Circle Titlepigeon
Circle NameSATELLITE 9
Writer 1Mobara Yazumi
Writer 2
Writer 3
Writer 4
Writer 5
GenreJujutsu Kaisen
Main Character1Gojo Satoru
Main Character 2Fushiguro Megumi
Main Character 3
Main Character 4
Main Character 5
Date of issue2022/12/18
TypeDoujinshi - Novel
SizePaperback 38p
First published event2022/12/18 Demon 18
Series (Doujin)
CommentThis is a

story about Mr. Gojo generating electricity to cover Japan's electricity. There are glories that aren't as good as the original. Please be aware that I'm not happy. Overall, I'm depressed and the CP elements are weak.
Product Introduction