If you are ready to cash in on a multi-million dollar a year business, then keep reading because ...

Now You Can Easily Start Selling
eBooks, Reports & Software!

WHAT WOULD YOU DO if you had this ultimate package?
Sell the entire package? Sell them individually? Repackage them?
How will things be different for you 6 months from now? 


You can get this package for a ridiculous $39.95, all on one CD ... that's less than 10 CENTS per ebook! Contact us if you're interested in ANY individual component of this package, we have the ability to break up the package and sell you as little or as much as you'd like (individual ebooks are sold at $9.99 and up depending upon the title).


This is a package you can't afford to pass by!

Not only do you get  438 informational products that you can keep for yourself which will explode your business through the roof and will save you a fortune with secret tips and deals, but you also get resell rights so you can sell this package (just reproduce the entire CD) and/or the individual components of the package, anywhere you'd like. Sell them on online auctions, add them to your website ... use your imagination and you'll soon be smiling all the way to the bank! The suggested retail price of this entire package is $39.95, but you can even sell it for more if you want! Your cost to reproduce: $0. Your profit: 100% every single time. There just simply IS NOT another type of profitable business you can launch with this kind of minimal investment and such major returns. Even the best of affiliate programs only give you 50% commission. Why would you be someone else's reseller when you can get 100% commission?

The measly price you're going to pay for this offering (less than 10 cents per ebook) will pale into insignificance in no time … you'll see what we mean when your money starts rolling in. For example, we've been selling a bundle of just the e-cookbooks out of this package for $29.95! You could sell some of these ebooks for $10 each, some for $20 each, bundle some similar topics into a package and sell that for any amount you want ... is the light bulb going off yet? Now do you see why this is such an incredibly powerful opportunity for you to generate income? Remember, there are over 400 info products / ebooks in this package. Ch-ching!!

After receiving this jam-packed product, won't it feel great to know the secrets no one else knows on every imaginable subject and use them to your advantage in your business and personal life? Just imagine the implications!

Most of the eBooks in this package that come with Resell rights also include ready-to-go sales pages or mini sites! So all the legwork has been done for you!!

Are you ready to see what you'll get?



438 ebooks on hundreds of topics
(including over 19,000 cookbook recipes
which we've been selling as a package for $29.95),
plus lots of special reports!
 All for the incredible price of just $39.95.
 That's less than 10 cents per item!!!


 There's no time like the present, so be sure to get in on this amazing opportunity while the price is still SO low.
Place your bid today for a product that could very well change your life!


I'll also toss in "Contact Info Secrets Deluxe", my own personal file containing valuable inside secrets on how to find contact information for people or businesses, even the most elusive. Contact Info Secrets Deluxe contains over two dozen valuable, little-known resources that will literally yield hundreds of thousands of records. Plus 3 free bonuses. You'll also get detailed instructions on how to use these resources to sniff out the facts you're looking for. People have paid me as much as $17 for just ONE of these resources -- at that rate, you'd be paying over $400 for all 24! Investigators charge an arm and a leg to find information ... I'll show you how to go right to the sources they use and find the info yourself -- almost every time you can find it for FREE with these tools I've discovered in my travels as a Professional Research Consultant. This product is marketed exclusively by me since I am its creator. You won't find it anywhere else!

NOTE TO EBAY STAFF: We are authorized resellers of this information product in a partnership with the authors of these ebooks AND the bonus reports being offered here, and have rights of distribution and promotion. The buyer will receive these products on CD.

Hit the orange banner or this link for details about us, a buying FAQ,
AND how you can get up to 75 freebies with your order if you pay quickly!