About the product : Choose Manna Health Mix which is 100% Natural Nutrition. Contains the goodness of Real Whole Grains and Nuts. Everything that a growing child needs.

Ingredients : Manna health mix is made with the traditional wisdom of millets and blended to perfection with 14 bowls of cereal, pulses, and nuts to give a nourishing taste.

Uses : Manna health mix, a perfect blend of cereals, pulses and nuts is best suited for today health conscious consumers. It is an excellent source of high quality materials.

Safe packaging : It’s a Third Party Product. Our professional and experienced supervisors monitor the process of making cooking essentials naturally with clean and fine steps to packaging to avoid any disappointments. We take care in delivering the item to you safely, taking all necessary precautions against germs and viruses. Please Make sure to use the products before they got expired.

Maintenance : It's important to store your groceries in a cool, dry place to prevent it from spoiling too soon. After using it, be sure to close the package or transfer the leftover items into a container with a lid. Also, make sure you read the maintenance instructions thoroughly to avoid any misunderstandings in the future