Head ski suit full body vintage 90’s blue poppers Mens size 54 R.

Armpit to armpit 27”

Full length 64”

Inner leg 31”

Belt missing

Please support our mission at Filthyeco-rich to stop items needlessly hiding to landfill, by purchasing this item. 

We aim to rescue beautiful clothes that are destined for landfill and give them a new home where they'll be loved and cherished by you. We keep prices low to help you save not only the planet, but money too!  

Some of our items aren't laundered, may contain marks or flaws- these will all be highlighted within the description above. By not washing clothes, we save water and electricity costs- a cost we're able to pass on to our lovely customers. Some items are washed prior, again, this will be highlighted in the description.

We provide postage discounts so please reach out if the option isn't available.

Thank you for helping to save the planet with us!

Natalie @ Filthyeco-rich