From Marvel Comics, vintage 1994 up, full color comic book series

GENERATION X 1--Direct Edition. Chromium cover. Scott Lobdell script. Chris Bachalo art. Mark Buckingham inks. This issue kicks off a brand new generation of X-Men: Husk, Jubilee, M, Chamber, Skin, Penance, Synch, and Mondo led by Banshee and White Queen. Cover price $3.95.

GENERATION NEXT 2--Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. Hither Comes the Sugar Man!; Generation Next prepares to invade the Portland Core mine to rescue Illyana Rasputin from a life of slavery to Apocalypse; Husk and Vincente succeed in killing and impersonating the mine's foreman, Quietus, while the rest of the team waits in the wings to strike. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.

GEN 13 GENERATION X One-Shot --Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. Hither Comes the Sugar Man!; Generation Next prepares to invade the Portland Core mine to rescue Illyana Rasputin from a life of slavery to Apocalypse; Husk and Vincente succeed in killing and impersonating the mine's foreman, Quietus, while the rest of the team waits in the wings to strike. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse. 36 pages, full color. $1.95. Cover price $1.95.

Offered are 11 issues related to the GENERATION X series, GENERATION X 1 Near Mint, GENERATION NEXT 2 Near Mint, GENERATION X 3 Near Mint, 5  Near Mint; 13 Near Mint; 15 Near Mint; 17 Near Mint; GENERATION X '95 ANNUAL Near Mint; GENERATION X '96 ANNUAL Near Mint; GENERATION X '97  ANNUAL Near Mint and the GENERATION X GEN 13 One-Shot Near Mint

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