Circle TitleFrom the imaginary submarine car window
Circle NameSide Kikou
Writer 1Otazuiki
Writer 2
Writer 3
Writer 4
Writer 5
GenreFate/Grand Order
Main Character1Sherlock Holmes
Main Character 2
Main Character 3
Main Character 4
Main Character 5
Date of issue2021/05/16
TypeDoujinshi - Illustration Collection
SizeB5 / 24p
First published event2021/05/16 SUPER ROOT 4 TO 5 2021 TOKYO
Series (Doujin)
CommentThe illustration centered on

Fate/Grand Order Sherlock Holmes has been re-recorded and drawn from this website. The illustrations of Holmes alone are the main ones, but there are also illustrations with some other characters. The decorative border and title on the cover are actually pale and pink is see-through from the back of the paper.
Product Introduction