What a wonderful look at life in the mid-west in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of O’Brien and Osceola Counties and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original 2 Volume set published in 1914.


Past and Present


O'Brien and Osceola

Counties, Iowa





For O'Brien County





For Osceola County









Indianapolis, Indiana


(1400 pages on 1 CD)

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Volume 1    Table of Contents as Shown:


Chapter I. The pioneer of O'Brien County 
Chapter II. First beginnings 
Chapter III. The early settlers 
Chapter IV. Upbuilding 
Chapter V. Homesteads and free land 
Chapter VI. County government 
Chapter VII. The court houses of O'Brien County 
Chapter VIII. Storms, prairie fires, grasshoppers and blizzards 
Chapter IX. County seat contests 
Chapter X. Old settlers' reunion 
Chapter XI. Agriculture 
Chapter XII. Educational 
Chapter XIII. Indian occupancy of this territory 
Chapter XIV. Reminiscences of early pioneer days in O'Brien County 
Chapter XV. Reminiscences 
Chapter XVI. Banks and banking 
Chapter XVII. The courts 
Chapter XVIII. The O'Brien County bar 
Chapter XIX. Litigation in O'Brien County 
Chapter XX. The press 
Chapter XXI. Medical history of O'Brien County 
Chapter XXII. The churches of O'Brien County 
Chapter XXIII. Lodges of the county 
Chapter XXIV. Towns and townships 
Chapter XXV. O'Brien County in the Humorous 
Chapter XXVI. Miscellaneous 
Chapter XXVII. The Scrub Poet 
Chapter I. Geology and topography 
Chapter II.
Allison Township
Chapter III. Cities and towns 
Chapter IV. Religious history of Osceola County 
Chapter V. Medical history of Osceola County 
Chapter VI. The legal fraternity 
Chapter VII. Military history 
Chapter VIII. Extraordinary events 
Chapter IX. Miscellaneous items of interest


Volume 2


Adams, Adkins, Agar, Alexander, Aldinger, Algyer, Appleton, Archer, Armstrong, Attig, Aupperle, Avery, Babcock, Ballou, Bangert, Bark, Beebe, Beers, Berne, Bidwell, Billingsly, Bishop, Blaesser, Blahauvietz, Blake, Bloes, Bobzine, Bock, Boies, Bonderman, Bonner, Boor, Bossert, Boyce, Boyd, Brackney, Bradrick, Brady, Brahan, Braig, Brandt, Briggs, Brock, Broders, Brosh, Brown, Brundage, Bunce, Bunker, Burlet, Burley, Burns, Byers, Bysom, Cain, Cajacob, Callenius, Campbell, Cannon, Clark, Clarksean, Claussen, Cleaveland, Clements, Closson, Coleman, Conn, Cooper, Corns, Cowan,Cram, Cronin, Crum, Culver, Cutsinger, Daly, Day, Dean, Delan, De Beste, Denny, Derby, Dewey, Diamond, Doolittle, Dougherty, Dornbusch, Downing, Draper, Dries, Dummett, Dunkelmann, Egdorf, Eichner, Elliott, Ely, Emery, Engelke, Epping, Evans, Ewoldt, Farnsworth, Farquharson, Fillenwarth, Finch, Flinder, Fogle, Foote, Foskett, Frey, Friedrichsen, Frisbee, Fruhling, Gardner, Gaster, Geister, Gere, Gilkinson, Gill, Glover, Gole, Gosch, Grant, Graves, Green, Grending, Guhl, Hain, Hakeman, Hamilton, Hand, Hanon, Harding, Harker, Harris, Harvey, Hass, Hastings, Heatherington, Helmer, Henderson, Hendrick, Herrick, Hickey, Hickok, Hill, Kinman, Hinz, Hodapp, Hoeven, Hoffmann, Hoke, Horton, Hough, Hughes, Hulser, Ihle, Irvine, Jackson, Jacobson, Jepsen, Jinkinson, Johnson, Jones, Jossem, Kas, Kelley, Kenderdine, Kennedy, Killmer, King, Kirchhof, Knaack, Kopp, Kundel, Lange, Lemke, Lewis, Lighter, Linsday, Linquist, Locke, Logan, Loger, Longshore, McBride, McCallum, McCandless, McClellan, McCormack, McCracken, McDougall, McElwain, McFarland, McKenna, McNeill, Macomb, Mann, Mansmith, Martin, Mateer, Mathern, May, Mayne, Maytum, Meier, Meltvedt, Messer, Metcalf, Metz, Meye, Miller, Montzheimer, Moorhead, Morton, Mullin, Murphy, Nelson, Neuman, Noehren, Nott, Noyes, O'Donnell, Olson, Osgood, Overholser, Patch, Peck, Peisley, Peters, Phelps, Philby, Phinney, Pingel, Protextor, Putnam, quilleash, Ralston, Randall, Raymond, Reader, Rector, Redmond, Reifsteck, Rembe, Rerick, Rhodes, Richards, Richter, Robertson, Roland, Romey, Roth, Royce, Runyan, Ruther, Ruwe, Sands, Saupe, Schaap, Schaefer, Schneider, Schnurr, Schoelerman, Schubert, Schuknecht, Schultz, Scott, Shea, Shearer, Sheldon, Shell, Shinski, Shumway, Shuttleworth, Silverthorn, Sims, Sleeper, Slick, Smith, Snider, Sokol, Sollitt, Solon, Soop, Stage, Stamp, Stearns, Steelsmith, Steinbeck, Stoelting, Strampe, Streit, Sweeney, Swensen, Tagge, Taylor, Thatcher, Thietje, Tierney, Tow, Townsend, Trainer, Turnbull, Van Epps, Vogel, Vos, Voss, Wagner, Walter, Ward, Wassman, Waterhouse, Weal, Webster, Weinke, Whitney, Wiechner, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winkler, Winterfield, Wolf, Wollenberg, Woodman, Woods, Wright, Young, Youngers, Yungbluth, Zahn, Zimmerman