Gardner ATTs iW Underlit Bite Alarms & V2 ATTx Receiver Set of 4

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NOTE: Select your chosen V2 ATTx Receiver from the "Receiver Type" option. If you want a mixture of LED alarm colours simply select the "Mixed Colour" option and attach a message at the checkout with your preferred choices.

The ATTs Alarms working with the V2 ATTx Receiver will be by far the most optimum form of bite detection in terms of reliability, simplicity and efficiency. The ATTs iW Underlit silent head features:
The LED position on the Underlit ATT heads has been moved from the front face of the alarm to under the wheel, lighting up the roller when a bite occurs.

The biggest advantage of the roller under-lit format is that it offers better peripheral visibility where ever the angler may be in relation to the rod set up.

The ATTsi is supplied with a 2 magnet clear roller wheel as standard. This can be easily swapped over to a colour matched wheel that really enhances the colour of the light emitted and colour of the illuminated wheel. CHOOSE YOUR RECEIVER:

The V2 ATTx and ATTx Deluxe Receivers are both compatible with V2 ATTx Transmitters and all ATTs heads. Compatible with virtually any alarm that has a jack-plug socket (TLB's, Delkims, Nevilles, Fox...); simply use the appropriate size of ATTx Transmitter and link them up!

V2 ATTx Receiver features:
With a host of features and fully compatible with all current and forthcoming ATT products, there's no wonder that the V2 System has taken the angling world by storm. ATTx Deluxe Receiver features:
The ATT Deluxe receiver sets a new benchmark in wireless bite alarm system performance when combined with the ATTs Alarms or the ATTx transmitter systems.