5 pounds Bali Blue Moon Organic Fresh, Green Un-Roasted Coffee Beans...always the freshest and current crop!

Cupping Notes: Dark Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Black Licorice, Basil 

Fresh Roasted Each Morning & Shipped in the Afternoon! Although It presents traces of the earthy flavor profile characteristic of Indonesian coffees, Bali Blue Moon renders a clean and classic brew. Exotic, flavorful, and aromatic. Bali Blue is fully Indonesian in character but without being "earthy". Full of ripe stone fruit and Dutch chocolate tones, with a rich full body. This is one of our most popular offerings. Region: Kintamani highland areas, central Indonesia; Soil: Volcanic; Altitude: 1,200 - 1,600 meters; Variety: Bourbon, ( S 795 & USDA 762) Typica, Catimor; Certification: Organic; Harvest: May - October; Process: Hand picked, wet-hulled, two-step. Bali Blue Moon's lushness is perfectly suited to French press brewing to intensify its sweet, full body. The drip method will emphasize the coffee's clean flavors but brewing with a paper filter will trap some of its aromatic compounds. On the other hand, the vacuum (siphon) pot will deliver pronounced aroma and deeply-toned flavor. We roast this coffee to a medium to a dark roast to capture its "sweet spot" and highlight its memorable character. Grown in the Kintamani Highlands of North Bali, Indonesia, this coffee makes a lasting impression.

·         Important Information:

  • Indications
    Since each purchase is handled personally by our roasters, roasted coffee orders are shipped immediately on the same day as roasted. Warm bags are carefully handled and packaged to ensure freshness. Note: Whole Beans stay fresher for a longer period of time. Brew and enjoy!

    Exotic, flavorful, and aromatic. Bali Blue is fully Indonesian in character but without being "earthy". Full of ripe stone fruit and Dutch chocolate tones, with a rich full body. This is one of our most popular offerings.

    Roasting and/or brewing instructions included with product.

 Product Description:

Among the archipelago nation of Indonesia lies its hidden Jewel, the island of Bali. The eruption of the Gunung Agung Volcano in 1963 caused a delay in the progress of modern-day coffee cultivation on Bali. In response to this situation, the government enacted programs in the 1970's and 1980's to help rejuvenate coffee production. With the distribution of coffee seedlings to local farmers, an island wide coffee growing campaign began. Today, the coffee growing area in Bali is an estimated 7,500 hectares. The Kintamani highlands, where most coffee is grown, sits atop a large volcanic plateau between 1300-1700 meters altitude. Coffee tree varieties include a high percentage of Bourbon and Typica, along with shade trees such as Erythrina, Albizia, Tangerine and Orange. The use of pesticides is prohibited on Bali and all fertilizers are 100% organic. The Subak Abian is a traditional farming structure organization in Bali, similar to a farmer cooperative. There are 13 different Subak Abians that are currently growing and processing coffee. The "SA" oversee both agricultural technology and religious activities. The promotion of improved coffee growing practices is expected to enhance not only agricultural technology but social and economic standing in Bali as well. This Jewel among coffees stands out with smooth body and overwhelming chocolate flavors.

Tasting Notes

We roasted this bean in two batches: Medium-Dark (FC+), and Dark (French-Vienna). After resting the roasted beans for 48 hours, we cupped them with the following impressions.

Dark Roast - The Dark roast of the Bali as this is the most crowd-pleasing roast level, with an intense aroma and flavor. Bali is everything you want in a deeply dark Sumatra, only better. The dark-dark roast level makes wonderful espresso or french press brews with dark bitter chocolate and lesser hints of orange peel, cedar and wood smoke. It is very low acid, with substantial body, a complex taste profile that is like a good Sumatra but slightly cleaner. Bali Dark-Dark should be enjoyable by anyone who likes dark roast, approachable coffee.

Medium Dark Roast – Roasting a little lighter, to a Full City to Full City+, notes of orange peel and cedar smoke arise with a chocolaty finish. It’s low acid and smooth, with a heavy, supple body. The flavors are a bit more complex in the lighter roast over the darker roast, there is a savory sweetness to it. The cup has a bit more snap to it as well as a hint of something exotic and a bit wild (perhaps like a holiday in Bali?) The beans themselves look a bit mottled as is common in Indonesians not roasted super dark.  

Location: Kintamani Highlands, Bali, Indonesia

Altitude: 4,265-5,577 FT

Varietal: Bourbon, Typica

Process: Wet - Hulled. This process removes the outer skin of the red cherries by pulping machine. The mucilage - covered parchment is then put into fermentation tanks for 24-36 hours

Drying: After washing, the parchment is then dried on racks or mats to 40% moisture, then it is hulled and the drying process is finished.

Harvesting Period: May - July

Export Period:  August – October

Did you know:
Ground roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2 days?
Whole roasted beans lose their optimal flavor in about 2-3 weeks.
If your coffee wasn't roasted just before you purchased it, chances are, it isn't fresh. The difference in flavor between fresh coffee and stale coffee is not subtle. Did you know that without fresh coffee, your espresso machine will have a hard time producing that thick crème you are trying so hard to achieve? Drip, French Press, Vacuum or espresso - every brewing method will produce better results with fresh coffee. That is why we custom roast to your order. Or try purchasing our carefully selected green beans and roast at home.