Brown County History 1980 South Dakota.  HC Book.  Aberdeen. Includes a pamphlet Early Days In  Brown County, 1984 Lions Souvenir money, and a newspaper clipping.

" 594 Pages, Extremely well indexed. Brown County History is the work of more than twenty researchers and writers working with a massive stockpile of material gleaned over a five year period from old records and publications, interviews and correspondences with many county residents and former residents, family histories, etc. Brown County History is a topical history of the settlement and growth of the county from earliest times up to the present. It is a compilation of the accomplishments of our county. Although the book is much larger than was first anticipated, the committee knows full well that a wealth of information is not included here. For convenience, this book has been divided into three sections. Part I is about the county as a whole,- exclusive of Aberdeen. Part II is the history of Aberdeen, the county seat. And Part III discusses many topics importantto the whole county, including Aberdeen. Each chapter covers a particular topic rather than a period of time. Although individual chapters are organized chronologically, the arrangement of chapters within any one section of the book is largely arbitrary. The reader may, therefore, read the chapters in any order he prefers. In 1965 the Brown County Territorial Pioneers wrote the Early History of Brown County. This present volume was written to complement that history and to update it. Whenever possible, the committee has attempted to avoid duplicating both the text and the excellent photographs of that earlier book."