Le quartier maître Lebriz

Catégorie : Les années 1900 à 1940 > Personnalités
Année : Circa 1925
Type : Tirage argentique
Format (cm): 12x18

Vintage silver print,
stamped at verso, from a mysterious negative brought back from Congo in the mid 1880’s, and captioned later by an eye-witness (the priest of the expedition ?) : “Le Quartier-maître Lebriz, premier Européen décédé et inhumé à Brazzaville en juillet 1885, probablement le 9 — c’était un lundi”.
A rare portrait of the worker who built the first houses and streets of Brazzaville : “The city was founded by an Italo-French explorer, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, after whom the city was named. French control over the area was made official by the Berlin Conference of 1884.”
The final location of Brazzaville is chosen on may 1884. After leaving the king Makoko, Brazza and his companions settle on a plain thirty meters above the Congo. It must be built: " we got organized in a hurry: brushing with machete, clearing the view, creation of necessary pathways, searching for construction material in the forest. We'll live a long time under canopies or makeshift tarpaulins.” (Charles de Chavannes). on the 30th september 1884, the first wwoden house is finished. The quartermaster is the constructor of the first houses in Brazzaville.

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