Show Me the Money, Honey. The Truth about Big Pharma's War on Salt, Chocolate, Cholesterol and the Natural Health Products That Could Save Your Life.

von Wishart, Ian:

Wishart, Ian:
Verlag / Jahr
Auckland, New Zealand : Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd, 2016.
Format / Einband
21 cm , Softcover / Paperback, 239 pages,
ca. 420 g
Zustand: Exemplar in gutem Zustand, Ränder und / oder Cover etwas berieben. Text / Sprache: Englisch, Ian Wishart, Show Me the Money, Honey : The Truth about Big Pharma's War on Salt, Chocolate, Cholesterol and the Natural Health Products That Could Save Your Life. Salt. Sugar. Fats. We spend trillions on health globally, but what haven't you been told? Just how bad are our diets, and just how good are the natural products we reach for? A compelling investigation into 'bad' foods and natural supplements. Discover what the science really says ... Show Me The Money, Honey is the sequel to Wishart's international bestseller Vitamin D, praised by doctors and researchers for its thoroughness. Now, Wishart asks whether our low-fat, low-salt, low-cholesterol health policy is actually killing us, as new studies challenge 50 years of conventional medical wisdom. This book affects everyone alive and breathing. Once you read it, your life may change forever. Inhalt: The story of salt, Life by chocolate, Cholesterol, saturated and polyunsaturated fats: did we get it so badly wrong? The blurred line between natural and pharmaceutical, The beverages (Coffee ; Tea), The hunt for the silver bullets: omega 3 vs. omega 6 , The vitamin D question, Natural supplements: do they work? (Vitamin C ; Avemar ; Reservatrol ; Selenium ; Vitamin E ; Multi vitamin tablets ; Astaxanthin ; Zeaxanthin and lutein ; Manuka honey), Epilogue: Big Pharma's war on food. 13941 ISBN 9780994106483
Ian Wishart, Show Me the Money, Honey, The Truth about Big Pharma's War on Salt, Chocolate, Cholesterol and the Natural Health Products That Could Save Your Life, Food industry and trade, Pharmaceutical industry, Moral and ethical aspects
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Show Me the Money, Honey. The Truth about Big Pharma's War on Salt, Chocolate, Cholesterol and the Natural Health Products That Could Save Your Life.

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