Title reads:

Triumphant Songs
No. 2
By E. O. Excell
Price, By mail, D'Ds. 35c Each
by Express not prepaid $3.60 per Doz. $30.00 per 100.

Published by E. O. Excell (Edwin Orthello)
Clark & Adams Sts. 
Chicago, ILL
Lakesdie Bldg

Cloth covers 50c each $5.00 per Doz.

Neat hand written pencil name of Mrs. R. B. Crow - Moberley, Mo.

371 songs of praise (hymns & a few responsive readings) with first part of music given in standard music notation. 

Appears to be a First Edition published in 1889 in red cloth hardback. 

This antique book has recently been republished at higher prices than asked for the original.