IMS Vintage Photos




(R to L) 1929 BMW 3/15 Dixi, 1933 BMW 303, 1936 BMW 328 Sport, 1937 BMW 327/328 Cabriolet, 1956 BMW 507, 1954 BMW 502, 1962 BMW 1500

BMW The Magnificent Seven. BMW cars that have made car history and influenced the history of BMW in a very substantial way.


Photo size:

177x243mm (6.97x9.57 inches)

Front and back of the image:

Front of photograph
(R to L) 1929 BMW 3/15 Dixi,  1933 BMW 303, 1936 BMW 328 Sport, 1937 BMW 327/328 Cabriolet, 1956 BMW 507, 1954 BMW 502,  1962 BMW 1500
Back of photograph
(R to L) 1929 BMW 3/15 Dixi,  1933 BMW 303, 1936 BMW 328 Sport, 1937 BMW 327/328 Cabriolet, 1956 BMW 507, 1954 BMW 502,  1962 BMW 1500


Certificate of Authenticity

Every order comes with a Certificate of Authenticity from IMS Vintage Photos. We guarantee that all our images are not reprints, they are original photos from a press archive, the youngest photos we have are 30 years old and the oldest over 100 years old.

This photograph originates from a press photo archive. IMS Vintage Photos is selling photos that come from editorial press photo archives in Europe and dating back to the early 19th century. The archives are in great condition and have been in storage for a long time and the images in the collection are now being sold off one by one. The images archive where distributed in most cases in maximum only 10-15 copies around the world at the time and many copies have been lost or damaged during time, each copy from the collection is therefore very rare and unique. This kind of rare images are not only a great thing to own but also a great investment. Own a piece of history with this great photography memorabilia.

Learn more about our unique photographs by watching the video here below:


So many great reasons to buy Vintage Press Photographs


Frame it or give it in a nice box!
Contact us about information regarding frames and boxes for the original photos.  We sell, frames, glass boxes and filt boxes

About IMS Vintage Photos
IMS photos started in 1946 as a photo service for publishing housed in Sweden.  Over the years it developed into a digital photo agency. In 2014 IMS started with just one scanner trying out different methods of digitising archives.  This evolved over time and now IMS Vintage Photo project is a company of its own with offices in Reykjavik, Iceland and Riga, Latvia. With a team of 60 people IMS is digitizing thousands of photographs every day, cataloging them and thereby preserving these great historical moments.   IMS has developed a unique technology allowing it to take on very large archives. IMS is working with many of the worlds most renowned newspapers archives.  


Q: Is this photo a reprint, a photo that you print from a digital file on demand?
A: Absolutely not!  What we are selling are the actual original images that come from press archives.  What you get is the actual copy from the archive. On the back of most photos you can see, stamps, writing and notes made over time as these photos were used in the publications.  The archives stopped using prints like this in 1995, so the youngest photo we have is over 30 years old and the oldest over 100 year old. You are getting a real, authentic piece of history, every photograph is unique and there is only one copy of each photo.

Q: Where do all these vintage photos come from that you are selling?
A: These original vintage photographs are from various news paper archives in Europe, mostly from United Kingdom and Scandinavia.  We work with these archives preserve all these great moments in history by digitizing them. By selling the original copy after it has been scanned, we can help pay for this very important project.  This project creates this ones in a lifetime opportunity for the public to buy these images that have been locked away for up to 100 years in the archives.

Q: How where these photos used before, what’s the story of these photographs?
A: From 1900-1995 the photo archives of all the newspapers where in either print or film format.  Most of them used the prints. The prints were given to the printer who used them to setup the newspapers and print it and then the print was returned back to the archive.  Commonly the newspapers would stamp the dates when it was used in the newspapers and many photographs were used multiple times. After 1995 they started using digital cameras and slowly the archives shifted over to the digital photo.  The press archives stopped growing and slowly over time the archives used them less and less. Now with the help of IMS Vintage Photos, they are able to scan all their archives and get access to them digitally and at the same time, the public can see many of them for the first time, and buy the original copies.

Q: How do you package the photos so they are shipped safely?
A: We package each order in sturdy cardboard envelopes to prevent them from being bent, and then we wrap them in plastic sheet to prevent them from moisture and water.   We have shipped hundreds of thousands of photos to most countries in the world and it is a very rare exception if something is damaged on the way.  

Q: The IMS watermark that i can see on the photo, is that on the actual photo that I will buy?
A: No. This is a digital watermark used to protect our images. It is not printed on the actual photo.

Q: Can I download the digital version of this photo and keep it instead of buying the original?
A: No, we are only selling the actual vintage originals and do not make or distribute any digital copies.  We think owning a screen size digital copy with a watermark is also much less interesting compared to owning the actual original copy of the image.

Q: When do you ship the orders?
A: We ship within one business day after the payment has been made. You should receive a confirmation from us when we ship the order.  If you don't get that, please contact us..

Q: Do you combine shipping and invoices?
A: We are based in both Iceland and Latvia.  We can combine all orders we can ship from the same location.  We can not combine shipping if the images have to be shipped from different locations..

Q: What are your office hours?
A: We are open 9-17 (GMT).  We also have customer service after hours helping out with all the basics.   

Q: Can I use this photograph in a publication I am doing, such as book, documentary or website?
A: Please do not use any of our photographs before contacting us first.  For some images it is an absolute no, for some it might work as we have an agreement with the copyright holder.   Please contact us and we will be glad to help figure that out.


Product ID: 3246845 / SCAN-GLO-03246845

VOITURES BMW: 50 ANS - TOUJOURS JEUNES Les »Sept Glorieuses« Les voitures BMW qui laissèrent leur nom dans l'hi- stoire et qui eurent une influence déterminante sur l'- histoire de BMW. BMW: 50 JAHRE JUNGE AUTOMOBILE Die „Sieben Glorreichen“ Autos von BMW, die Automobilgeschichte gemacht oder die Geschicke der Marke BMW entscheidend BMW: 50 YEARS OF YOUNG MOTOR CARS De droite à gauche: BMW 3/15 Dixi (à partir de 1929) - tout commença The Magnificent Seven BMW cars that have made car history and influenced avec elle. La berline à 4 portes était déjà une réalisa- the history of BMW in a very substantial way. From right to left: BMW 3/15 Dixi (as of 1929)-the car that started it all. our-seater saloon was already developed by beeinflußt haben. tion de BMW. Ceci impliqua bien sûr qu'on l'equipe d'un frein agissant sur les quatre roues et d'un habi- tacle plus spacieux. BMW 303 (à partir de 1933) - équipée du plus petit 6 Von rechts nach links: BMW 3/15 Dixi (ab 1929), mit dem alles anfing. Die viersitzige Limousine war schon BMW Entwicklung, zu der es gehörte, daß der Dixi eine echte Vierrad- bremse bekam und viel geräumiger wurde. BMW 303 (ab 1933) - er hatte den kleinsten Sechszy- Jindermotor der Welt mit nur 1173 ccm Hubraum und 30 PS. Mit ihm begann die Zeit der vielbewunderten BMW Sechszylinder, die heute in ganz neuer Form ei- ne große Renaissance feiern. BMW 328 Sport (ab 1936), aus dessen Stückzahl von nur 463 heute noch rund 150 Exemplare existieren - ein Beweis dafür, mit wieviel Liebe dieses Vollblut- Sportauto behandelt wurde und wird: 80 PS, 150 km/h, 7400 Reichsmark. BMW 327/328 Cabriolet (ab 1937), in der Harmonie aus Leistung und Fahrkultur vorbildlich: 80 PS, 145 km/h Spitze, mit 8130 Reichsmark damals der teuerste BMW. The BMW. As a result, the Dixi received a genuine four- cylindres du monde avec une cylindrée de 1173 cm et wheel brake and a lot more space. BMW 303 (as of 1933) - the car with the world's smal- lest 6-cylinder engine: only 1173 cc and 30 BHP. This is the carthat started BMW's admirable tradition of 6- cylinder power units - a tradition now experiencing a great renaissance. BMW 328 Sport (as of 1936). Out of only 463 cars built, 150 are still on the road today-clear proof of the love devoted to the treatment and maintenance of une puissance de 30 CH seulement. Elle ouvrit l'ère des 6 cylindres BMW qui firent l'admiration de tous et qui effectuent aujourd'hui un retour en force sous une forme tout à fait différente. this thoroughbred sports car: 80 BHP, 93 mph, 7,400.00 reichsmarks. BMW 327/328 Cabriolet (as of 1937) - perfect har- mony of performance and motoring culture: 80 BHP, top speed 90 mph, 8,130.00 reichsmarks - the most expensive BMW at the time. BMW 507 Touring Sport (as of 1956-the starroadster of the late 50's. 150 BHP developed by the 3.2 Itr 8-cy- CH grâce à son moteur 3,2 litres à 8 cylindres en allia- linder light-alloy engine guaranteed a top speed of 127 mph. BMW 502 (as of 1954) - the car that started the days of the V8 BMWS. It was with this car and its descen- BMW 328 Sport (à partir de 1936) - des 463 exemplai- res, il en existe encore 150 environ à l'heure actuelle. Cela souligne l'affection avec laquelle cette voiture de sport pur sang fut et est toujours traitée: 80 CH, 150 km/h, 7.400 Reichsmarks. BMW 327/328 Cabriolet (à partir de 1937) - exem- plaire en ce qui concerne l'harmonie de puissance et d'agrément: 80 CH, vitesse de pointe 145 km/h-avec 8130 Reichsmarks, elle était la BMW la plus chère de l'époque. BMW 507 Touring Sport (à partir de 1956) - la vedette des roadsters de la fin des années 50 développait 150 BMW 507 Touring Sport (ab 1956), der Roadster-Star der Endfünfziger Jahre mit 150 PS aus dem auf 3,2 Li- ter gebrachten Achtzylinder-Leichtmetallmotor und 205 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit. BMW 502 (ab 1954, mit dem die Ära der V8-Fahrzeu- ge begann. In seiner Entwicklung und der seiner Abkömmlinge wurde der erste serienmäßige Einbau der Scheibenbremse in Deutschland verwirklicht. BMW 1500 (ab 1962) mit 1499 ccm und 80 PS. Er lei- tete die Erneuerung des BMW Programms als erster BMW der Neuen Klasse ein und führte das Unterneh- ge léger et elle atteignait une vitesse de pointe de 205 km/h. BMW 502 (à partir de 1954) - la première des voitures V8. Une mise au point qui, en Allemagne, introduisit le frein à disque comme équipement de série. BMW 1500 (à partir de 1962) - 1.499 cm et 80 CH. C'était la première voiture de la Nouvelle Classe qui introduisit le nouveau programme BMW et sortit la so- ciété d'une sérieuse crise oonomique. dants that disc brakes were introduced in Germany for the first time as a standard feature. BMW 1500 (as of 1962) with 1499 cc and 80 BHP. The car that introduced the BMW New Range - and which got the Company out of a difficult economic situation. men aus einer problemreichen Talsohle. BMW Werkfoto 78224 · Alle Rechte frei!