Pawpaw Seed  (Asimina triloba)  Zone 5-8 Seed is cold stratified and ready to plant. Pawpaw seed can be sent during warm time of the year because they are unaffected by heat if kept moist. Seed sent moist, and should not be allowed to dry out before planting.
Pawpaw seeds are from 2nd generation homegrown trees. The original trees may have originated from unnamed Stark Brothers Missouri pawpaw seedlings selected for their fruit size and flavor.

Pawpaws are a native plant which produces sweet edible Kiwi flavored fruit with soft custard like flesh. The fruit ripens in Mid to late September. Best eaten fresh but can be stored for up to a week, or frozen for later use.

(Please note): Pawpaw seeds need warmth to germinate, seeds should be kept at a minimum soil temperature of 70°, 75° to 85°F degree temperatures are ideal for faster germination. Give seed warmth for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

The pawpaw seed has been refrigerated and kept under cold moist conditions for 120 + days. Planting information included with order or see germination details below.

Pawpaw seed should be sown  1-1 1/2 inch's deep in a light soil mix preferably in deep containers.
Keep at 75° to 85° F. until germination in 2 to 3 weeks.
Shoots will emerge from soil in about 2 months, some will take longer.
Germination is typically around 60% to 80% but can be higher or lower.
Seed germination rates can drop below 15% if seed is allowed to dry out, and can be damaged if frozen or temperatures drop below 10°F.
Pawpaw seedlings require shade the first year and will grow slowly for the first few years until their root systems are well established.
Flies and beetles are the main pollinators. Hand pollinating may be necessary until native population is established.
Trees can bear fruit 5-6 years after planting from seed with good care.
Pawpaws seem to produce best quality fruit when grown in full sun in the north, but may need shading when grown in hot high humidity, and drought prone environments.

A good way to over winter the pawpaw trees, is to keep the pawpaw seedlings in pots at ground level (on the floor) in an unheated sheltered area that stays above 25° but below 45°F. for the first winter. The season may be too short to establish a good root system and over winter successfully in northern areas if direct sown outdoors.
Keep pots on the dry side during the winter months watering just enough to prevent dehydration  of the dormant plants.