What a wonderful look at life in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Richland County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1901



Centennial Biographical



Richland County,





A.J. Baghman, Editor




The Lewis Publishing Company




696 pages on 1 CD

 An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 






The Pioneers

Captain Thomas Armstrong

Captain Pipe

Greentown and the War of 1812

The Killing of Tom Lyons

First Settlement Again

Indian Civilization

Early Day Musters

Pioneer Gatherings

The Heroes of '76

Of Great Prowess

Places of Interest

The Robinson Castle

Caves and Caverns

Moody's Hill

Ancient Earth-Works

Hemlock Falls

Uncle Jonas' Lake

Spooks' Hollow

Facts versus Fiction


Underground Railroads

Richland County In the Civil War

Murder Mysteries

Towns and Villages

Helltown and Greentown

Potato Region

Richland County's Place in the Galaxy of Ohio Poets

The Mansfield Lyceum

A Hundred Years

Our Illustrious Dead

Ashland County


The Zimmer Massacre

The Fatal Return

The Copus Massacre

Monuments Reared

The Black Fork Settlement

Pioneer Incidents

Two Battle of Cowpens

Lyons' Falls

Ancient Mounds





Abbott, Aby, Ackerman, Albertson, Albach, Alvord, Andrews, Applegate, Arehart, Arter, Ashbaugh, Au, Avery, Backensto, Balliett, Barnes, Barr, Barton, Baughman, Beam, Beaver, Bell, Benedict, Berno, Berry, Bloom, Boals, Bonham, Bricker, Brinkerhoff, Brook, Brown, Brucker, Brumfield, Burkholder, Burneson, Burns, Bushej, Bushnell, Cahall, Calhoon, Cappeller, Chamberlain, Chapman, Charles, Clark, Cline, Close, Clowes, Cobban, Cockley, Cole, Colwell, Cook, Corbett, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Crall, Crawford, Crutn, Culler, Cummings, Cunningham, Darling, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, De Camp, De Lancy, Dick, Dickerson, Dill, Dittenhoefer, Ditwiler, Doty, Douglass, Eastman, Eckert-Lawrence, Ellis, Elston, Evarts, Ewing, Farber, Ferguson, Ferrell, First, Fisher, Fitting, France, Francis, Fraser, Frederick, Freer, Freeze, French, Fullton, Gans, Garber, Geddes, Gerhart, Gilger, Goodman, Gorhatn, Gorham, Guthrie, Hafer, Hale, Hall, Hamblin, Hammon, Hancock, Haverfield, Haycox, Hazlett, Henry, Herring, Hersh, Hess, Hildebrant, Hill, Hines, Hofman, Hogan, Holtz, Homer, Hoover, Hopp, Hout, Hubbs, Huber, Hughes, Humbert, Hunter, Huston, Her, Jesson, Kallmerten, Kaylor, Keating, Kingsboro, Knox, Kohler, Kooken, Kuebler, Kuhn, Kyner, Laffeity, Lanehart, Lautermilch, Leiter, Lemley, Leppo, Lewis, Lindsey, Livingston, Loiselle, Long, Loose, Lybarger, Lyon, Manner, Mansfield, Maring, Marriott, Marvin, May, McBride, McConkie, McCormic, McCray, McCully, McCurdy, McDermut, McLaughlin, Mengert, Metcalfe, Metz, Miller, Milligan, Mitchell,  Moore, Morrow, Moser, Mowry, Myers, Needham, Nelson, Nichols, Noble, Norris, Oberlin, Ohler, Ott, Ozier, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Patterson, Pearce, Peterson, Pittenger, Plank, Poland, Porch, Post, Potter, Price, Pugh, Pulver, Quinn, Rabold, Ramsey, Reed, Remy, Reynolds, Ricketts, Roasberry, Robinson, Robison, Ropp, Rose, Rummel, Samsel, Schauck, Scott, Sefton, Sewell, Shafer, Sharp, Shatzer, Shaw, Sheets, Shepard, Sherman, Shocker, Simpson, Skiles, Sloane, Smart, Smith, Snavely, Snyder, Spayde, Stake, Stambaugh, Starr, Statler, Stevenson, Stober, Stratford, Strimple, Sutter, Switzer, Taylor, Thompson, Todd, Torrence, Tracy, Trauger, Tucker, Vanscov, Voegele, Wagner, Walters, Weaver, Webber, Weiser, Welty, Wentz, Wharton, White, Wiles, Williams, Wilson, Winters, Wirth, Wise, Witt, Wolfe, Wolff, Wolford, Zehner, Zook,