Framed Nintendo Power Magazine - Vol 118 - March 1999 - Toxic Trouble

Player's Pulse (Letters to the Editor)

Tonic Trouble (N64) Strategy

Command & Conquer (N64) Preview

Classified Information:

·         Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)

·         Iggy's Reckin' Balls (N64)

·         Men In Black The Series (N64)

·         NFL Quarterback Club '99 (N64)

·         Top Gear Overdrive (N64)

·         NHL 99 (N64)

·         South Park (N64)

·         Extreme-G 2 (N64)

·         Glover (N64)


Vigilante 8 (N64) Strategy

Castlevania (N64) Strategy

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (N64) Strategy

Chameleon Twist (N64) Strategy

California Speed (N64) Strategy

NHL Blades of Steel '99 (N64) Strategy

Rampage 2: Universal Tour (N64) Strategy

NBA One-on-One: NBA In the Zone vs. NBA Jam '99

1998 Nintendo Power Awards Nominations

Logical (Game Boy Color) Strategy

Counselors Corner:

·         Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)

·         Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (N64)

·         Star Fox 64 (N64)

·         Quest for Camelot (Game Boy Color)


Power Quest (Game Boy Color) Strategy

Now Playing:

·         Vigilante 8 (N64)

·         Rampage 2: Universal Tour (N64)

·         California Speed (N64)

·         Chameleon Twist 2 (N64)

·         NHL Blades of Steel 99 (N64)

·         Battleship (Game Boy Color)

·         Logical (Game Boy Color)

·         NBA In the Zone (Game Boy Color)

·         NBA Jam '99 (Game Boy Color)

·         720 (Game Boy Color)

Pak Watch:

·         A Bug's Life (N64)

·         Quake II (N64)

·         World Driver Championship (N64)

·         All-Star Tennis '99 (N64)

·         Gauntlet Legends (N64)

·         Shadowgate: Trials of the Four Towers (N64)

·         Pak Peeks

Coming Next Issue