Created using acrylic paint on canvas this painting features a beautiful scene of a sailboat passing by.

Sailing Past on the Blue Ocean captures the timeless allure of the sea, inviting viewers to lose themselves in its boundless depths and endless horizons. With masterful brushstrokes and a keen eye for detail, Chris Ponton transports viewers to a world of tranquil beauty and maritime adventure, where the journey is just as important as the destination. In the foreground, the ocean comes alive with movement and texture, as gentle swells rhythmically rise and fall beneath the hull of the ship.

As the eye follows the ship's journey across the canvas, distant horizons beckon, inviting viewers to embark on a voyage of discovery and adventure. At the forefront of the painting, a majestic sailing vessel glides gracefully across the canvas, its billowing sails filled with the gentle breeze of the ocean. The ship's sleek silhouette cuts through the water with effortless grace, leaving a trail of frothy white foam in its wake.

Measuring 30x40x2cm, this painting is perfect for any art lover who appreciates the beauty of the sea. The use of high-quality materials such as canvas and acrylic makes this painting a truly unique piece. 

The intricate details of the sailboat and the stunning colours used to depict the ocean all add to the overall charm of this painting. Whether you're a collector or simply looking to add a touch of elegance to your home, this painting is sure to impress.

Chris has sold over 180 paintings on ebay in approximately 3 years providing testament to both the quality and talent of his very creative artwork providing unique and one off original oil paintings for you to own, and add to you collection of Chris's artwork.