Condition: 100% brand new and high quality

Color : Blu& White

Package: 50 pcs/bag


Lilies can be planted in the spring and fall. Lilies can be planted even in the summer. Spring planting Lily avoids the risk of soaking and freezing the bulbs in the open ground. In the spring the roots grow better, so the survival rate is higher

Since Lily is growing in one place for a few years, you can choose the place, where the lilies will be comfortable to grow and blossom is a Sunny site, sheltered from the wind.

The soil of the Lily is very demanding:

the soil should be loose, fertile and with good drainage. Approximately 2-3 weeks before planting work the soil percapita with ash, peat and compost, adding a little fertilizer. Then plot where required smooth, lightly tamp and pour.


Seeds are sown at a depth of 0.5 cm in boxes or containers a depth of 10 cm, then sprinkle with ground or sand. Crops are watered using a sprayer.

If you grow lilies in the mini-teplichke, the seedlings will appear a little faster and the germination rate will be higher. The shelter is saved until then, until you see sprouts, then the film or glass begin to take on a few hours a day, then removed completely.

When sprouts appear, conditions of seedling change. The seedlings you must provide diffused sunlight throughout the day and reduce the air temperature 12 – 20 °C. the Whole period the seedlings are regularly watered without allowing even a short-term drying of the soil.

As soon as seedlings appear first leaves, are seated in their individual capacity, observing the distance between the seedlings at least 5 cm care of the seedlings all the time does not change is the lighting, irrigation and careful tillage.

At the end of may – beginning of June comes the time to plant seedlings in open ground..
The young plants are planted at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from each other, given that they will eventually grow. It should be remembered that lilies water-loving, and not to forget the additional watering on hot summer days..
Some gardeners recommend planting seeds directly into soil in late autumn. In this case planting should be thoroughly mulch of pine needles or dry leaves, and in winter well covered with snow. With the onset of spring, in April, the land will begin to appear shoots, which are tended and greenhouse plantings.

Reproduction lilies seeds is a great way to get more resilient, disease-resistant plants

Conversion : 1 inch = 25.4mm or 1mm = 0.0393 inch

                         1 inch = 2.54cm or 1cm = 0.393 inch
