Pipe Ser Jacopo della Gemma 422 DOMINA 2017 R2 SPONGIA

Hand made in Italy, New, Never smoked

In original box with sock

natural rusticated finishing

shape rounded bulldog with silver ring

 methacrylate mouthpiece 9mm

limited numerated edition N°24

Misure (Measures) in mm

Lunghezza (Lenght) 146 mm
Altezza testa (Bowl height) 69 mm
Diametro esterno Min-Max (external bowl diameter Min-Max)33-46 mm
Diametro fornello (Chamber diameter)
 22 mm
Profondità fornello (Chamber depth) 55 mm
Peso (Weight)80 g

Caratteristiche (Details)

Marchiature (Stampings)Ser Jacopo DOMINA 2017 24 R2 SPONGIA PER ASPERA AD ASTRA fatta a mano in ITALIA
Stato (Condition)Nuova (New)
Bocchino (Mouthpiece - Stem)Metacrilato (Methacrylate)
Filtro (Filter)9mm