Are you or someone you know an old-school photography buff shooting film or an artist who likes to paint on walls? Or maybe you have lots of boxes of old slides and want to check them out to find the best ones to digitize? Then you will love this original Soviet FED Etude Diafilm Slide Projector from 1980.
An interesting thing came recently into our life, uncomplicated and simple, but warm and full of retro charm! And its performance is very worthy because of course, it was made in the USSR. This small slide projector features an aluminum housing painted with hammered paint. We bought for it a brand new switch for the cable.
The body moves back when the cover opens, and there is a lock on the lid for when not in use. As for the optics, in a word "FED", just some of the highest quality lenses made in the Soviet era, almost a camera! The ETUDE projector was produced by the Volchansk Aggregate Plant in Kharko. This model is very similar to Svet, it uses the same 220V 100 kW film projection lamp. However, it differs fundamentally from overhead projectors, there is a carriage in which you swap slides out one after the other while viewing them.
The slide projector Etude is very compact. It is much smaller than conventional filmoscopes. It is also smaller than its counterparts - overhead projectors such as Screen, Light, Satellite. The overhead projector uses high-quality optics with enlightenment and a Triplet type lens. The slide projector was export quality, this is evidenced by the "Made in USSR" text in Latin letters on the rear panel. Accordingly, the slide projector is made soundly and efficiently. All components and details are thought out to the smallest detail. The sliding mechanism is made in castings of the body and does not play. The painting is of very high quality.
In addition, there is a 1/4 tripod thread at the bottom of the overhead projector that allows you to install the slide projector on the usual tripod. The legs are rubber and do not slip even on a smooth surface. A very compact, neat overhead projector. The price of the projector was 22 rubles, a lot in those days, and it shows off the picture in very good quality!
These were very popular with Soviet artists, who would project a slide of an artwork they wanted to paint on a wall of canvas and work away. Even the name "Etude" - in art - is a preparatory sketch for the future of the work, should you have the creative impulse!
Material: Plastic, Metal, electronic components
Condition: Very Good vintage with no signs of wear, strongly constructed. See photos for details.
Dimensions: 15 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm
Year Made: 1980
Weight: 1213g