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Pierre Marie François Ogé (1849-1913):
Bronze-Büste von Charles Gounod (französischer Komponist, 1818-1893). French composer.


Size: ca. 27 x 23 cm. Weight: 4,162 kg. Signed by the sculptor. French composer Charles-Francois Gounod wrote a total of 12 operas, out of which the most popular are „Faust“(1859), „Romeo & Juliet“ (1867), as well as his elaboration on Bach's „Ave Maria“. Gounod studied at the Paris Conservatory and went on to receive the famous French award „Prix de Rome“ in 1839. His repertoire was not very large and his career took a turn when we was forced to move to London by the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war. Despire of this, he is considered to have been a great influence on French composers that followed him. Pierre Marie François Ogé (1849-1913) was a French sculptor active in the second half of the 19th century. Born to a father who was a sculptor himself, he received his first artistic lessons in his young years. He later studied under Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, who will be a great influence in his career. He has created the busts of other French personalities, such as: architect Jacques Denis Antoine, politicians Armand Marrast and Philippe-Antoine Merlin de Douai, cartographer Edme-François Jomard, and historian Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges. In very good condition.

Bestell-Nr: 245545

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