Martha Stewart Living magazine, February 2000.  Marks from address label on cover, top corner creased.

Selected contents:
Valentine's Day Desserts, recipes.
6 Lessons for Decorating the Mantel.
Citrus in Pots.
Slow Cooked Meats, recipes.
What to Have for Dinner, pullout recipe cards.
Cooking:  risotto 101.
Tasting:  peppercorns.
Gardening:  snowdrops.
Dessert of the Month:  Cannele.
Good Things:  crayon hearts, rose napkins, paper heart wrappings.

Selected advertisements:
Estee Lauder featuring Elizabeth Hurley, 2 pages.
Revlon featuring Melanie Griffith, 1 page.
Ultima II featuring Cybill Shepherd, 2 pages.
Milk featuring the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond, 1 page.