From Image Comics, vintage 1992 up, full color comic book series

JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE 5--Captain Atom is brought up on competency charges, while Sapphire Stagg shows up to reconcile with Metamorpho in "Stagg Party!" Plot by Keith Giffen, script by J.M. DeMatteis, pencils by Bart Sears, inks by Joe Rubinstein. Java. Sears cover. Cover price $0.75.

JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE 11--When Metamorpho decides he's going to visit his wife and son, Guy Gardner volunteers to prevent that in "Family Ties". Part 1 of 2, continued next issue. Plot by Keith Giffen, script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Bart Sears. Simon Stagg, Sapphire Stagg, Doctor Magnus. The Metal Men cameo. Kevin Maguire/Sears cover. Cover price $1.00. 

JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE 13--Part 2 of 2, continued from Justice League America (1987) #37. Total insanity ensues as the Paris Embassy of the JLI is invaded by...the one-eyed cat from heck? Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis, with art by Chris Sprouse and Kez Wilson. Cover by Bart Sears. Cover price $1.00.

Offered are 9 issues of the played-for-laughs JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE comic book series, 5 Very Fine minus; 11 Very Fine plus; 13 Very Fine plus; 14 Very Fine; 17 Very Fine/Near Mint; 32 Very Fine/Near Mint; 40 Very Fine/Near Mint ; JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE ANNUAL 1 Near Mint minus and JUSTICE LEAGUE QUARTERLY 2 Near Mint

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