Lexikon Des Buddhism Grundbegiffe/Traditions CD Digitale Bibliothek No. 48

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Lexicon of Buddhism

Klaus Josef Notz

published by directmedia-verlag

Basic concepts, traditions, practice
Edited by Klaus-Josef Notz

As one of the three major world religions, Buddhism has shaped much of the Asian continent for almost two millennia. For a long time it has also met with increasing interest in the West because of its intellectual and spiritual power. The "Encyclopedia of Buddhism" compiled under the direction of the Munich religious scholar Klaus-Josef Notz provides information in more than 1,200 articles on the main teaching traditions and schools of Buddhism as well as on the historical formations in the leading Buddhist cultures of India, China/Japan, Sri Lanka/Burma /Thailand etc. It also takes into account the reception of Buddhism in the western hemisphere and facilitates the in-depth discussion of individual aspects with numerous references to literature. Historically competent and philologically reliable, in an objective presentation and with great balance in terms of traditions, schools and teaching systems, the work prepares comprehensive knowledge in an easily readable presentation.

reading and orientation
- clear content tree in explorer style
- User-friendly text display: half-page mode for easy reading (large letters), full-page mode for research, double-page mode for an overview

Search and Cite
- Simple full-text search for quick query of keywords or quotations
- complex search with operators and placeholders, also case-tolerant
- clear list of sources with a direct link to the text
- verbatim page concordance to book editions

Tag and comment
- Set bookmarks by simply marking them
- Markers can be managed, commented, printed and saved in lists

Print and Export
- Custom printouts with result preview
- Print multiple pages on one sheet
- Copy and export text passages and images to other applications

Pictures (if available)

- Clear image preview
- three resolutions: slide size, preview and full screen
- Printing and exporting all images

Library Management ( Windows only, optional)
- Parallel use of several volumes
- Hard disk installation
- Extended search options for all volumes of the digital library

System requirements:
PC from 486, 32MB RAM
Graphics card from 640*480 pixels, 256 colors
CD-ROM drive
MS Windows 98 Me / NT / 2000 / XP
Mac from MAC0S 10.3 128MB RAM
As one of the three major world religions, Buddhism has shaped much of the Asian continent for almost two millennia. For a long time it has also met with increasing interest in the West because of its intellectual and spiritual power. The "Encyclopedia of Buddhism" compiled under the direction of the Munich religious scholar Klaus-Josef Notz provides information in more than 1,200 articles on the main teaching traditions and schools of Buddhism as well as on the historical formations in the leading Buddhist cultures of India, China/Japan, Sri Lanka/Burma /Thailand etc. It also takes into account the reception of Buddhism in the western hemisphere and facilitates the in-depth discussion of individual aspects with numerous references to literature. Historically competent and philologically
Marke Digitale Bibliothek
Format CD
Sprache Deutsch
Produktart Religion
Vertriebsmedien CD
Plattform Mac
Plattform Windows