24k Gold Plated Energy Beauty Bar

This 24k Gold Plated 'T' shaped massage bar provides smooth movement over the contours of the face and body. The device uses Micro-Current vibrations (6000 rotations per minute) to stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles, promote collagen synthesis (improved elasticity) and refine tired and ageing skin.

You can slim and lift tired sagging or fatty skin tissue in as little as 3 minutes a day, this is the minimum time needed to create a slimmer lifted rejuvenated complexion. I use the bar in the shower as the machine is waterproof and this helps the bar to glide easily over the skin.

This Gold Plated Energy Bar is also recommended to improve the absorption of Skin Serums making your slimming contouring or wrinkle reduction creams more effective.

Please see below for a video clip showing speeded up results and a second video which is alittle longer and is filmed in china, this video is well worth watching as it gives clear instruction on how to correctly lift and contour the face with visible results within a 7min video.

Thankyou for looking...