DEVILBLISS HIGH SCHOOL Alumni Directory 1994 Toledo OHIO phone numbers

This is “DEVILBLISS HIGH SCHOOL: 1994 ALUMNI DIRECTORY,” a previously-owned, medium-sized, hardcover book published by Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co. It features the students and their addresses, including many phone-numbers.

Thomas A. DeVilbiss High School was a public high school in Toledo, Ohio, from 1931 to June 1991. It served the Old Orchard neighborhood of the city and was part of the Toledo Public School District. The building still sits at 3301 Upton Avenue near the Central Avenue intersection. The DeVilbiss Tigers were members of the Toledo City League and donned the colors of orange and black. Their main rivals were the Start Spartans, although rivalries existed with the St. Francis Knights and the Libbey Cowboys, whom they used to annually play football against on Thanksgiving day. Due to a declining enrollment and low finances, DeVilbiss was closed, along with Macomber and Whitney high schools, at the end of the 1990-1991 school year…

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