Note: Many of my clients are scholars, historians and genealogists seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Places and Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below):Error's Chains Illustrated Deluxe Full Tooled Leather Decorative Binding Gilt Myth Magic Mankind Religion Belief Worship Spirituality Esoteric Supernatural Ritual Custom Traditions Flood Myths Tower of Babel Hindu Buddhism Shintoism Islam Muslim Mohammed Egypt Egyptian Gods Deities Animal Worship Mummy Book of the Dead Chaldean Assyrian Ishtar Babylon Ahriman Jewish Baal Greek Mythology Jupiter Diana Rome Roman Etruscan Sabellian Ceres Druids Paganism Saxon Fairy Lore India Brahmin Hindu Kali Juggernaut Ganesha Fakirs Vedic Vishnu Japan Emperor Sun Goddess Africa African Gods Human Sacrifice Devil Demon Evil Spirits Ancestors Rituals Rites Ceremony Zulu Fetish Idol Deity Pantheon American Indians Amazons Aztec Inca Papua Indonesia Polynesia Zoroaster Parsee Sacred Books China Confucius Tao Taoist Buddha Sangha Ceylon Burma Superstition Siam Prayer Wheels Pagodas Tibet Grand Dali Lama Bodhidarma Tokyo Japanese Gods Mohammedanism Arabian Caliphs Crusades Koran Mosques Dervish Taj Mahal Dobbins1aa

Illustrated Material Includes (Partial Only, See Full Summary of Illustrations Below): Serpent Idol Dagon Sphinx Gizeh Hieroglyphics Isis Karnak Thebes Pyramids Assyrian Bull Stonehenge Sacrifice Rites Indra Hindu Temple God of Hell Krishna Goddess Kali Ganges Benares Fakir Hindu Temple Festival Mikado Raiden Futen Rice God Mount Fuji-yama Hotei Juju House Indian Medicine Man Burial Place Tattoo Fiji South Seas Hawaii Hawaiian War God Poison God Bombay Peru Peruvian Temples Chinese Dragon Evil Spirits Oracles Altar of Heaven Peking Marriage Procession Ancestor Worship Devil Dancers Sanchi Rangoon Bangkok King of Siam Leper King Tartar Woman Tomb Mandarin Nanking Kwanon Shiba Matsuri Fujisan Tokaido Mosque of Omar Persia Delhi Sacred Boar Constantinople Turkey New Zealand

ERROR’S CHAINS: How Forged and Broken. A Complete, Graphic and Comparative History of the Many Strange Beliefs, Superstitious Practices, Domestic Peculiarities, Sacred Writings, Systems of Philosophy, Legends and Traditions, Customs and Habits of Makind Throughout the World, Ancient and Modern. By Frank S. Dobbins. Published in 1883 by Standard Publishing House, New York. 9.5” x 6.5" cloth hardcover decorated with gilt. Illustrated with steel engravings and text illustrations. 777 pages plus index.

Condition: VERY GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION -- VERY RARE. ALL PAGES AND ILLUSTRATED PLATES INTACT AND IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. Beautiful de luxe tooled leather binding as shown in photos, some minor exterior wear. Firm binding. Text block firm and secure. Text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. Later owner name on front endpaper. GREAT EXAMPLE of this RARE and VALUABLE occult/esoteric masterpiece.


This gorgeous and extremely rare antique book is an illustrated 19th-century examination of the pagan gods, devils, demons and evil spirits worshiped by mankind throughout the ages – “the whole dark picture,” as the author puts it. This groundbreaking study – one of the first of its kind – also covers idols, temples, shrines and, sacred places, incantations, sacrifices, customs, legends and myths. It preceded Frazer’s Golden Bough by at least seven years.

This fascinating book has been touted as “a Thrilling Story, Very Copiously Illustrated, Describing The Thousand And One Imaginations Of The Brilliant Men Of All Ages Groping In Darkness After God; Their Conceptions Of The Terrific Powers And Mysterious Influences Of Good And Evil Spirits; The Ceremonies And Meaning Of The Myriad Forms Of Idolatrous Worship; Its Evils, Superstitions, Sacrifices, Incantations, Temples Shrines, Etc. The Whole Dark Picture Strikingly Contrasted With The Beauty And Purity Of Revealed Religion.”

ERROR’S CHAINS is an important work, one which will no doubt prove its value again and again to anyone interested in the study of comparative religions, anthropology, or magic and the occult. This is the EXTREMELY RARE deluxe tooled leather edition.

The Preface states:

In all parts of his work the author has sought to present definite information, carefully arranged, truthfully told, and clearly and interestingly stated. He has aimed to show the origin, development and spread of each non-Christian religious system; and to give an account of their gods and goddesses, temples, shrines, idols, sacred places, superstitious customs, legends, myths, domestic worship and the innumerable peculiarities of their daily religious life.

The work is fully illustrated by accurate, and in many cases, expensive engravings. The book is not made merely to sell. Sensational statements and mere padding have been neither added nor borrowed. The author has not drawn upon his imagination in the least. He has told a story which, though sometimes stranger than fiction, is nevertheless solid fact and not baseless fancy.

Let it be remembered that this is a pioneer work. The author has had to blaze his pathway through a trackless forest. He has had no guide.

It has been the purpose of the author and the publishers to place the subject-matter of this volume within the ready reach of all who consult it. An exhaustive Table of Contents has been given therefore, in which the chapter titles and all the sub-headings of the chapters will be found. A full index of the proper names and principal topics of the book is also added, by means of which it is believed any desired subject treated in the volume can readily be found. By such means as these the book has been made as complete and as useful as patient labor can make it.



CHAPTER ONE ~ THE WORLD’S FIRST WORSHIP: Testimony of an old record and of language * Another witness: comparative religion * The story of the master thief * The story of Rhampsinitos * The story of the poor mason * The story of the shifty lad * Exodus of the nations

CHAPTER TWO ~ WHENCE CAME THE MANY GODS AND IDOLS? Sources of information * The transition * The first hymns and prayers * Where did idol-worship come from?

CHAPTER THREE ~ SACRED AND HEATHEN TRADITIONS: Traditions of Creation * Traditions of the Deluge * The Chaldean story * The Hindu tradition * The Chinese tradition * The Mexican legend * The Fiji-Islander's tradition * American Indian traditions * The Greek story * Chaldean story of the Tower of Babel * What has the Bible to say about idolatry?

CHAPTER FOUR ~ THE SUBJECT IN A NUTSHELL: Methods of grouping religions * Dead religions and living religions * Original religions and reformed religions * Dead religions * Living worships * The proposed treatment * A concise view * Parseeism * African religion * Western Europe * The Southern migration * Buddhism * China's religions * Shintoism in Japan * Mohammedanism * Christianity's conquests

CHAPTER FIVE ~ THE LAND OF THE SPHINX: Hidden history * The hieroglyphics * Some Egyptian gods * Animal worship * Mummies * The celebrated book of the dead * Egyptian worship

CHAPTER SIX ~ THE CHALDEANS: The great Chaldean historian * Ruined monuments * A library of brick books * Manners and customs * The religion of Assyria * The supreme god, Ilu * The Assyrian triad * The gods of the planets * The great Goddess Ishtar * The Genii of Assyria * Worship of the gods at Babylon

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ THE JEWS: The plagues and Egyptian idolatry * The golden calf * Baal-worship

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ GREECE: Origin of the world and of the gods * The generations of the gods * Gods of the Grecians * Specimen stories from Greek Mythology * Hermes and Apollo * The Lotus-eaters and the Cyclops * Hercules' twelve tasks * The Phidian Jupiter * Grecian temples and worship of Paul's day * The city crowded with idols * Diana of the Ephesians

CHAPTER NINE ~ ROME: The Etruscan religion * The Sabellian religion * The gods of the Romans * Father Jove * The Matron goddess * The goddess of schools * The goddess of the hearth * Ceres and Liber * The gods of beginnings * Rome's lesser gods * The Roman empire

CHAPTER TEN ~ OUR ANCESTORS: Ancient Britain * The Druids * Wonderful resemblance * Worship of the Druids * Temple of the Hanging Stones * Human sacrifices * The destruction of Druidism * Who first brought Christianity to Britain * Paganism of the Saxons * Saxon gods * Saxon sacrifices * Fairy-lore of Western Europe * An Elfin Story * The penitent Nis * Nixes * The Peasant and the Waterman * The wonderful little pouch * Christianizing the Saxons

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ INDIA: Sketch of Brahminism * The gods of Hinduism * Story of the Sages' search * Can the gods die? * Sects of Hinduism * Principles of Hinduism * Human beings killed in sacrifice * How Hinduism regards woman

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ HINDU TEMPLES, IDOLS AND WORSHIP: Idols and temples of Juggernaut * Kali, the Goddess of Blood * Temple Decorations * Benares * The sacred city of the Sikhs * Cave-temples of Elephanta and Gwalior * Ganesha, God of Wisdom * Pagodas * Hindu washings for sin * Hindu holy men, devotees and fakirs

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ HINDU SACRED BOOKS, FAIRY STORIES AND FIRESIDE TALES: The Vedic hymns * The law-book of Manu * Degradation of women according to Manu's laws * The burning of widows commanded by Manu * The god Vishnu made man * A Sanskit story-book * The story of the terrible bell * The story of the lion and the old hare * The story of the Brahmin and the pans * The story of the recluse and the mouse

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ JAPAN: The sacred books of Japan * Japanese story of creation * The emperors descended from the gods * The sun-goddess enticed from the cave * Shinto worship

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ POPULAR GODS AND SHRINES OF SHINTOISM: The seven household gods * The sacred mountain * Shinto temples and gate-ways * The sacred shrines of Ise

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ THE DARK CONTINENT: African belief in a god or gods * Praying for rain * The Hottentots' god, Gounja-Gounja * The Bushmen's god * Zulu tradition of the origin of men * Good and bad spirits * The spirit in the insect * Fetich worship * A horrible fetich * Stanley and the Africans' fear of fetich * Witchcraft

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA: The Indians of North America * The Great Spirit * Worship of ancestors * Indian legends * The "Song of Hiawatha" * Indian allegory of winter and spring * Alaskans' worship of evil spirits * Indian sun-worship * Amazon sun-worship * The Araucanians * Patagonia * The Aztecs * Ancient Aztec idol * The Incas

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ~ THE ISLANDS OF THE SEAS: The depraved condition of the Papuans * The pagan Polynesians * Traditionary origin of human priesthood * Polynesian notion of the sun and moon * The fire-god's song

CHAPTER NINETEEN ~ THE KARENS AND THEIR TRADITIONS: The Karens not idolaters * Worship of Yuah * A singular tradition * The dog who ate the book * Funeral services * Mrs. Vinton's letter

CHAPTER TWENTY ~ THE FIRE WORSHIPPERS: Zoroaster, the Prophet of Ormazd * Zoroaster's worship of one God Ormazd and Ahriman * Finding of the Zend-Avesta * The Parsee Bible * Parsee worship

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE ~ CHINA AND HER PHILOSOPHERS: Chinese contrarieties and language * The three Chinese religions * The old boy * The talisman of long life * The visit of Confucius to Lao-Tsze * The voyage in search of the talisman of long life

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO ~ THE TAOIST SACRED BOOKS AND GODS: The book of rewards and punishments * Some selections from the book of rewards and punishments * The book of secret blessings * The gods of the Taoists * The god of letters * Charms * Kwan-te, God of War * Tsai-shin, the God of Riches * Taoist superstitions

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE ~ CONFUCIUS AND THE CLASSICS: The background of the picture * The story of the sage's life * Teachings and writings of the Chinese sage * The wisdom of the sage

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR ~ CONFUCIAN TEMPLES AND WORSHIP: The worship of Shang-te, at Peking * Temple of Confucius * Examinations in the sacred books * Anecdotes of students * How Mencius's mother incited her son to study * How a tired student was led back to his studies * The little sage who hid fire to light his lamp * An example of a studious ancestor * The student with a round stick for a pillow

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE ~ HOME LIFE UNDER CONFUCIANISM: Ceremony of turning the bridge-ladder * Worship of ancestors at a wedding * Mother, Goddess of Children * Teaching a child to worship idols * The story of Ma-chu, Goddess of the Sailors

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX ~ BUDDHA, THE “LIGHT OF ASIA”: The story of Gautama, the founder of Buddhism * Gautama's four visions * The great renunciation * Gautama becomes an ascetic * The "Light of Asia" and the "Light of the World”

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN ~ THE BUDDHIST BIBLE, THE “THREE BASKETS,” AND ITS TEACHINGS: The Buddhist way of salvation * What is Nirvana? * Buddhist morals * Some of the "footsteps of the law" * Buddhist beatitudes

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT ~ THE GROWTH OF BUDDHISM – THE BUDDHIST ORDER OF MENDICANTS: The Sangha, or Buddhist Brotherhood * The initiation ceremony * Rules of the Order * Daily life of a monk * The three great Buddhist councils * Buddhaghosha, the famous monk and missionary * The story of King Kakavanna * Buddhist courtesies of the present day

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE ~ INDIA AND CEYLON: The famous Topes * The great Sanchi Tope * Ceylonese Buddhism * The sacred Bo-tree of Ceylon * Reducing the Tripitaka to writing * Buddhaghosha in Ceylon * A Buddhist temple in Ceylon * The sacred Ceylonese books

CHAPTER THIRTY ~ BURMAH: The Shway-da-gong pagoda * The story of Shway-da-gong * Other pagodas * Worship of nats * A nat story * Superstitions of the Burmese * The funeral of a pongyee or monk

CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE ~ SIAM: The celebrated Wat Chang pagoda * Temple of the Emerald Idol * Worship of the white elephant * Ruins of the great temple of Nagkon Wat * Some other temples

CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO ~ THIBET: Sketch of the history of Lamaism * Monks and monasteries * Temple at Teshu Lumbo monastery * Services at the H'Lassa cathedral * Praying-wheels * The mystic sentence of Thibet * The incarnation of Buddha in the Grand Lama * The Lamaist Bible

CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE ~ CHINA: Pagodas * Chinese Buddhist temples * The worship of Kwan-yin * The worship of Kum-Fa * Idols * The Temple of Horrors * Monasteries * A Monk's Monument * Chinese Buddhist Bonzes * Buddhist devotees * Ceremony of the Water-lamps * The Do-nothing sect of Reformed Buddhists * Booldo, the Buddhism of the Coreant

CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR ~ JAPAN: Bodhidharma in Japan * The Sun-child and his miraculous deliverance * Further history of Japan * Buddhist sects in Japan * The Protestants of Buddhism * Kwanon's Temple at Asakusa, Tokio * Temple of Shiba, in Tokio * Temple of five hundred gods * The casting of a Temple Bell * The Colossal Idol, the Kamkura Dai Butsu * Some Japanese gods * Japanese Festivals * Mount Fuji-Yama * Customs concerning birth, marriage and death * Some Japanese superstition * Religion of the Ainos

CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE ~ MOHAMMEDANISM: Extent of Mohammedanism * The Arabian camel-driver who founded a great religion * The Prophet's youth and early manhood * Gabriel's message to Mohammed * The flight of Mohammed * Converts made at the sword's point * Mohammed's successors, the Caliphs * Caliph Omar * The Crusades * The writing of the Koran * The teaching of the Koran * Some selections from the Koran * Mohammed's Paradise * The Koran on the judgment

CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX ~ MOHAMMEDAN MOSQUES AND WORSHIP: Worship in the Mosques * The dancing and howling Dervishes * The smart and smarting answer of a Dervish * Daily worship * The Mosque of St. Sophia * The Jummah Musjid at Delhi, India * The Taj Mahal, the "Jewel of India" * Pilgrimages and festivals * Conclusion

CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN ~ WINNING THE WORLD TO THE WORSHIP OF THE ONE GOD: Comparison of heathen religions and Christianity * Why shall we give Christianity to the world * A flight over the battle-field * Position-of the Christian army

ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDE: Colored map of the World * Ancient Serpent Idol * Teraphim* Dagon, the Fish-god * Ancient Serpent Idol * Group of Altars * Idol from Hindustan * Coin Representing the Deluge * Comparative Chart of all religions * Ruined Temples * Rock Temple of Ibsamdul, Restored * Song of the Threshers * Egyptian Hieroglyphics * Pasht, the Cat-headed God * One of the Forms of Isis * Crocodile God * Scarabaeus * Shrouding of the Dead * Mummy Case * Forms of Mummy Cases * Egyptian Priestess * Avenue of Sphinxes Leading to a Temple * Gate-way of the Ancient Egyptian Temple of Karnak * The Singing Memnon * Ruins of Thebes * The Sphinx and the Pyramids * Star Worshipers * Babylonish Coffin and Lid of Green Glazed Pottery * Assyrian Cuneiform Letters * Robed Statue * Statue of Oannes, the King * Adar Strangling the Lion * Sargon's Palace, Restored * Human-headed Eagle-winged Assyrian Bull * Sculptured Locust * Goddess Ashtoreth, Ishtar * Taj Mahal * Phoenician Goddess Astarte * The Ammonite Fire God Moloch * Jehovah's Triumph over Baal * Image of Jupiter, by Phidias * Temple of Diana of Ephesus * Medal of Diana * Jupiter Tonans * Janus * Ancient Druidic Worship at Stonehenge, England * Gods of Our Saxon Ancestors * Sacrificial Rites of the Ancient British Druids * Ancient Hindu Idol * Devil Worshiped in Tennevelly * Indra, God of the Atmosphere * The Three Chief Hindu Gods * Bird's-eye view of the Hindu Temple at Cawnpore * Sculptured Idols on a Pillar * Dying Brahmin Holding the Tail of the Sacred Cow, so as to Enter Heaven * A Caste-marked Brahmin at His Devotions * God of Hell, from a Hindu Picture * Amadeo, God of Love * Teaching a Child to Worship Ganesha, the God of Wisdom * Child Bringing an Offering to the Idol of a Bull * Hindu Woman * The Most Sacred Temple of Juggernaut at Puri * Worship in the Temple of Krishna, or Juggernaut * Hindu Devotees Dragging Juggernaut's Car and Immolating Themsselves * The Idol Juggernaut Usually Carried on the Car * Disrobing and Disjointing Juggernaut * The Goddess Kali * Idol of Kali * A Night Feast of the Bloody Goddess, Kali * Goddess Kali, from a Hindu Picture * Hindu Notion of the Universe * Golden Temple of the Hindus of Umritsur * Entablature from a Hindu Temple * Children Worshiping in Temple at Benares * Bas-relief from a Hindu Temple * Approach to the Temple of Umritsur * Great Idol of the Cave of Mandar, India * Scene from Cave of Elephanta * Two Chinese Gods * Cave of Elephanta * Image of Ganesha * Annual Boat-festival of Ganesha on the Ganges * Wayside Idol of Ganesha * Mosque Djedid, Algiers * Gate-way of Madura Temple * Pagoda of Pondicherry, Famed for Its Sculpture * Disused Idols and Sacred Articles from Ongole, India. * The Jumma Musjid, Delhi * Hindus Washing in the Sacred River Ganges at Benares * Temple of the Sacred Fountain * Fakir of the Immovable Foot * The Holy Man with the Iron Collar * Fakir of the Long Hair * A Fakir, Who Never Helps Himself * A Hindu Holy Man Torturing Himself by Hanging from a Hook * Fakir Hanging to a Limb * Devotee Enduring Fire * Fakir of the Long Nails * Hindu Festival of the New Moon * Guards of the Hindu Temple Ayenar * Hindu Women Rescued from Their Degradation * The Ten Incarnations of Vishnu * The God Created from Izanagi's Staff * Jimmu Tenno, First Emperor of Japan * The Mikado's Coat-of-Arms * Raiden, God of Thunder, with His String of Drums * Futen, God of Winds, with His Huge Sack * Daikoku, the Rice-god, on His Throne of Rice-bags * Fukoruku Jin, the God Who Can Bestow Long Life * Domestic Altar of the Gods of Daily Food and of Rice * Hotei, the God of Happiness * The Sacred Mountain, Fuji-Yama * Shinto Shrine, near Yokohama, Japan, with Worshipers, Vessel of Holy Water, etc * A Tento, or "Heavenly Lantern" * Shrines of Ise, the Most Sacred Place of Shintoism * Interior of a Shinto Temple, Showing the Arrangements for Worship * Ceremonial Dance of the Shinto Priests * A Lawyer of Zululand * King Coffee's Protecting God * The Priests' Trick of Raising an Idol Out of the Earth * A Cazembe Fetich Man * Decorated Fetichist * Juju House or Temple of Skulls * Idols with Mirrors in Their Bodies * A Witch Doctor * Indian Medicine Man * Indian Burial Place * Indian Image * Sun-worship on the Amazon * Holy Men of India * Ancient Aztec Idol * Sun-worship Among the Peruvians * Ancient Peruvian Temple of the Sun * A Papuan Fetich House * Tattooed Girl of Oceanica * Polynesian Idol and Its Devotees * A Fijian Bure Temple * Idol of South Sea Islands * Great Idol of Oceanica, (six feet in height) * Hawaiian Idol, Known as the Poison God * Idol from Polynesia * New Zealand Moon-god * Hawaiian War-god * Christian Karen Girls * A Parsee Merchant of Bombay * Chinese Ornaments with Words of Cheer * A Chinese Book * Censer, from a Taoist Temple * Ceremonies in a Taoist Temple * Neetmok * The Three Pure Ones * God of the Kitchen * God of Thunder * Carrying the Dragon * Dragon Boat-races, a Chinese Festival * Charm to Ward Off Evil Spirits from a Bride * God of Thieves * Sword Charm * Kwan-te, God of War * Taoists Consulting the Oracles at the Magicians * Stone Pillars Erected by the Chinese to Keep Off Evil Spirits * Tall White Devil * Short Black Devil * Traditional Likeness of Confucius * Monumental Gate-way Erected in Honor of Confucius * Temple of Confucius, in Peking * Chinese Schoolboys * Chinese Joss-stick * Sacred Altar of Heaven, at Peking * Temple of Agriculture, at Peking, China * Bronze Temple in Honor of Confucius * Chinese Sitting-room * Ancestral Tablet * Chinaman Burning Prayers Instead of Saying Them * Bringing Home One of the Souls of a Dead Man in His Clothes * Ceremony of Turning Around the Bridge-ladder * Chinese Marriage Procession * Worship of Ancestors at a Wedding * Chinese Baby in Its Cradle * Teaching a Child to Worship * Doherty’s Description * Offering Sacrifice to the Kitchen-god * God of Gambling * Idol of Buddha * Religious Meeting of the Jains * Tope of Sanchi * Capital of a Pillar of Gate-way of Sanchi Tope * Gate-way of Sanchi Tope * Roadway to a Buddhist Temple in Ceylon * Aztec Pyramid, Cholula * Devil-dancers' Mask from Ceylon * Buddhist Temple in the Island of Ceylon * Worship of Buddha's Tooth * Shway-da-gong, the Great Pagoda of Rangoon, Burmah * Sacred Garden Attached to Temple * Sacred Bull * Pagoda at Maulmain, Burmah * Funeral Procession of a Buddhist Priest * Tower of Wat Chang Pagoda at Bangkok, Siam * Funeral Temple of Wood, Bamboo and Paper * The King of Siam Going to Worship at the Temple of the Emerald Idol * Temple of the Emerald Idol * Ruined Temple of Ayudia, Altar of the, Siam * Siamese Worshiping the White Elephant * Tomb of a Buddhist Saint * Ruins of the Great Temple of Nagkon Wat * Statue of the Leper King * A Thibetan Lad * Monastery of Hemis in the Himalayas * Tartar Woman * Praying Machine * Praying Wheel Whirled in the Hand * Stone with the Mystic Sentence, "Om Mani Padmi Hum" * Mani Padee, a Buddhist Tomb in Thibet * A Thibetan Woman * Chinese Image of Buddha * Bronze Lions * A Chinese Mandarin * Chinese Sale of Prayers Conducted by the Priests * Porcelain Tower at Nanking, China * Beating on a Temple Drum to Attract the God * Chinese Temple at San Francisco * The "Three Precious Buddhas" * Worship in the Temple of the Thousand Lamas * Temple of Kwan-Yin * Colossal Gilded Buddha * Altar of Chinese Pagoda * The Goddess Ma-chu and Her Assistants * Pagoda at Tung-Cho. * Chinese Idols * Chinese Buddhist's Idea of Hell * Goddess of Mercy Delivering a Soul * Buddhist Monument at Peking Priest at a Praying Wheel * Chinese Bonze, or Priest * Letting Go the Water-lamps * Miraculous Delivery of a Bonze * Shrine of Kwanon * Interior of Kwanon's Temple * The Hiogo Buddha * Buddhist Shrine at Kobe * Japanese Pilgrim in Winter Dress * Dining-room of a Buddhist Monastery * Religious festival in Temple Grounds * New Year's Frolic in Japan * Buddhist "Nio," or Temple Guard * Japanese Picture of Kwanon * Musicians of the Temple at Shiba * Torii, or Water Gate of the Temple of Miyajima * Interior of the Temple of Shiba * Temple of the Five Hundred Gods, Canton, China * Belfry of the Temple at Osaka, Japan * Street Mountebanks in a New Year's Festival in Japan * Japanese Idea of the Judge of Hell * Festival of Foxes * Driving the Devils Out of the House on New Year's Eve with Beans * A Japanese Matsuri, or Religious Festival * Fujisan. from a Village on the Tokaido * Worship at the Tomb of an Ancestor * The Flowing Invocation * Temple of the Kaaba, at Mecca, Arabia * Mohammedan Cemetery at Mecca * Interior of a Turkoman Tent, in Western Persia * Mosque of Omar, on the Site of the Jewish Temple, at Jerusalem * Mohammedans Praying Before the Mosque of Omar * Mohammedan Mosque on the Hooghly River, Near Calcutta, India. * Exterior of Mosque in Persia * Interior of Mosque at Delhi, India * Interior of Mosque of St. Sophia *A Whirling Dervish * The Sacred Boar * Moslem Boy Studying the Koran * Mosque of St. Sophia, at Constantinople, Turkey * Mosque at Delhi, Containing a Hair from Mohammed's Beard * Entrance to the Mosque at Delhi * Tower of the Koutub, India * Taj Mahal, the Tomb of the Empress Mumtaj Mahal, at Agra, India * Interior of the Taj, the Tomb of Mahal * Mohammedan Feast of Mohurrim * Two New Zealanders: the Savage Te Wetere and the Christian'Te Kote * A Missionary Home in Burmah

(Note: Some of the photos below are from one of my previous sales of this title on eBay. I use them here to save time, since the same illustrations are featured in the book currently at auction. There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc.)

Remember folks, this is an 1883 First Edition. This book is 141 years old.


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