Includes everything seen in photo(s) unless  stated in description.

Please note, I currently work 45-50 hours a week whilst going to college full-time. I do my best to keep up with ebay, but sometimes it takes me a few days to get to items when a lot is selling. I typically sell 1-3 items a day so the queue can build up. I appreciate your patience and please contact me if you are in a rush for your item amd I will do what I can to get it out quickly.

Also, please note that unless shown in photo(s) listing does not usually include instructions. However, upon request I may be able to find and include them. This is not a guarantee though as a lot of my collection was bought without instructions on ebay and such. The instructions I do have are quite a heap and it is a considerable effort to sort them out. With the work load of selling the 300+ transformers I've planned to sell, sorting through the hundreds of instructions is too much of an effort to be worth it for every figure. However, if buyer want them, I will do my best to find them. Also, if the queue to ship figures out is short, I do occasionally flip through the stacks real quickly and sometimes I do find and include instructions. The same might apply for character cards, but the odds of findi g those are less since I've purged those before.

Finally, on a personal note, I am selling off most of my collection in order to get into a better finacial situation in prepration for the future. I will be getting married in less then a year and need to clear out some debt in order to buy a house (hopefully). So, if prices ever seem suspiciously low, it's because I need as much money as soon as I can. Also, on another personal note. I have a Youtube channel were I have posted reviews of some of the figures I am selling. I take a very unique approach to reviewing in case you wanna check it out below. Regardless,

Thank you and God Bless. <]:D>-<