamestown Pilgrims Puritans Mayflower New York Dutch English Sebastian Cabot Vasco de Gama Amerigo Vespucci Ponce de Leon Balboa Pacific Ocean Mississippi River French Verazzani Cartier St. Lawrence River St. Augustine Florida Sir Walter Raleigh Virginia Roanoke Plymouth Colony Pilgrims Massachusetts Bay Roger Williams Salem Witchcraft Connecticut New York New Netherland Pennsylvania William Penn North South Carolina Charleston Huguenots Georgia Savannah Spaniards Jesuit Missionaries Champlain Marquette La Salle French and Indian Wars Schenectady Haverhill Deerfield Fort Necessity Crown Point Fort William Henry Fort du Quesne Agriculture Manufactures Thanksgiving Stamp Act Patrick Henry Benjamin Franklin Boston Massacre Tea Party Lexington and Concord Ethan Allen Ticonderoga Bunker Hill Battle Independence Fort Moultrie Thomas Paine Declaration of Independence Battle of Long Island Nathan Hale Harlem Heights Trenton Princeton Oriskany American Flag Fort Schuyler Bennington Jane McCrea Saratoga Brandywine Germantown Valley Forge Kegs Monmouth Rhode Island Wyoming Massacre Indian Atrocities New York Sir William Johnson Six Nations Iroquois General Israel Putnam Fort Castine Chemung American Navy John Paul Jones Serapis Camden King’s Mountain Benedict Arnold Major John Andre Nathaniel Greene Cowpens Guilford Court-House Cornwallis Constitution of the United States Northwest Vermont Kentucky Tennessee Industrial Revolution Cotton Mills Thomas Jefferson Lewis and Clark Louisiana Purchase Alexander Hamilton Robert Fulton Steamboat Lake Erie Oswego Chippewa Lundy s Lane Plattsburg New Orleans Indiana Mississippi Illinois Alabama Maine Missouri Compromise Erie Canal Railroads Arkansas Michigan Dorr Rebellion Mormons Florida Texas Oregon Mexican War Palo Alto Resaca de la Palma Monterey Buena Vista Cerro Gordo Gold Rush Manifest Destiny Minnesota Oregon Secession Southern Slave States Fort Sumter Battle of Bull Run Fort Donelson Pittsburg Landing Corinth Murfreesborough Monitor Merrimac Peninsular Campaign Williamsburg Washington D.C. Fair Oaks Seven-Days Battles General Robert E. Lee Jefferson Davis Antietam Fredericksburg Emancipation Proclamation Negro Troops Vicksburg Port Gibson Jackson Champion Hills Big Black River Chickamauga Lookout Mountain Chattanooga Knoxville Chancellorsville Stonewall Jackson Gettysburg Cavalry Ulysses S. Grant Dallas Resaca New Hope Church Allatoona Pass Kenesaw Mountain Sherman’s March March to the Sea Atlanta Franklin Nashville Wilderness Spottsylvania Court-House Cold Harbor Petersburg Mine Disaster Philip Sheridan Shenandoah Valley Meridian Red River Campaign Bentonville Averysboro Five Forks Richmond Appomattox Court-House Lincoln Assassination Reconstruction Atlantic Telegraph Pacific Railroad Serpent Mound Tower Newport Pocahontas Plymouth New England Narragansett Indians Witch House Charter Oak Hudson River Hannah Dustin Faneuil Hall Paul Revere Liberty Bell Molly Pitcher Tarrytown Yorktown Newburgh Daniel Boone West Point San Francisco Stonewall Jackson


BARNES POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Published in 1878 by A.S. Barnes & Company, New York. 10”x 7” decorated cloth hardcover. Illustrated. 663 pages.

Condition: GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Attractive exterior as shown in photo, some light surface wear. Discreet spine repair (rebacking) by bookbinder, also inner hinge repairs. Firm binding. Pages are clean and complete, some toning and foxing. No torn, loose or missing pages. Owner bookplate inside front cover.


A handsome 19th-century history of our beloved United States!

BARNES’ POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES traces the history of the American continent and her people from pre-history through the end of the Civil War, chronicling all the triumphs, determination, sacrifice and bloodshed that were poured into making the United States the greatest country in the world.

This grand history of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was originally published to commemorate our nation’s 100th anniversary and to coincide with the Centennial Exhibition held at Philadelphia in 1876.

In this great, big illustrated volume you’ll find all the historical highlights, all the exciting events and episodes in our national heritage – America’s native Indian inhabitants, the early explorers, the Pilgrims and Puritans, colonial Indian Wars, the Salem Witchcraft delusion, wars with the Dutch, French and British, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the slavery question and the Civil War – and much, much more.

BARNES’ POPULAR HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES covers all the challenges that our forefathers faced, along with all of their glorious triumphs!


Judge for yourself: below I have summarized the contents of this set and its illustrations. Further down the page, you can view some of those historic images at your leisure.

Stately cloth binding richly ornamented in high Victorian style with gilt decoration. Loaded with literally HUNDREDS of illustrations. . A highly desirable volume for anyone who loves America and her proud, fascinating history!!!

Contents Are:

CHAPTER ONE ~ EARLY HISTORY OF AMERICA: Prehistoric Peoples * The Mound Builders * The North American Indians * Indian Dialects * Indian Picture-Writing Manners and Customs of the Indians * Discovery of America * The Northmen * The Problem of the Age * Geographical Knowledge in the Fifteenth Century * Christopher Columbus * His Expedition * The Voyage * The New World Discovered * The Return to Spain * Subsequent Voyages of Columbus * Death of Columbus * The Cabots * Vasco de Gama * Amerigo Vespucci * The New World Named

CHAPTER TWO ~ EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS: Ponce de Leon * Balboa Discovers the Pacific Ocean * Discovery of the Mississippi * French Explorations * Verazzani * Cartier Discovers the St. Lawrence * Coligny Plans a Colony * Ribaut Lands at Port Royal * Failure of the Colony and its Fate * Laudonniere Ascends the St. John’s River * Founding of St. Augustine * Cruelty of Melendez * English Explorations and Settlements * Frobisher * Drake in the Pacific * Sir Humphrey Gilbert * Sir Walter Raleigh Secures the Patent of Virginia * The Colony of Roanoke * Settlement of Virginia * Captain John Smith * Virginia in the Seventeenth Century * Settlement of Maryland * Settlement of Plymouth Colony * The Pilgrims Settlement of Massachusetts Bay * Religious Disturbances * Roger Williams Banished * Union of the Colonies * Difficulties with the Indians * Salem Witchcraft * Settlement of Connecticut * Settlement of New York * New Netherland * The Redemptioners * Minuits Purchases * Manhattan Island * Administration of Governor Stuyvesant * New York Surrendered to the English * Death of Leisler * Berkeley and Carteret Found New Jersey * Settlement of Pennsylvania * William Penn * Settlement of the Carolinas * Charleston Founded * The Huguenots Settlement of Georgia * Savannah Founded * Contests with the Spaniards

CHAPTER THREE ~ COLONIAL WARS: New France: The Jesuit Missionaries and their Labors * Champlain * Marquette * La Salle * French Settlements in the Seventeenth Century * King William’s War * Atrocities of the Indians * The Attack on Schenectady * Descents on Haverhill and Deerfield * French Policy in the West * Washington’s Journey to Fort le Boeuf * His Return and its Perils * Capitulation of Fort Necessity * The Proposed Confederation * Defeat of Braddock * Conquest of Acadia * Crown Point * Reduction of Fort William Henry * Fort du Quesne Captured by the English * Louisburg Retaken * Wolfe Lays Siege to Quebec * Capture of Quebec * Death of Wolfe and Montcalm * Conspiracy of Pontiac * The Long Struggle Cements the Colonies

CHAPTER FOUR ~ COLONIAL LIFE: The Colonies * Their Extent and Population * Agriculture * Manufactures * Commerce * Scarcity of Money * The First Mint * The Pine-Tree Money * Introduction of the Printing-Press * Mode of Travel * The Postal System * Progress of Education * Founding of Yale College * Free Schools Established Education in New York * Education in the South * Colleges at the Opening of the Revolution * New England in the Seventeenth Century * Manners and Customs * Modes of Punishment * Early Meeting-Houses * A Puritan Sabbath * Fast and Thanksgiving Days * A Thanksgiving in Connecticut * The Houses of Early Times * Family Life Social Distinctions * Training-Day Dress and Jewelry * Sumptuary Laws * Wages * Manners and Customs of the Dutch * Colonial Life in the South PART TWO – THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION

CHAPTER ONE ~ ALIENATION OF THE COLONIES: Injustice of England toward the Colonies * Arbitrary Restrictions Imposed on Commerce and Manufactures * Taxation of the Colonies Proposed * Writs of Assistance * The Stamp Act * Speech of Patrick Henry * The Mutiny Act * Opposition and Excitement of the People * Resistance in North Carolina * Franklin before the House of Commons * General Gage arrives in Boston * The Boston Massacre * The Regulators Defeated at Alamance Creek * Tea Destroyed at Boston * Retaliatory Measures Adopted * Committees of Correspondence Appointed * Meeting of the First Continental Congress * State of the Country

CHAPTER TWO ~ OPENING OF THE WAR: Movements in Boston * Lexington and Concord * Gathering of the Militia * The British Flight to Charlestown * Assembling of Troops at Cambridge * Ethan Allen Captures Ticonderoga * Meeting of the Second Continental Congress * Reinforcement of the British at Boston * Martial Law Declared * Bunker Hill Occupied * The Preparations for Defence * Battle of Bunker Hill * Results of the Battle * Effect of the Battle on the Patriots * Washington Assumes Command of the Army * Number and Condition of the Troops at Cambridge * Boston Besieged * Doherty’s Description * Events Elsewhere * Affairs in New York and the Carolinas * Foreign Mercenaries Sought by England * Arnold s Expedition against Quebec * Siege of Quebec * Death of Montgomery * Canada Abandoned

CHAPTER THREE ~ INDEPENDENCE YEAR 1776: Condition of the Army * The British Evacuate Boston * Movements in North Carolina * The Attack on Fort Moultrie * Thomas Paine Espouses the Cause * Declaration of Independence * Popular Rejoicing in Philadelphia * Appearance of the British before New York * Battle of Long Island * The Retreat from Long Island * Execution of Nathan Hale * Occupation of Harlem Heights * Operations in the Highlands * Fort Washington Taken by the British * The Retreat through New Jersey * Capture of General Lee * Barbarities of the Hessians * The Campaign in Pennsylvania * Battle of Trenton * State of the Finances * Robert Morris

CHAPTER FOUR ~ THIRD YEAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1777: The Campaign in New Jersey * Battle of Princeton * Renewed Hopes of the Patriots * Franklin as Commissioner to France and his Success * Lafayette espouses the American Cause * England secures Hessian Auxiliaries * British Plan of Campaign for 1777 * Evacuation of Fort Ticonderoga * Battle of Oriskany * Origin of American Flag * Relief of Fort Schuyler * Battle of Bennington * Death of Jane McCrea * First Battle of Saratoga * Second Battle of Saratoga * Death of General Fraser * Surrender of Burgoyne * Narrative of Madame Riedesel * The Campaign in Pennsylvania * Battle of Brandywine * Massacre at Paoli * Battle of Germantown * Events about New York * Depredations of the British in Connecticut * Capture of General Prescott * Burning of Kingston, N. Y. * Capture of Fort Mercer * Washington encamps at Valley Forge

CHAPTER FIVE ~ FOURTH YEAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1778: Camp at Valley Forge * Battle of the Kegs * Light-Horse Harry * Demoralization of the People * Demoralization of the Army * Intrigues against Washington * The Conway Cabal * Arrival of Baron Steuben * Alliance with France * Efforts at Conciliation * Battle of Monmouth * Heroism of Mary Pitcher * Attempt to Recover Rhode Island * Massacre at Wyoming * Operations in the West * Indian Atrocities in New York * The Johnsons and the Six Nations * Operations in the South * Capture of Savannah by the British * Exploits of Sergeant Jasper

CHAPTER SIX ~ FIFTH YEAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1779: Campaign in Georgia and South Carolina * British Depredations in South Carolina * Operations in New York and Connecticut * General Putnam at Horse Neck * Capture of Stony Point * Capture of Paulus Hook * Expedition against Fort Castine * Battle of Chemung Subjugation of the Six Nations * Attack upon Savannah * Exploit of Colonel White * Operations of the American Navy * Paul Jones Capture of the Serapis

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ SIXTH YEAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1780: Depression of the Country * Siege and Surrender of Charleston * Subjugation of South Carolina * Partisan Warfare in the Carolinas * Exploits of Marion and his Men * Operations of Tarleton * Patriotism of Nancy Hart * Sumter s Attack at Hanging Rock * General Gates assumes Command in the South * His Defeat at Camden * Death of DeKalb * Battle of King’s Mountain * Activity of Marion and Sumter * Operations around New York * Knyphausen in the Jerseys * Treason of Benedict Arnold * Trial and Execution of Major Andre * Adventure of John Champe * Arrival of Reinforcements from France

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ THE LAST YEAR OF THE REVOLUTION 1781: Disaffection of the Continental Troops * Robert Morris appointed Financial Agent * General Greene assumes Command in the South * Battle of Cowpens * Patriotism of Elizabeth Steele * Battle of Guilford Court-House * Emily Geiger * Execution of Colonel Hayne * Arnold Invades Virginia * British Detestation of Arnold * Cornwallis in Virginia * Events Elsewhere * Siege of Yorktown * Surrender of Cornwallis * End of the War * Withdrawal of the British Army * Washington’s Farewell to the Army PART THREE – THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD

CHAPTER NINE ~ THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC: Condition of the Country at the Close of the War * Conflict of Interests between the States * Meeting of the Constitutional Convention * The New Constitution Formed and Adopted * George Washington elected President * The Inauguration * The First Congress * The First Cabinet * Political Parties * Hamilton s Financial Policy * Troubles with the Indians in the Northwest * The Second Congress * Washington Re-elected * American Sympathy with the French Revolution * The Jay Treaty * Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee admitted to the Union * Declination of a Third Term by Washington * Success of his Administrations * Social Observances * Election of John Adams * Threatened Difficulty with France * The Alien and Sedition Laws * Neetmok * Death of Washington * Washington City in 1800 * Churches Founded in the Eighteenth Century * The First Cotton Mill in the United States * Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton-Gin * Manners and Customs at the Close of the Eighteenth Century

CHAPTER TEN ~ AMERICAN NATIONALITY ASSURED, 1800-1820: Election of Thomas Jefferson as President * His Cabinet * His Policy * Repeal of the Sedition Act * Ohio admitted to the Union * Acquisition of Louisiana * Extent of Louisiana * Expedition against Tripoli * Death of Alexander Hamilton * Re-election of Jefferson * John Randolph * Trial of Aaron Burr * Fulton and the First Steamboat * The Embargo Act * James Madison elected President * His Cabinet * Rupture with England * Louisiana admitted to the Union * Madison Re-elected * War declared with England * Attempted Invasions of Canada * Successes of the American Navy * Military Movements at the North and West * Naval Battle on Lake Erie * War with the Southern Indians * English Devastation of the Southern Coast * Neetmok * Opposition to the War by Massachusetts * Oswego * Chippewa * Lundy s Lane * Plattsburg * Washington occupied by the British * Battle of New Orleans * The Dartmoor Massacre * Indiana admitted to the Union * James Monroe elected President * His Cabinet * State of the Country * Colleges Founded * Foreign Missionary Society * American Bible Society * Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, and Maine admitted to the Union * Re-election of James Monroe * The Missouri Compromise

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ INTERNAL DISSENSIONS, 1820-1840: Financial Prostration of the Country * The Monroe Doctrine * John Quincy Adams elected * President Lafayette’s Visit to the United States * Missouri admitted to the Union * Internal Improvements Proposed * The Erie Canal * Completion of the Capitol * Death of Adams and Jefferson * The First Railroad in the United States * Andrew Jackson elected President * Character of Jackson * His Cabinet * Wholesale Removals from Office * The Foot Resolutions * The Debate between Webster and Hayne * Death of James Monroe * The United States Bank * The Tariff Compromise * Re-election of Andrew Jackson * Formation of the Whig Party * The Press in 1835 * Indian Troubles * Arkansas and Michigan admitted to the Union * Martin Van Buren elected President * Financial Crisis of 1837 * The Movement for Canadian Independence * General Harrison elected President

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ CULMINATION OF DOMESTIC DIFFICULTIES, 1840-1860: Popularity of Harrison * His Death * John Tyler becomes President * Dorr’s Rebellion * Anti-Rent Difficulty in New York * The Mormons * Morse and the Magnetic Telegraph * Florida admitted to the Union * Annexation of Texas * James K. Polk elected President * The Oregon Boundary * War with Mexico * Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma * Battle of Monterey * Battle of Buena Vista Cerro Gordo * Capture of Mexico * Peace Declared * Fruits of the War * General Taylor elected President * Iowa and Wisconsin admitted to the Union * President Taylor s Cabinet * Congress of 1850 * Millard Fillmore, President * Discovery of Gold in California * "Manifest Destiny" * Opening of the Erie Railroad * Franklin Pierce elected President * Bleeding Kansas * The Know-Nothing Party * James Buchanan elected President * His Cabinet * The Dred Scott Decision * Minnesota and Oregon admitted to the Union * The Donation Law * John Brown * Abraham Lincoln elected President * Secession of the Southern States


CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ FIRST YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1861: The Inauguration of Lincoln * His Cabinet * Events at the South * Attack on Fort Sumter * Effect at the North * Surrender of Fort Sumter * The Defence of Washington * Death of Ellsworth * War in West Virginia and Missouri * Battle of Bull Run * War on the Sea and along the Coast * Letters of Marque issued by the Confederate Government * Southern Ports Blockaded * Foreign Relations * The Trent Affair

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ SECOND YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1862: Operations in the West * Capture of Fort Donelson * Battle of Pittsburg Landing * Military and Naval Operations along the Mississippi * Battle of Corinth * Battle of Murfreesborough * Capture of New Orleans * The Contest in Missouri * Movements in North Carolina * The Monitor and Merrimac * The Peninsular Campaign * Battle of Williamsburg * The Capitol Threatened * Battle of Fair Oaks * The Seven-Days Battles * Lee invades Maryland * Battle of Antietam * Battle of Fredericksburg * Indian Troubles in the West * Effects of the Blockade at the South

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ THIRD YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation * Negro Soldiers * Grant’s Movement against Vicksburg * Battles of Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion Hills, and Big Black River * Surrender of Vicksburg * Capitulation of Port Hudson * Battle of Chickamauga * Battles of Lookout Mountain and Chattanooga * Scenes after the Battle * Anecdote of the Third Ohio and the Fifty-fourth Virginia Regiments * 0perations before Knoxville * Battle of Chancellorsville * Stonewall Jackson * Lee’s Invasion of Maryland * Battle of Gettysburg * Fall Campaign in Virginia * Capture of Fort Wagner * Conscription Laws * Riot in New York * Dedication of Gettysburg Battle-Field * Cavalry Raids

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ FOURTH YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1864: Grant appointed Commander-in-Chief * Sherman s March to Atlanta * Battles of Dallas, Resaca, New Hope Church, Allatoona Pass, and Kenesaw Mountain * Johnston Superseded * Hood’s Three Attacks on Sherman * Capture of Atlanta * The March to the Sea * Capture of Fort McAllister * Battles of Franklin and Nashville * The Overland Campaign * Battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House, Cold Harbor, and before Petersburg * Early’s Raid upon Washington * The Mine Disaster * Gloomy Feeling at the North * Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley * The Meridian Campaign * The Red River Campaign

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ LAST YEAR OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1865: Plan of the Campaign * Cavalry Movements * Sherman’s March through the Carolinas * Fall of Charleston * Battles of Bentonville and Averysboro * Desperate Condition of Lee * Attack on Fort Steadman * Battle of Five Forks * Evacuation of Richmond * Lee’s Retreat * The Surrender at Appomattox Court-House * Downfall of the Confederacy * Capture of Jefferson Davis * Assassination of Lincoln * Cost of the War * Financial Policy of the Government * Sanitary and Christian Commissions * The Southern Women.


CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ~ THE DECADE OF RECONSTRUCTION: The Inauguration of Johnson * Disbanding of the National Army * Johnson’s Plan of Reconstruction * Adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment * Congressional Policy * Fourteenth Amendment * The Southern States Restored to the Union * Impeachment of the President * Universal Amnesty * Maximilian in Mexico * The Atlantic Telegraph * The Fenians * Grant’s Administration * Cabinet * The Pacific Railroad * Black Friday * Reunion of the Presbyterian Church * Fifteenth Amendment * The Ninth Census * Annexation of Santo Domingo * The New York Ring * The Alabama Claims * Fire in Chicago * Fire in Boston * The "Back Pay " * Grant’s Second Administration Cabinet * Death of Horace Greeley * Indian Wars * The Credit Mobilier * Panic of 1873 * Patrons of Industry * Admission of Colorado * Death of Distinguished Men

APPENDIX. I. The Centennial Exhibition * II. The Southern Women * III. Early American School-Books * IV. Resignation of General Lee * V. Chronological Table of the War of the Revolution * VI. Index

Illustrations Include: Frontispiece * Columbus In His Study * The Serpent Mound * The Mounds Near Little Rock, Ark. * Indian Symbols * Specimen Of Indian Picture-Writing * Indian Life * An Indian Family Moving * A Norman Ship (From The Bayeux Tapestry) * The Ancient Tower At Newport, R. I . * Portrait, Columbus * Columbus Discovering Land * A Spanish Caravel * Columbus Taking Possession * Tomb Of Columbus At Havana * Balboa Initial * De Soto’s March * Portrait, Jacques Cartier * Map Of Early American Discoveries * Portrait, Admiral Coligny * Old Gateway At St. Augustine, Florida * Raleigh Introduces Tobacco Into England * The Deserted Colony 0f Roanoke * The Ruins At Jamestown * Smith Explaining His Compass To The Indians * Pocahontas * Selling Wives To The Planters * Drummond Brought Before Berkeley * Portrait, Lord Baltimore * Signing The Compact In The Cabin Of The Mayflower * Plymouth Rock * Welcome, Englishmen. Plymouth, MA * Fac-Simile Of First Map Engraved In New England * Roger Williams Received By Canonicus * Portrait, King Philip * Goffe At Hadley * The Old Witch House, Salem * The Charter Oak * The Half-Moon In The Hudson * Portrait, Governor Stuyvesant * The English Landing At New York * The Tomb Of Peter Stuyvesant * Seals Of New Amsterdam And New York * Statue Of Penn In Philadelphia * Huguenots Going To Church * Portrait, General Oglethorpe, Aged * Penn’s Treaty Tree * The Death Whoop * Portrait, Samuel Champlain * Marquette Descending The Mississippi * A Fortified House * The Indian Attack On Schenectady * Mrs. Dustin Disposing Of Her Captors * Map Of The French And Indian Wars * An Incident Of Washington’s Return * Portrait, Benjamin Franklin * Washington At Braddock’s Defeat * Portrait, General Wolfe * Quebec In Early Times * The Grave Of Braddock * Clearing A Home In The Backwoods * Pine-Tree Shilling * The Old Stage-Coach * Early Printing-Press * A Scold Gagged * The Stocks Go * The First Church Erected In Connecticut * Whitefield’s House, Guilford, Connecticut * Training-Day In The Olden Time * A Wedding Journey * Dutch Mansion And Cottage In New Amsterdam * Dutch Courtship * Ye Dutch Schoolmaster * Early American Plow * The Pillory * The Old-Time Fireside * Ancient Chair (Brought Over In The Mayflower) * The Woolen Spinning-Wheel * Field Sports Of The South * The Boston Tea-Party * Portrait, William Pitt, Earl Of Chatham * Patrick Henry Addressing The Virginia Assembly * Map Of The Colonies * Faneuil Hall * The Regulators Threatening Governor Tryon * Carpenter’s Hall * England Forcing Tea Down The Throat Of America * The Light In The Steeple * Paul Revere Spreading The Alarm * Map, Vicinity Of Boston And Concord * Putnam Starting For Cambridge * Ethan Allen At Ticonderoga * The Prayer Before The Battle Of Bunker Hill * Map Of The Battle Of Bunker Hill * Doherty’s Description * The Bayonet Charge At Bunker Hill * The Old Magazine At Williamsburg, Va * Specimen Of Continental Money * The Prescott Gate, Quebec * A Street In Quebec Scene Of Arnold’s Attack * Evacuation Of Boston * Boston One Hundred Years Ago * The Attack On Fort Moultrie * Liberty Bell * Map Of Battle Of Long Island * Prison-Ship At Wallabout * The Retreat From Long Island * Map Of The Lower Hudson * A Hessian Grenadier * In Washington Crossing The Delaware * Washington’s Visit To General Rall * Portrait, Robert Morris * Franklin At The French Court * Death Of General Mercer And Mercer Monument * Portraits, Pulaski, Kosciusko And Baron Dekalb * Ruins Of Fort Ticonderoga * The Alarm At Fort Schuyler * Mrs. Schuyler Setting The Grain-Fields On Fire * General Fraser Covered By Sharp-Shooters * Map Of The Upper Hudson * Portrait, General Burgoyne * General Gates * Map Of Operations In New Jersey And Pennsylvania * The Paoli Monument * Battle Of Germantown Attack On Chew’s House * Capture Of General Prescott * Execution Of A Spy At Kingston, N. Y * Washington’s Headquarters At Valley Forge * Washington At Prayer * In Camp At Valley Forge * Portrait, Marquis De Lafayette * Louis Xvi., Marie Antoinette And The Dauphin * Medal Commemorating The Alliance Between France And The United States * Molly Pitcher At The Battle Of Monmouth * Portrait, Joseph Brandt (After Catlin) * Red Jacket (After Weir) * Map Of Operations In Virginia And The Carolinas * Giving The Countersign At abcxs Stony Point * Capture Of The Serapis By The Bon Homme Richard * The Decatur Monument * Patriots Making Arms And Ammunition * A Rendezvous Of Marion And His Men * Nancy Hart And The British Soldiers * The Old Sugar House, Liberty Street, New York * Capture Of Major Andre * The Monument At Tarrytown * General Wayne Confronting The Rioters * Mrs. Steele And General Greene * The Partisan Leaders Of The South * Map Of The Siege Of Yorktown * Surrender Of Cornwallis At Yorktown * Portrait, George The Third * Washington’s Inauguration At Federal Hall * Washington’s Headquarters At Newburg * Map, Territorial Growth Of The United States * Washington And His Cabinet * Daniel Boone’s Exploring Expedition * Mount Vernon * Portrait, Napoleon Buonaparte * Medal, Washington And Lafayette * Portrait, Thomas Jefferson * Jefferson Going To His Inauguration * Chief-Justice Marshall In The Library Of Congress * Duel Between Hamilton And Burr * The Clermont, Fulton’s Steamboat * Portrait, Elskwatawa, The Prophet * Burning Of The Richmond (Va.) Theatre * Map Of The War Of 1812-1814 (Northern Region) * General Scott And The Two Indians * " Old Ironsides " * Capture Of The Frolic * Sackett’s Harbor In 1814 * Portrait, Captain James Lawrence * Perry’s Headquarters * Perry Leaving The Lawrence * A Caricature Of The Time (Queen Charlotte And Johnny Bull Got Their Dose Of Perry) * Portrait, Oliver Hazard Perry * Map, Southern Region Of The War Of 1812-14 * Weatherford In Jackson’s Tent * The Attack On Oswego * Colonel Miller At Lundy S Lane * The Ruins Of Fort Erie Buffalo In The Distance * British Soldiers Burning Books In The Library Of Congress * The Battle Of New Orleans * Portrait, Emma Willard * The Old Block-House, Chicago * Portrait, John Quincy Adams * Lafayette At The Tomb Of Washington * Monticello, The Home Of Jefferson * The First Railroad Train In The United States * Portrait, Andrew Jackson * Portraits, Payne And Webster * Henry Clay Addressing The Senate * The United States Bank * The Dade Monument At West Point, N. Y * Portrait, William Henry Harrison * Birthplace Of Martin Van Buren * Portrait, John Tyler * The Tomb Of Harrison * View Of Nauvoo City * House In Which The First Congress Of Texas Met * Santa Anna Rebuked By Houston * Capture Of The Mexican Battery By Captain May * A Scene At Monterey * Map Illustrating The Mexican War * On The Summit Of The Cordilleras .* Secretary Preston And The Boatswain * Portrait, General Zachary Taylor * Bird’s-Eye View Of San Francisco * Ashland, The Home Of Henry Clay * Scenes In Kansas * Portrait, James Buchanan * Abraham Lincoln * Fort Sumter * Mass Meeting In Union Square, New York * Lincoln’s Early Home In Illinois * Attack On Fort Sumter From Morris Island * " Stonewall" Jackson At The Head Of His Brigade * Intercepting The Trent * Group Of Union Volunteers * Surrender Of Fort Donelson * The Midnight Council Of War * Donaldson’s Point And Island No. 10 * Map Of Operations In The East * Heroism Of Colonel Rogers * Bird’s-Eye View Of New Orleans * Naval Duel Between The Monitor And The Merrimac * Map Of The Peninsula * Building A Corduroy Road Through A Swamp * Portrait, General George B. McClellan * General Robert E. Lee * Death Of General Kearney * Storming The Bridge At Antietam * The Monitor At Sea * Reading The Emancipation Proclamation * Running The Batteries At Vicksburg * Map Of Vicksburg And Vicinity * Map Of Chattanooga And Vicinity * A Charge At Missionary Ridge * Lee And Jackson Planning The Battle Of Chancellorsville * Stonewall Jackson In His Tent * Portrait, Major-General George G. Meade * Map Of Gettysburg And Vicinity * Repulsing A Charge At Gettysburg * Drafting The National Monument At Gettysburg * An Impromptu Fortification * Map Of Operations In The West * The March To The Sea * Crossing The Rapidan * Grant’s Telegram * Map Of Grant’s Campaign Around Richmond * Portrait, General Ulysses S. Grant * Sheridan’s Arrival At Cedar Creek * Naval Battle In Mobile Bay * The Alabama * Portraits, Sherman And Sheridan * Refugees Following The Army * Sherman At The Head Of His Troops * Portrait, General Joseph E. Johnston * City Of Richmond * Cavalry Charge On The Confederate Wagon-Train * Signing The Terms Of Surrender * Portrait, Jefferson Davis * Assassination Of President Lincoln * A Scene At The Surrender Of Lee * The Grand Review Marching Down Pennsylvania Avenue * Portrait, Andrew Johnson * The Great Eastern In Mid-Ocean Laying The Cable * General Grant’s Residence At Galena, Ill. * Driving The Last Spike * Portrait, Horace Greeley

Illustrations shown larger than actual size to show detail.

Remember folks, this is an 1878 original. This book is 146 years old.


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