This is for Stoicheia Deck Marche Fleu, Lianorn Vivace deck


Marche Fleur, Lianorn Vivace x4
Love-Binding Maiden, Margaret x3
Progressing Promise, Enlaeza x4
Luster Impact Dragon x3 Foil
Custodial Dragon x4 (2 FR + 2 rare)
Concert of Many Emotions, Parsea x4
Forest Protecting Hunter, Prosper x3
Performing Pedal, Diantha x4
Rhythm of Joy, Elentis x4
Gratias Gradale
Chrysis Bisection x4
Frienzied Heiress x4
Flowery Tone x4
Serene Maiden, Lena x3 rare
Source Dragon Deity of Blessing, Blessfavor

Ride Deck

Annoucing Wind of Spring, Corphie
Budding of Pleasant Sounds, Gracia 
Brilliant Tune, Rektina
Bandmaster of Blossoming Bonds, Lianorn


Love-binding Maiden, Margaret
Serene Maiden, Lena