Latest ANSUL R102 3 Gallon Liquid Agent Fire Suppression System Tank Part No. 429862 - Manufactured 2024 or Newer, Sealed and Uncharged, Ready for Professional Installation

Product Details: Capacity: 3.0 Gallon Construction: High-quality stainless steel tank with adaptor/tube assembly Safety Feature: Includes a burst disc to prevent agent leakage under temperature fluctuations

Hydrostatic Testing: Required every twelve years under normal conditions Manufacture Date: 2024 or newer, as indicated on the tank nameplate

ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Fire Suppressant: Type: Potassium-based solution Function: Fast knock-down and suppression of grease-related fires Storage Life Expectancy: 12 years Storage Temperature Range: -40 °F to 130 °F (-40 °C to 54 °C) Usage Temperature Range: 32 °F to 130 °F (0 °C to 54 °C)

Additional Information: This tank is shipped uncharged and must be filled with only specified ANSULEX low pH liquid fire suppressant. It's an ideal choice for commercial kitchens, offering effective and reliable protection against fire hazards..