Condition as seen.  

_____ __ _____ ___ __ ____.  I would sent it a home but to get ____ of there is to ____ one self liable to punishment.  ___ ____ __________ and if any one don’t answer he is put on extra guard duty.  Our lights had to be put out at 9 o’clock precisely and we must be still after that.  It is now nearly that time.  The boys are out having a dance in the parade ground and a loud time they are having.  The Capt. is around with them.  They are dancing as fast as they can hear the music but it is time for lights to be up out and I must go to bed.  
June 7.  This is a nightly pleasant day but it was very cold last night . we have just been out drilling under the captain . he knows his business . every time this afternoon at half past one we have battalion drill and flag, raising . every man has got to be in his best suit, boots, black, and all that sort of thing. Our first lieutenant has just arrived. He has been home to Niles since Saturday. From what I just read in the state journal and we will go to Annapolis. Still we know nothing about it. Still we shall go somewhere. We take a daily paper and have the news every day and costs us only a cent a week. Uncle Sam keeps some good _____ here. I assure you they draw our woods and men come around in whitewash or barracks every little while and clean out the ditches and haul off the dirt in front of the barracks. The work is all done for us, but we don’t play much for all that. There is plenty of folks around, peddling all sorts of vegetables for money, but we don’t buy much of that. Don’t I don’t think of anything more very strange or even interesting.  Gen. Todd Dennison, Judge Shane and lots of others will be out this afternoon. We shall have a gala and expect now as I said before right all of you. I cannot write to all, but that is no difference. Right about everything. How is the young Blackhawk etc. etc. Tell all the other folks to write. Olive, I should be glad to hear from. Aunt Harriet‘s stockings were thankfully received. Present my tender regards to all inquiring friends.
Address J.E. Brockway
Co. C 84th reg. O.V.I. 
Camp Chase Care
Capt. H.B. Case to follow Reg.

John E. Brockway

Residence was not listed; 19 years old.

Enlisted on 5/29/1862 as a Private.

On 6/10/1862 he mustered into "C" Co. OH 84th Infantry 
He was Mustered Out on 9/20/1862 at Camp Delaware, OH

Other Information:
born in 1843
died 3/11/1916 in Pittsburgh, PA 
Buried: Sheanango Valley Cemetery, Mercer County, PA

(Wife:  Nancy  d. 1921; invalid filed 8-4-1891  #1046293;
 widow filed 3-21-1916 #1062975)

Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.:

 - Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio
 - Mercer County, PA Cemetery Inscriptions
 - Research by Albert P. Richardson
(c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @