Custom Guitar Lessons
Classic Rock Series DVD

Learn rock classics with live instructor support!

This DVD contains a series of lessons from a guitar teacher with 30+ years experience playing, performing and teaching great classic rock.  This is an informal get-right-to-it video that uses a simple easy to follow method whose goal is to examine the parts completely.  Designed just as a one-on-one private guitar lesson using an audio-visual format - NO TAB or written material.  Learn just as you do in a live lesson: thru demonstrations, examples, and detailed explanation with alternative fingerings and close-ups of the neck fingerings with relevent right hand parts. You can progress at your own pace and also help train the ear to eventually pick out your own material. 

This DVD series includes lessons that are designed to benefit a wide ranges of ages and abilities.   Newer students will find months of material to work on in each DVD - starting on easier songs and working up to the more difficult.  The more experienced players may still find surprises in the easier material or just move more quickly to the more advanced details of the chords, riffs and leads.  

(NOTE:  This DVD is geared toward mid-intermediate level players.  This includes some of his well known intense guitar techniques and some parts may require a more experience and existing knowledge of tapping technique.)

Classic Rock Guitar - EVH!

You get 1 DVD that includes lessons with instructional demos (20-30 min each) based on songs listed below. 

Lessons on this DVD:

Ain't Talkin 'bout Love
Runnin With the Devil 
Hot For Teacher
Jamie's Cryin' 
(demo -or- for more advanced players w/some tapping experience)

(over 2 full hours of guitar study)


 *The DVD Seroes is intended for Intermediate+ guitar players who already know basic chords and notes but want to learn these great songs.  This DVD is a bit more advanced than some due to the content of material - NOT recommended for newer players.  These lessons teach the chords, notes, selected leads and techniques necessary to play the songs.  It does include main leads in greater detail but is not just a 'lead lick' video - as the goal of this series is to concentrate on all main guitar parts to teach the complete song.

None of the original artists appear on this DVD.  VGL lessons are property of AJ Multimedia which holds exclusive distribution rights.   This series contains video of instructional material intended for private use by the buyer for learning purposes. Duplication, advertisment or resale prohibited.

View EVH Bonus Sample Clip

View Other Sample Clips (on youtube)