Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric 4cm x 13cm is a thin, self-adhesive, and fabric-backed sheet designed to reduce and prevent scars resulting from surgery, accidents, burns, and other injuries.

The silicone side sticks to the skin, while the other side is lined with silky-smooth fabric, making it comfortable and convenient to use under clothing.

Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric is ideal for wearing on exposed body parts, such as the face and hands, and can be washed with mild soap and water for easy reuse.

Key Features

How long should I wear the Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric?

For optimal results, wear the Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric for 12 to 23 hours per day for at least 2 months.

Can I apply Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric on open or fresh wounds?

No, Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric should not be applied to open or fresh wounds.

Can I use Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric with other skin treatment products?

Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric should not be applied over antibiotic skin preparations or other skin treatment products.

Will Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric stain my clothing?

Dermatix Gel may stain clothing if not completely dry, but the Silicone Sheet Fabric itself should not cause staining.

How do I clean the Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric?

Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric can be washed with mild soap and water, making it easy to reuse.

Can I use Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric near my eyes or mucous membranes?

Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric should not be placed in contact with mucous membranes or too close to the eyes.

How do I apply Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric?

Dermatix Silicone Sheet Fabric should be applied to clean, dry skin.