Haunted Clown Vessel Doll Coulrophobia Neurotic Tendency

Shawn suffered from Epilepsy and would normally have 2 seizures in a row.

Everytime he would start a new job he would have a seizure the first day making it hard for him to hold a job down.

He also had 3 accidents while behind the wheel of a vehicle because an epileptic seizure. Once while pulling into the parking lot of a new job, 2nd time on his way to Las Vegas, and his 3rd time he was driving up a mountain in the Sequoia National Forest to go hiking. That time he was airlifted and didn't survive.

His seizure always gave him PTSD, especially when it came to finding a relationship. He grew up in New York, but moved to California when he turned 18 and found it hard to make new friends. He felt like such a freak.

He did meet a girl and fall in love, but he didn't tell her about his seizures in hopes that he would never have one around her.

After 6 months of dating they went to Big Bear mountain and he had a seizure on the snow lift. Luckily she was able to hold onto him and was only moments away from the top. She felt upset that he never told her, but she stayed with him for 4 years until he passed at the age of 27 in the horrible accident.

She is still alive and he visits her from time to time. He is happy to see she is married now and has a child, but he wishes it was him. It has been 15 years since his passing and he wonders if he will ever be able to move on.

He had a passion for UFC and loved to do MMA.

He is fine around animals and most definitely wouldn't cause them any harm.

Shawn actually finds peace around animals when he feels himself slipping into an episode.

I got Shawn when a fellow medium passed away. Her name is Betty Walker, but she went by BJ. She passed away June of 2023 at the age of 70. Her niece is scared of her Vessels and has no real connection to the spirit world. BJ asked that I take on the responsibility of finding them homes when she passed.

I am  in hopes that Shawn finds a welcoming environment with someone capable of his presence.

Shipped Priority because this vessel needs to be handled with high importance and insurance

Any questions please message

Ebay policy I must note that you are buying a tangible item and not a paranormal experience. Not everyone has a connection to the spirit world but I am here to help