Moondial. Interestingly different story based on a young girl Minty, who has gone to stay with an aunt in a very old mansion. The Moondial in the garden transports her back in time where she meets Tom and Sarah from the past. Upon her return to the present she is questioned about seeing the children by a village elder, who tells her he's seen them too and informs her their souls cannot rest, they need Minty to save them. Can Minty find a way to help them and who or what is she saving them from. Minty must travel between the past and present to find a way.
This is the full TV version 

Little lord fauntelroy. This has transferred to DVD well and the quality was much improved to Moondial. The story is of a young boy Ceddie who moves from USA to UK to live with his grandfather, a rather grumpy arrogant Earl. Ceddie is to inherit the estate from his grandfather so must learn to become a suitable aristocrat, however it appears he too can teach a thing or two to his grandfather, that is until his inheritance is threatened. Written by Francis Hodgson Burnett. Who also wrote the secret garden which was adapted into fantastic TV drama
Certainly worth a watch as a nostalgic grown up or with the kids