Venus Flytrap
"The Most Beautiful Venus Flytrap"
Small Imported Clone

Growing under strong LED grow lights, must be acclimated to full sun.

Dionaea muscipula ‘Carboni Ardenti’ is the Diamond tip of 2020 for Diflora. The unique phenotype of Dionaea ‘Carboni Ardenti’ shows short cilia and a high number of trigger hairs in the inner orange-red colored traps side. The name ‘Carboni Ardenti’ means burning coals and was chosen by Valerio Guidolin because he imagined that the inside trap is similar to “walking on burning coals” for an insect.

Shipped potted in a 2.5" X 2.5" X 3.5" deep pot with my 50/50 mix of coarse peat/perlite.