This is an exciting comic book from Marvel Comics titled "The New Mutants #1" published in March 1983. It features a great team of artists, writers, and illustrators including Glynis Oliver, Bill Willingham, Chris Claremont, Mike Gustovich, and Bob McLeod. The comic book has an amazing cover art by Bob McLeod and features an incredible cast of superheroes including Wolfsbane, Roberto Da Costa, Cannonball, Henry Peter Gyrich, Xi'an Coy Manh, Illyana Rasputina, Rahne Sinclair, Professor X, Xi'an Coy Manh, Stevie Hunter, Dani Moonstar, Moira Mactaggert, Karma, Charles Xavier, Psyche, Gabrielle HALLER, Sam Guthrie, Karma, and Sunspot.

The comic book is a single issue with a bronze age era (1970-83) and is in English language. It is a must-have for collectors and fans of superheroes and US comics. The publisher is Marvel Comics . This is a key issue. I am not a professional  grader